

Boehner v. women

Dear Friend,


Yesterday, more than 10,000 of you sent a message to Congress that all women, no matter where they work, deserve affordable access to birth control. Thank you.

A few minutes ago, President Obama announced a new, reasonable accommodation for religiously affiliated institutions like Catholic Hospitals. If they choose not to provide birth control coverage for their employees, insurance companies will be required to provide it to women for free.

Now the U.S. Catholic Health Association, the trade association representing Catholic Hospitals across the U.S., supports the plan. So does Planned Parenthood.

Obama said, "No woman's health should depend on who she is or where she works... Period."

But it's still not enough for Speaker John Boehner and his radical colleagues in Congress. They are vowing to do anything and everything to overturn the rule and deny thousands of women affordable access to birth control.

Don't let them get away with it. Tell Congress right now not to block affordable access to birth control for all women.

Meanwhile, Boehner's own taxpayer subsidized health care plan already covers birth control. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for the American people.

Most Americans are on our side. But Congress will be inundated with messages for a small but vocal minority.

With your help and your voice, we can make sure all women get the comprehensive health care coverage they deserve.

Please let Congress know where you stand right now.


Neera Tanden

President of the Center for American Progress,
Counselor to the Center for American Progress Action Fund

P.S. If you've already signed the petition, please forward this email to a friend and share on Facebook or Twitter. We need to show Congress where the American people stand.

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