

Pros and cons of cloud-based Windows 8 authentication

April 26, 2012 Published by  SearchCloudSecurity.com

Cloud Security Briefing

By Joseph Granneman, Contributor
Windows Password and Security Tips
Companies deploying cloud-based services have discovered how complicated authentication can be. Each cloud service requires a different username and password combination along with multiple types of secondary authentication options, including tokens and certificates. This complexity can create other security risks as users implement common workarounds such as Post-it Notes stuck to monitors and underneath keyboards. Security technologies have been evolving to provide simplified authentication methods for cloud services. Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), OAuth and OpenID are some of the leading standards that provide single sign on capabilities for cloud-based applications.

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Cloud IAM: Creating connectors for dynamic cloud provisioning of users
Most organizations have multiple identity stores and access management mechanisms that require user provisioning. Provisioning these users in the cloud, however, becomes another task the enterprise must wrestle with. One of the features many organizations will want to implement to support cloud service is dynamic user provisioning. This technical tip will help identify practical mechanisms by which an organization can implement such dynamic cloud provisioning.
Cloud computing access control: Access management services in the cloud

Cloud security vendors win funding for technologies
The rush to the cloud can often make security an afterthought, but if recent funding announcements are any indication, the VC community wants to reverse that trend. CloudPassage, Cloud Lock and Symplified are among the cloud security vendors winning funding this year.
Cloud contracts: Cloud computing pricing

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