

A special Opening Day

Make Opening Day extra special by supporting the one team all of us are always rooting for: our troops.  View Mobile Version

Dear USO Supporter --

All across America, it's Opening Day. As a player and a fan, I've always found the start of a new baseball season to be a time full of excitement and promise.

Fans streaming into ballparks, rooting like crazy for the home team. You can't beat that. This year, I'm hoping you'll help make Opening Day extra special by supporting the one team all of us are always rooting for: our troops.

Our troops' service is far more serious than any ball game. Everyday they protect the American way and make possible great moments in our lives like Opening Day. So, it only seems fitting that we open our hearts to show our troops that they have our unyielding support.

Join me and the USO in an Opening Day show of support for our troops. Donate $25 or more before Wednesday at midnight and the USO will send you a limited edition t-shirt.

Root for Our Troops. Get your limited edition "Support Our Troops" jersey-style t-shirt.

Baseball fans are some of the most dedicated and passionate people in the world. When we come together in support of our team, good things happen.

That's why I know, if we can all rally together this Opening Day, we can do something incredible for our troops. Let's make sure they know we support their service and we honor their sacrifice.

Support our troops with a special Opening Day gift to the USO and they'll send you this one-of-a-kind jersey t-shirt.

I'm truly honored to get this chance to work with the USO and give a little something back to our troops who give so much for us. And I thank you for taking part today.

Thanks for all you do for our troops,

Lasorda signature

Tommy Lasorda
World Series Champion

Support the Troops

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