

Fun downtown art project - Small Biz Survival

Fun downtown art project - Small Biz Survival

Fun downtown art project

Posted: 03 Apr 2012 04:16 AM PDT

This downtown art project comes from Waynoka, Oklahoma, population 927. Far from a dressy, stodgy downtown, they have a casual attitude. It's a working class town with history as a railroad community.

The wooden utility poles downtown were in bad need of a new coat of that boring silver paint. What happened instead is far more fun. The people of the community painted the poles, and they got creative. Different groups did different poles, and everyone did different designs.

Art poles Art poles
Art poles Art poles

It won't draw any new visitors for you, but it could be a neat way to inject some life into what your visitors see when they do come downtown.

Won't this be a pain to maintain? Sure. But the city wasn't exactly keeping the boring silver paint in top condition. Wouldn't it be more fun to see fading creative graphics than fading silver?

And the casual, fun attitude suits Waynoka just fine.

How can you let your community get together and let a little creativity out?

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