

DEN: The Dark Side Of Bike Culture

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Thrillist Denver
Monday March 26, 2012

Scot Lefavor's Art
Bike art gets mean
Hardcore city bikers are sometimes stereotyped as inconsiderate, dangerous, and headstrong, which would at least explain why they don't feel the need to wear helmets. For an artist who plays with that image instead of fighting it like an impetuous city biker, check out Scot Lefavor.

Debuted at a Mexican art show and now available in town, the Mile High designer's spraypainted works embrace the gritty side of the cycling subculture, are based on photos he took of his bike club buds, and include:

1. The Bike Shop: This $50 giclee print shows the Track Shack bike shop owner acting consistently with his joint's reputation. In reality, Scot insists, he's a "very nice guy who would love to help you"... yeah, if it's to go screw yourself!

2. Locked Up: From a photo Lefavor took in an area he calls "Blackout Block" (the one with Old Curtis Street and Bar Bar), this pricier original encourages partiers to lock themselves up with their bikes until the morning. Either that, or the dude's a highly responsible werewolf.

3. Tallbike Joust: Lefavor insists he's yet to joust himself, but is admittedly fascinated with the highly risky sport. At least the two contestants of this comic book-y scene aren't total numbskulls though, as they're shown wearing helmets.

Browse more of his hilarious bike pieces, at ScotLefavor.com

-----------------Morning Quickie------------------
^ Matt Kirshen - On Thu-Sat, head to Comedy Works to see the acclaimed British comedian and Last Comic Standing finalist take the stage.


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