

INDIANA: Protect Yourself with Model Releases

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Why do You Need Release Forms?

by Jennifer O'Rourke

Why do You Need Release Forms?

There's been a lot of talk lately in blogs, websites and magazines about the need to get releases whenever you step outside to shoot.

The truth is, you don't always need a model release form. The question is, when do you have to cover your assets, and when can you shoot freely? Hopefully, we'll be able to shed some light on some of the confusion. For more than a century, photojournalists in the United States have had the pleasure of shooting wherever and whenever they please, because they know that the First Amendment protects their rights to get coverage for their story. The gray area comes about with non-journalists who are in the dark about their implied 'rights' and don't exactly know when or why they might need a model or talent release form. Imagine all the breath-taking photos taken by noted TIME and LIFE magazine photojournalist Margaret Bourke-White, who traveled the country during the Great Depression, capturing...Continue

Zoom H2n Audio Recorder

by Mark Holder

Zoom H2n Audio Recorder

For budget friendly, uber audio, check out the Zoom H2n Audio Recorder.

We're all familiar with the truism that poor video may be forgiven as long as the audio is great, while the best video will suffer if the audio is lousy. Whether short film or feature, Hollywood blockbuster or local independent, the quality of your audio will make or break your production faster than any other single component. Today's cameras produce better images than ever before but usually are lacking in the onboard audio department. You could invest in a prosumer or professional level camcorder complete with XLR connectors, as well as a high quality shotgun mic, boom pole and loads of cable. But what if you either haven't got the budget for such items or you already have a consumer camcorder or DSLR? It shoots great video but the audio stinks; how can you capture audio with quality to match the images your camera produces without breaking the bank? That's where the Zoom H2n by Samson Technologies comes in. These guys are breaking new ground on a budget and for a couple hundred dollars you can capture fabulous audio to go with your awesome images. Oddly reminiscent of Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet (for you older videophiles out there) the Zoom H2n is black in color, sleek in appearance and fits very nicely in the palm of your hand. Largely plastic, with a black metal mesh surrounding the five microphone capsules, it is an attractive, well-designed...Continue.

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Compression Software for Web Video

by Andrew Burke

Compression Software for Web Video

Web video is everywhere, playing on laptops, through video game consoles, in digital magazines on tablet computers, and even on TVs and mobile phones.

There are many web enabled devices (electronics which connect to the Internet) that produce video and have made quite an impact on our everyday lives. All this web video comes from somewhere, but most camcorders typically don't record video fit for immediate viewing on the web. Herein lies the challenge: how to get our video playing on the web, and to make sure it looks its best! Some tweaking to the video is needed; our video must be compressed for the web. Video compression is needed to change our large video files into smaller video files so that they can be shared more easily and viewed online. Luckily for us, there's a whole world of video compression software to get our video ready for the web. Basic video editing software like Windows Live Movie Maker, usually includes an AVI compressor option for the web. Professional video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, gives us more advanced, detailed compression options. There are even stand-alone compression software tools like Sorenson's Squeeze, Apple's Compressor 4 and MPEG Streamclip that handle video compression without the need for any other software. So whether you want...Continue

DSLRs' Audio Limitations: Azden's Newest Mixer May Be the Ticket

by Richard Ober

DSLRs' Audio Limitations: Azden's Newest Mixer May Be the Ticket

We all know the important place that DSLRs now have in the world of video production. The versatility of these cameras, the ability to alternate between still photography and video at a shoot, the interchangeable lenses, large processors, and more, have all meant that DSLRs are an attractive option for shooting video. At Videomaker we've written about a large number of these cameras and we continue to be impressed. But there has also always been a number of significant and important distinctions between prosumer camcorders and DSLRs and at the top of that list is... audio. Without an XLR input for recording sound, DLSRs depend on add-on accessories and/or separate audio recorders which then can, of course, complicate the work in post. That's where companies like Azden step into the picture. Azden has just announced their professional low noise audio mixer designed specifically for DSLR cameras, the FMX-DSLR. We at Videomaker are looking forward to taking a closer look at this audio mixer and pairing it ...Continue

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Field Recorders & Mixers Buyer's Guide
The Right Mic for the Job

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