

Romney sweeps GOP primaries in D.C., Maryland and Wisconsin - The Washington Times

The Washington Times Online Edition  

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Today's Top Stories

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets people during a campaign stop at a Cousins Subs fast food restaurant, in Waukesha, Wis., Tuesday, April 3, 2012. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Romney sweeps GOP primaries in D.C., Maryland and Wisconsin

Mitt Romney swept Tuesday's primaries in Maryland, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia, putting more distance between himself and the rest of the GOP's presidential contenders in a race party leaders have said they'd like to see wrapped up soon.

Aging baby boomers take wheel for rules of the road

The nation's baby boomers, now entering into their golden years in record numbers, are not giving up the car keys without a fight.

GOP making gains on fundraising front

The 2010 midterm elections were a dream come true for the Republican Party at the ballot box but a nightmare for its bank accounts.

Special Section: Nationals 2012

Led by franchise cornerstone Ryan Zimmerman and a talented rotation headlined by Stephen Strasburg, the Washington Nationals enter the 2012 season with high expectations. After finishing 80-81 last year, the Nats will look to make the next leap and claim D.C.'s first playoff berth since 1933.

In attack mode, Obama labels Ryan budget 'social Darwinism'

Kicking his campaign into high gear, President Obama on Tuesday said Republicans' vision of smaller government and lower taxes for the wealthy amounts to "thinly veiled social Darwinism," and cast his own fiscal blueprint, with its higher spending and taxes, as the way to sustain the social safety net.

U.S. offers bounties for terrorist leaders in Pakistan

The State Department has put a $10 million bounty on the Pakistan-based founder of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, a militant group that has ties to al Qaeda and carried out the 2008 attack in India that left 166 people dead, including six Americans.

Virginia ditched DMV customer service overhaul after spending $28M

Virginia's Department of Motor Vehicles shoveled $28 million into a massive overhaul of its customer service system before scrapping the troubled project last year and quietly adopting a new plan, according to a state audit.

House subpoenas Obama administration on Gulf oil drilling

A House committee issued subpoenas Tuesday demanding the Obama administration turn over documents Republicans say will show the backroom negotiations that led to President Obama's Gulf of Mexico drilling moratorium in 2010.

Delaney scores upset victory in Maryland primary

Potomac businessman John K. Delaney lodged a convincing victory Tuesday in Maryland's 6th District Democratic congressional primary, beating a candidate who was backed by many of the state's most powerful Democrats.

No big shakeup on D.C. Council

Modest numbers of voters hit the polls throughout the District on Tuesday with the potential for altering the makeup of the beleaguered D.C. Council and decide who will carry their political party's flag into the general election in November.

Inside the Beltway: Needs covered for U.S. forces during holy days

Turkey, ham, lobster, gefilte fish: Here's uplifting news to counter the chaos of media and the doldrums of politics.

More than a dozen injuries in Texas storms

More than a dozen injuries ranging from minor to severe have been reported after tornadoes and violent storms raked through the Dallas area.

Biden blames fracking for earthquakes

The vice president shook up the scientific world Tuesday.

U.S. warns North Korea not to launch missile

The Pentagon on Tuesday warned North Korea not to go through with its planned satellite launch, which several nations suspect is a cover for an illegal ballistic missile test.

Nice guy Tom Hanks taking a left turn

Astronauts. War heroes. Men possessed of exceptional dignity and kindness. An overgrown all-American boy. Even a steadfast all-American toy. These are the kinds of signature roles that created Tom Hanks' beloved Everyman persona and propelled him to the top of Hollywood's A-list in the 1990s.

Obama's uncle back on road after drunken-driving plea

President Obama's illegal-immigrant uncle has received a limited driver's license from the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles only a week after entering a plea to drunken driving.


WOLF: What happened to my Barack Obama?

Barack Obama is not just our first biracial president, he was supposed to be our first post-racial president. Instead, he joins forces with race hustler Al Sharpton and escalates a tragic shooting into an inflamed, full-blown national race fight. What happened?

MILLER: Who doesn't want to be a millionaire?

Americans appreciate success. The popularity of the long-running show, "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" and the billion dollars Americans spent on lottery tickets last week demonstrate that most people would like to be part of the "1 percent." President Obama is hanging his re-election hopes on making Americans jealous enough to want to punish winners. It won't work.

KEISER: Dude, it's real, sustainable beef

"Dude, it's beef." That's what cool heads are saying in response to a bogus controversy over lean finely textured beef, a food that irresponsible critics have labeled "pink slime."

EDITORIAL: Obama flunks constitutional law

For someone who once taught classes at a law school, President Obama doesn't seem to know much about the powers of the Supreme Court.

EDITORIAL: A rising protectionist threat

India last week hosted a forum of the most powerful developing nations to discuss various trade and political issues. The BRICS summit - so named after its members Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - closed with the usual self-congratulatory remarks about global cooperation, but Brazil's comments stood out as a significant step in the wrong direction.

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  10. Aging baby boomers take wheel for rules of the road

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