

How to thrive as a second city agency

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  April 5, 2012 issue Forward this newsletter  |   Subscribe  |   View online
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How to thrive as a second city agency
By Jim Nichols
New York, Chicago, and L.A. may dominate the ad biz, but there are lots of strong agencies doing stellar work in smaller markets. Here's what it takes to succeed away from Madison Avenue.
5 trends in global web operations
By Marc Osofsky
It's crucial that advertisers keep up with all the shifting elements in digital marketing. Here are the mega trends emerging in content creation, publishing, and distribution.
7 ways to increase traffic via Pinterest
By Mark Simpson
With all this pinning going on, it's difficult to know where to start. Consider these tips to make it your greatest form of word-of-mouth marketing.
More observations from ad:tech 2012
By Diane Anderson
After last night's party circuit, attendees may have been tired but they still showed up for more banter about advertising. This morning's opening keynote was "The New Power Brokers: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google." AKQA CEO Tom Bedecarre...
The tablet revolution: What are consumers really doing?
By Gretchen Hyman
Lori Schwartz took the lead on a Master Class at ad:tech SF to review the tablet revolution and where it's headed. First perceived as an information and ecommerce vehicle, the tablet industry is now in the driver's seat and holds the unquestioned...
I could write a book on the information at the sessions I attended today.
By Sean X Cummings
I attended multiple sessions, all valuable, and was actually upset that I could not attend more. How rare is that? I could probably write a book on just the information that was available today at AdTech in the sessions I was in. So if you are in the...
In defense of God and Red Bull
By Gretchen Hyman
Guy Kawasaki and Robert Scoble took to the stage at ad:tech SF to chat about anything and everything in the digital sphere. Here's the fragmented script: Kawasaki: What should marketers do with their brands on social media? Scoble: Spread across all...
The Negotiation That Matters.
By Doug Weaver
This week I was forwarded a promotional e-mail from a sales rep at Undertone who offers his client the"Standout Brand Guarantee" a promise that if a pre-discussed brand metric is not met on a campaign then Undertone will hand back up to $50,000....
Does Timeline Increase Engagement?
By Daniel Flamberg
Now that Facebook has strong-armed everyone into the Timeline format, a skirmish has broken out over how much incremental engagement brands can expect. Introduced with claims that Timeline increased engagement for Toyota by 161 percent and Livestrong...
Winning Isn't Everything: The Tiger Woods Brand
By Barbara Apple Sullivan
I'd like to post this op-ed, which originally appeared as an op-ed on AgencySpy on April 3, 2012, on behalf of John Paolini, Partner and Executive Creative Director here at Sullivan. Tiger Woods is back. Well, sort of. With his first PGA-tour win since...
1. A social media planner's guide to pleasing the boss
2. 3 insane Starbucks campaigns
3. 11 agency buzzwords you need to know
4. 14 intriguing ways to use QR codes
5. 5 thriving social TV apps

Don Aydon, Regional Sales Manager, Tremor Video
Jessica Chaney, Media Supervisor, GSD&M
Rinku Mahbubani, Digital Associate Media Director, GSD&M
Keri Bender, Media Director, GSD&M

See who else went...

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