

Romney, Santorum take fight to Illinois - The Washington Times

The Washington Times Online Edition  

Monday, March 19, 2012

Today's Top Stories

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney presses the flesh at a campaign stop Sunday in Moline, Ill. In a slap at rival Rick Santorum, Mr. Romney told "Fox News Sunday" that a winning Republican candidate can't run a "shoestring" campaign and expect to beat President Obama. (Associated Press)

Romney, Santorum take fight to Illinois

After trading barbs with Rick Santorum on the airwaves Sunday, Mitt Romney got in the last word with a big victory in Puerto Rico's Republican presidential primary, taking all 20 of the territory's GOP delegates.

GOP debates thinned field, but didn't produce clear consensus

Rick Santorum said Sunday that he wants to go head-to-head in a debate with Mitt Romney before the primary season is over — raising the possibility of one last showdown at some point.

Campaign inquiry turns focus to D.C. transportation firm

The federal investigation into widespread D.C. campaign-finance irregularities has moved beyond lawmakers and prominent donors to include a little-known transportation company that doesn't seem to drive many passengers but has delivered campaign cash to city politicians.

Syrians risk lives for refuge in Turkey

In snow-flecked forests separating Turkey and northern Syria, a band of some 50 Syrian rebels regroups in a makeshift hillside base, safe for the moment.

Same-sex benefits a powder keg in Pentagon

The Obama administration is withholding medical and other benefits from same-sex spouses of military members, but Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. says he can no longer defend the law that authorizes the practice.

Historic black church faces foreclosure from minority-owned bank

In a dispute that some are calling a modern-day updating of the biblical Parable of the Ungrateful Servant, a minority-owned bank that benefited from federal bailout funds is threatening to foreclose on one of the nation's oldest black churches.

Israelis agree that Iran hasn't decided on nuke

Despite saber rattling from Jerusalem, Israeli officials now agree with the U.S. assessment that Tehran has not yet decided on the actual construction of a nuclear bomb, according to senior Israeli government and defense figures.

CURL: 'Game Change': A made-up narrative from two axe-grinders

"Game Change" is a ridiculous farce of a movie — even more absurd as a chronicle of a major historical event — that appears to have been written mostly by two players who have major axes to grind with the higher-ups of the McCain campaign.

U.S. consults Iraq about Iranian arms flights to Syria

The State Department has said the U.S. and other countries are consulting with Iraq about Iranian flights of weapons to Syria after Iraq's prime minister denied a report in The Washington Times saying Baghdad is allowing such flights.

Maine GOP out to subvert independent King

Maine Democrats are struggling to find a strong contender to challenge for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Republican Olympia J. Snowe, but both parties may find their picks overshadowed by the independent candidacy of popular former Gov. Angus King.

Inside the Beltway: Tracking calories in Illinois

It's politics heartland style, and there's bacon involved: Republican president hopefuls Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum may battle mano a mano for the attention of Illinois voters before the state primary Tuesday. But the pair is not battling calorie a calorie.

Santorum: Conservatives don't want a CEO

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, responding to attacks from front-runner Mitt Romney that he lacks enough private-sector experience to be president, said Sunday that conservative Republicans aren't looking for a presidential candidate who can "manage" the economy.

Marriage education no sure solution

Marriage education improves relationships and lowers levels of marital distress, but doesn't deter divorce, at least in the short-term, says a new federally funded study.

P.G. County lobbies for casino

Prince George's County officials are urging state lawmakers to act quickly in passing a bill that could pave the way for a $1 billion casino in the county, but some legislators have lingering doubts about the proposal.

Romney lambastes Obama over military decisions

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on Sunday accused President Obama of mishandling U.S. military operations in the Middle East.

Clooney: Helping Sudan is in the best interests of U.S., China

Actor George Clooney on Sunday spoke out against the Sudanese hunger crisis and called on the United States to pressure China to step in and help put an end to "war crimes" in the northern African nation.


EDITORIAL: Destroy all churches

If the pope called for the destruction of all the mosques in Europe, the uproar would be cataclysmic. Pundits would lambaste the church, the White House would rush out a statement of deep concern, and rioters in the Middle East would kill each other in their grief. But when the most influential leader in the Muslim world issues a fatwa to destroy Christian churches, the silence is deafening.

KING & DEMINT: End Obamacare, don't mend it

Every election, voters are told that this election is the most important of our lifetimes. In most elections, it's not really true. In 2012, though, it probably is true, for one reason: Obamacare.

EDITORIAL: D.C.'s made-up gun laws

D.C. officials will do just about anything to keep law-abiding citizens from lawfully possessing a gun in the city. The Washington Times' Emily Miller has found in the "Emily Gets Her Gun" series that the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) has been spreading false information about firearms ownership. As a result, residents and nonresidents who have done nothing wrong risk false arrest and gun confiscation. As of Friday, the MPD's Firearms Registration Office had not removed the incorrect information from its website.

KNIGHT: Betrayal by any other name

What would you call it if some Americans went overseas to the United Nations Human Rights Council and gave aid and comfort to some of the most repressive regimes on the planet?

RICHARDS & BRADLEY: Goldman Sachs, greed and self-interest

On Wednesday, Greg Smith, an executive director at Goldman Sachs, announced his resignation in the pages of the New York Times. His reasoning: The company's employees and culture have morphed into a gross entity that sidelines the interests of the client in favor of making a quick buck. By his account, Goldman Sachs' culture has become "toxic and destructive." Mr. Smith no longer wants to be associated with the Wall Street giant. "People who care only about making money," he argues, "will not sustain this firm - or the trust of its clients - for very much longer."

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  1. EDITORIAL: Destroy all churches
  2. Same-sex benefits a powder keg in Pentagon
  3. Israelis agree that Iran hasn't decided on nuke
  4. CURL: 'Game Change': A made-up narrative from two axe-grinders
  5. KING & DEMINT: End Obamacare, don't mend it
  6. MILLER: D.C.'s crime solution: Be a victim
  7. WILLIAMS: The betrayal of Congressman West
  8. Historic black church faces foreclosure from minority-owned bank
  9. KUHNER: Oust Obama
  10. U.S. consults Iraq about Iranian arms flights to Syria

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