

Gingrich scales back presidential campaign - Campaign 2012

The Washington Times Online Edition  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Campaign 2012

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich speaks during a campaign stop at Salisbury University on Tuesday, March 27, 2012, in Salisbury, Md. (AP Photo/The Daily Times, Laura Emmons)

Gingrich scales back presidential campaign

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is dramatically curtailing his campaign schedule, laying off about a third of his staff and dismissing his campaign manager as he focuses on a last-ditch effort to win the Republican presidential nomination at the party's convention.

Romney faces hurdle gaining Hispanic votes

GOP front-runner Mitt Romney's pledge to stick to the positions he has taken on the primary trail could hurt him in a general election matchup with President Obama, particularly with Hispanic voters over the question of immigration.

Republicans fear Obama will sell out to Russia

A defensive President Obama said Tuesday that he wasn't guilty of "hiding the ball" when an open microphone caught him pleading with the president of Russia to delay missile-shield talks until after this year's U.S. elections.

Inside the Beltway: Get Romneyfied

Love Mitt, surrender to Mitt: And so goes the rallying cry among Republicans who insist that the GOP nomination process end with Mitt Romney as the imperfect but inevitable candidate.

Inside Politics: Romney's fundraisers quietly amass millions

The campaign of Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney doesn't follow the practice of other major presidential candidates who have willingly identified their big-money fundraisers and the amounts they collect.

Obama has eye on election at summit

President Obama pressed Chinese President Hu Jintao to dissuade North Korea from its planned long-range missile launch next month, though Mr. Obama's plea was overshadowed by a few overheard half-whispers that caused a political furor back home over his foreign-policy honesty.

White House sure its energy policy is an election winner

Widespread criticism from the oil and gas sector hasn't shaken the White House's faith that, when given the choice this fall, Americans will choose President Obama's energy plan over that of his Republican challenger.

Louisiana win steels resolve of Santorum to stay in race

Fresh off a big win in Saturday's Louisiana primary, Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum on Sunday hammered front-runner Mitt Romney by painting him as "the worst candidate" the party could put up against President Obama.

Hot mic: Obama begs Russians for 'space' on missile defense talks

Unaware that a microphone was recording him, President Obama asked outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev Monday for breathing room until after Mr. Obama's re-election campaign to negotiate on missile defense.

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