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How-To: Carve a Stone Bowl

Heirloom Technology Stone Bowl MAKE Volume 24

Want to make a gift to eternity? Nothing says forever quite like a handmade stone bowl. Maker extraordinaire Tim Anderson writes our Heirloom Technology column each issue of MAKE, and for Volume 24, he shared his technique for carving a stone bowl. Head over to Make: Projects for the full tutorial. As Anderson notes, “Fortunately, tools with diamond-studded cutters have become cheap and abundant. They make stone carving amazingly fast and easy. The same techniques seen here can of course be used to make any sort of stone objects you desire. My bowl is heavy and shallow because I plan to use it for a mortar to make nut butter. And I want it to last forever.” What kind of bowl will you make?

Heirloom Technology Stone Bowl MAKE Volume 24

Heirloom Technology Stone Bowl MAKE Volume 24

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NEWS FROM THE FUTURE – Tattoo That Vibrates When Your Phone Rings

News From The Future-16

NEWS FROM THE FUTURE – Tattoo That Vibrates When Your Phone Rings @ Forbes via Unwiredview.

Nokia hopes to jolt the personal electronics and tattoo industries simultaneously with a new patent for a haptic tattoo that transmits "a perceivable impulse" through a person's skin when he or she gets a phone call, text message or email alert.

Patent here.

Voronoi Bookshelf Generator

Alan Rorie of San Francisco, CA, wrote in to share his Voronoi Bookshelf Generator software that helps you design your Voronoi-pattern bookshelf on-screen, then output files for laser cutting or CNCing. (See more MAKE posts about Alan.)

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iOS-Controlled Robotic iPhone Platform Meets Kickstarter Funding Goal


Josh Guyot and JoeBen Bevirt, creators of the Gorrilapod flexible tripod, went to Kickstarter to fund their latest invention, called Galileo, an “iOS-controlled robotic iPhone platform with infinite spherical rotation capability.” It looks beautiful, and the Kickstarter price of $85 seems reasonable. I’m looking forward to seeing how makers incorporate the device into their own creations.

An Inexpensive Self-Balancing Robot

This self-balancing robot was designed and built by Kerry Wong and uses just a few ICs and some basic electronic components to get the job done. This project is definitely more up your alley if you’re interested in using discrete components rather than a microcontroller designed for prototyping, but the cost in doing it this way makes it attractive.

From Kerry’s site:

I used a LPY450AL for the gyroscope and anMMA8453Q for the accelerometer. These two devices are rather inexpensive and the IMU can be built for well under $10.

The toy truck I used for this project has a single motor that drives both of the rear wheels. Since I only need the drive wheels, I cut off the unused front portion. The toy car's plastic chassis is not rigid enough so I hot-glued a few pieces of plastic and metal support on the back. The extra support is important as excessive vibrations affect the accuracy of the sensor measurements.

Here is the bill of material in my build:

Platform: Toy truck (0 – $20)
Controller: ATmega328P (~$4)
Accelerometer: MMA8453Q (~$2)
Gyroscope: LPY450AL ($4)
H-Bridge: SN754410 (~$2)
Miscellaneous: ~$10

[via Hacked Gadgets]


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Collaborative Digital Drawing Game, Doodlr

Manchester-based design and advertising firm LOVE Labs created a real-time collaborative digital drawing game, called Doodlr.

With the help of Socket.IO and node.js we wrote a server application (we like to call this "Mo") that bridges the gap between smartphone web browsers and real-time, multi-user experiences. Doodlr is our first idea built using Mo.

They tested Doodlr out using the shop window of MadLab, a maker space in the Northern Quarter of Manchester. Participants connected through a smartphone browser via URL or QR code. Then they had 12 seconds to draw whatever prompt was on-screen: “heart,” “ghetto,” “mullet,” etc. As they drew, the drawing instantly showed up in the shop window, with a maximum of 6 artists drawing in the same drawing space at a time (each person was assigned a different “ink” color). Once the 12 seconds had elapsed, the drawing was saved and posted to a Flickr gallery.

“The thing that’s really exciting about this is the fact that it’s so instant. We’re not asking anyone to download an app, or even log in in to a specific Wifi network – Doodlr works in the browser, and over 3G,” says Graeme Rutherford, creative digital strategist at LOVE.

"Tacocopter" Scheme Spotlights Delivery-by-Drone Prospects

Tacocopter has been trending for awhile, now, but I wanted to hold off on covering it until the hype wore off a bit and a more sober analysis appeared. And now it has, thanks to Huffington Post reporter Jason Gilbert, who got an interview with MIT Personal Robots Group alum Star Simpson, one of three brains behind behind the project, and heard it straight from the horse’s mouth: For now, at least, Tacocopter is more stunt than startup.

Simpson told HuffPost that because of the FAA’s regulations — as well as other minor problems, like navigating the treacherous terrain of an urban environment, keeping the food warm, finding a city map precise enough to avoid crashes 100 percent of the time, avoiding birds, balconies and telephone wires, delivering food to people indoors, delivering food to the right person, dealing with greedy humans who would just steal the Tacocopter as soon as it got to them, etc. — the Tacocopter website exists more as a conversation starter about the future of food delivery (and delivery in general), as well as about the commercial uses of unmanned vehicles, than an actual startup plan or business.

The “Lobstercopter” graphic (“Taco Of The East!”) at the bottom right corner of the Tacocopter page is another strong clue, IMHO.  [Thanks, Rachel!]

Tacocopter Aims To Deliver Tacos Using Unmanned Drone Helicopters


In the Maker Shed: Wave Shield Kit

The other day someone asked me how they could integrate audio their Arduino project. The answer was easy, I just told them to use the Wave Shield Kit that we sell in the Maker Shed! This shield is one of my favorites; It allows you to play back audio files stored on an SD card. Just build the kit, load up a card with .wav files, add a speaker, and use the wavehc library to trigger playback in your Arduino sketch. The possibilities are limitless! Here’s a quick demo:

I think I’m going to build a door bell using random animal sounds like that. It will drive my labradoodle wild!


MicroRAX and Lego CNC

Jason Welch built this lovely CNC from MicroRAX t-slot beams with Lego bricks for the linear paths. See the video’s notes for some notes on sourcing the various components.

"Electric Lungs"

Welsh sculptor Jessica Lloyd-Jones created a series of four gas discharge tubes in the shape of human organs. Besides Electric Lungs, shown above, it includes Optic Nerve, Brain Wave, and Heart. The sculptures were executed at renowned New York glass studio Urban Glass, in collaboration with specialists there. [via adafruit]

Jessica-Lloyd Jones – Anatomical Neon

Incredible electronic bronze brain sculptures

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