

Inspiration on Demand? Yes! Unbelievable, but it WORKS!


NOTICE: In response to my previous email about my upcoming Teleseminar this Thursday, a surprising number of people wrote to tell me that they didn't believe that inspiration could ever be created on demand, because it is such a spontaneous process.

Yes! It certainly is spontaneous, but creating a way of allowing inspiration; inviting it to come to you whenever you need it, is both possible and surprisingly, very easy. I know this is so, because I regularly make that happen.

I invite you to revisit this extraordinary notion, as described in a more concise manner, below. I truly believe that you too can benefit from this valuable process and increase your effectiveness in obtaining inspiration, whenever you need it.


"How to Get an Inspiration Exactly When You Need It"

As I've worked over the years with people to solve the problems that come up in their lives, I've noticed that novelty and inventiveness are required of us far more often than we may realize.

What does this mean for our lives?

The message I have taken from it is that having inspirations
 on the spur of the moment is a HUGE ADVANTAGE.

We all know that we're forced to address some kind of pressing problem, usually very quickly, every single day, and sometimes several times a day.

Whether we're called upon to devise a completely fresh slant on a project, or create an entirely new way of dealing with another person, or discover a new way of accomplishing some practical task, invention and inspiration are usually needed.

But - this can pose a problem because.

we all know that the most difficult TIME to come up with a really new answer, or see a fresh way of tackling an issue, is when we have to do this right on the spot.

Or -  DO we know this?


A lot of my students have been surprised to learn that I've developed a simple process for creating "inspirations on demand," and have instinctively used this formula successfully for many years to continually generate "new ideas."

This has been a wonderful advantage..

.and NOW I am ready to share this method with you, to let you in on my "secret".

Just two days from now - on Thursday, May 31

... in a 90 minute training session (via telephone and webcast) I will be sharing with you some truly groundbreaking exercises I have devised so that you too can create an "inspiration" whenever you need one.

Would you like to multiply your creative "idea power" so that new solutions and inspirations are at your fingertips whenever you need them? 

Would you like them to flow into your mind on demand, as it were?

This could help you meet every day's calls to action in a totally new fashion.


What will the teleclass cost?

It is $59 regularly, but if you register before midnight on the day of the class - (May 31) the cost of admission to my powerful 90 minute class is only $37!

(After the event, when the recordings have been prepared, you will also be given six separate downloadable MP3s to practice with at home!)

For those who do not pre-register, the cost of the replays will be only $59 and will be available at http://store.patclass.com a few days after the event.




Now, you might be asking yourself, "How is it possible to receive an inspiration exactly when I need it?"

Well, personally, I just love trying out unusual approaches to various challenges and then tweaking them to make them work. I often surprise myself with the surprising things that I invent this way in every area of my life. The ability to be innovative has been such a natural blessing to me that I can't imagine what it would be like to be any other way!

So, when my clients, students and others repeatedly ask me how I manage to keep coming up with "new ideas" so often, up until now I really couldn't answer that question, because frankly, until recently I didn't have a clue how I did it!

Then, some of my colleagues decided to twist my arm to make me reveal my "secret", even though it had never occurred to me that this was a secret at all! So, I sat down and did some tall thinking to figure out what, in fact, this "secret" was.

The results of my self-exploration and the formulation of my "secret" are revealed in my upcoming Teleseminar:


"How to Get an Inspiration Exactly When You Need It"
(A 90 minute teleseminar with Dr. Patricia Carrington)

Date:  Thursday, May 31, 2012
     U.S. Time: 8:00 pm Eastern time
                     7:00 pm Central time
                        6:00 pm Mountain time
                     5:00 pm Pacific time

If you register NOW for this live telephone/webcast it is only $37!

To register:


or visit: http://store.patclass.com


If you can't make the live telecast, don't worry -- you will receive the replays for the same low price of $37, if you registered BEFORE Midnight on May 31.

For those who do not pre-register, the cost of the replays will be only $59 and will be available at http://store.patclass.com a few days after the event.


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