

[Small Biz Tech Report] - Segment customers; Google Hang Out Threat; Gamification and more...

Small Business Technology Report - Email Newsletter 
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Upcoming Events


7th Annual Small Business Summit - NYC - March 2012 (use code "sbtr100" for $100 off)  


InfusionCon 2012 - April 2012 is going to rock. Join me, Gary Vaynerhchuck and many others there. 





Usually, I send Small Business Technology Report on Thursday's around 3pm, but I got so busy I wasn't able to send it out. Very sorry about that.

XERO: Many of use us Intuit QuickBooks, but there's a new company gunning for Intuit's customers but also customers who are not even using accounting solutions, yet. Check out my interview with Xero (including a video) a relatively new company to the US market.

PRODUCTIVITY TIPS: Being productive is something that ALL of us want. I put together about 20 tips from a variety of executives in tech companies of how YOU can be more productive. Check it out here and also check out the art that I drew myself.

DELL & THE CLOUD: Today I'm in San Francisco attending an event focused on Dell's continued migration to helping businesses better leverage cloud computing. After the Small Business Summit I'll be headed to SXSW(Austin) to cover all the great startups and presentations.

SMALL BIZ SUMMIT: The 7th Annual Small Business Summit is taking off like crazy with almost 300 tickets sold! Wow. You can view the Summit live, from your computer for only $9 ($20 off) with this link or please come in person and save $100 at this link. Please stop by and say hi.

TECH HELP PROJECT  - Many of you have emailed me asking me for my advice on this or that tech or business issue. I'm thinking of creating a little "club" or community where those small biz who might want some personal help from me can get it on a regular basis and much more. What do you think? Could you email me and let me know?

Scroll down to see the latest news and insight in the world of tech for small & growing businesses!


That was pretty much my week. What about your week?



Ramon Ray 


Ramon Ray, Editor & Technology Evangelist


Please visit Klout and click  on the topics you think I'm most influential about. 


Buy Ramon's Book
Technology Resources for Growing Businesses, my latest book, is now out and selling onAmazon.comIt's only $20. 

Why buy it? Quick, easy, fun read in how you (or a friend) can use technology as a tool to grow your business.

It'll be one of the best $20 you've spent. Buy it here.  


02-25-2012 12:53:02 PM

A recent report from security vendor Secunia points out the surprising fact that despite the evolution of hackers and malware now targeting critical third-party Windows applications (namely Flash, Java, and Acrobat Reader); there is still a fairly simple way for IT administrators to mitigate the risk posed by these new threats. Although past exploits have [...]...»

02-24-2012 12:00:26 PM

Kinko's has long been a trusted service provider to small businesses, acting as a great place to make copies, fax documents, and scan documents to e-mail. For start-ups and small businesses unable to afford a full office of equipment, Kinko's has been an invaluable resource. But with more and more businesses-and individuals-becoming fully automated, Kinko's, [...]...»

02-24-2012 10:00:44 AM

My son loves his Microsoft Xbox. I love his Xbox too and challenge him in basketball frequently - I've never won a game yet. What is even more interesting for me and probably (much) less for him is Microsoft Kinect for business. Kinect is an accessoryfor the Xbox that adds voice, facial and body recognition to [...]...»

02-23-2012 17:51:08 PM

Since the birth of Apple's iPhone, consumers and business professionals have come to appreciate the power of apps - in fact now the the smartphone itself is a novelty we buy our smartphones based on apps. Apps power and add amazing features and functionality to smartphones. How do the apps get created? There is an [...]...»

02-23-2012 14:00:22 PM

AT&T Poll Says Use of Tablets, 4G Devices, GPS Navigation Mobile Apps on the Rise Among Small Businesses HP Introduces World's First 27-inch All-in-One Workstation Nimble Leads Small Businesses into the New Social CRM Age with Nimble 2.0 VerticalResponse Launches Mobile App for Social Media Marketing Capterra Report Uncovers Business Software Trends   AT&T Poll Says [...]...»

02-23-2012 08:00:10 AM

Today's office is heavily reliant on computers for everything, but some positions haven't changed as technology has. Whether your small business has a staff of repair workers, cleaning people, or delivery workers, chances are you have at least one staff member who spends most of the day away from a computer. These employees need to [...]...»

02-22-2012 14:00:17 PM

Joomla is one of the most widely used open source content management systems available today. Though it's not as popular as the MIGHTY WordPress, we are yet to discover the hidden treasures that lurk beneath. I am going to discuss the Pros and Cons of using Joomla in this article, so the next time you're [...]...»

02-22-2012 10:00:29 AM

The Bible says "The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth," but these days "Geeks" have inherited the Earth. The Bible also says God created Earth in seven days. Yet, it seems to take "Geeks" about that long to improve upon a new technology. Take cloud technology, a pretty revolutionary concept! Instead of your computer housing files [...]...»

02-21-2012 16:33:15 PM

One of the things I dread most about running my business is dealing with the administrative hassles of the day to day, but so important, aspects of running it. I love organizing events, but even more, I love sharing with the attendees of the event. But to do an event means you've got to deal [...]...»

02-21-2012 16:00:16 PM

From our partnership with Business on Main Forecasters have been proclaiming the age of m-commerce for a decade now. Yet small enterprises keep doing business the old-fashioned way: online and via email. So I can hear you saying, "Mobile biz? Again? Really?" As we all know, technological advances typically outpace consumer adoption and social transformation. [...]...»

This email was sent to ignoble.experiment@arconati.us by ramon@smallbiztechnology.com |  
Smallbiztechnology.com | Montclair, NJ | Montclair | NJ | 07042

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