

Practical Guide for CRM

Featured Business Technology Reports  
A Smarter Approach to CRM
A Smarter Approach to CRM
Sponsored by IBM
At its most basic level, customer relationship management (CRM) has always been about knowing your customers. Today, customers are simply demanding a new level of service. With instant access to information, customers expect a purchase experience that matches the ease and speed of the information-gathering experience. Read this white paper to see how a CRM solution can help you respond on the customers' terms.
How Web 2.0 Is Transforming CRM: Leveraging Social Media
How Web 2.0 Is Transforming CRM: Leveraging Social Media
Sponsored by SAP
Many view Web 2.0 as an opportunity to grow closer to their customers, better understand customer needs, and empower these customers to influence their company's strategy. This, in turn, opens the door to improved customer service, enhanced customer loyalty, and better customer advocacy. Read this white paper for a better understanding of the vast and emerging opportunities that Web 2.0 presents for customer relationship management.
Application Performance Almanac: 52 Weeks of APM Knowledge
Application Performance Almanac: 52 Weeks of APM Knowledge
Sponsored by Dynatrace
2010 saw plenty of dynamic activity in the application performance space and following all the changes can be an overwhelming task. To get a better handle on the abundance of information, the authors of this project put together a week-by-week look at the most relevant and timeless articles produced during the year. This easy-to-follow performance almanac contains over 50 articles of numerous topics around application performance, ranging from technical to conceptual areas of performance management.
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