 | Visit www.alphapub.com where Natural Law Essays and eBooks describe nature's law of absolute right. They can be read or downloaded FREE. |
| There is one aspect of life that unites, controls, and affects all people. That one aspect is life's natural laws. They unite, control and affect people no matter what their race, gender, creed, or where on this planet they live. If you are a new reader of this subject matter, be prepared for a pleasant shock. Whoever or whatever is the creator revealed nature's law of right action to the mind of Richard W. Wetherill decades ago. The law calls for people to be rational and honest not only regarding laws of physics but also in their thinking and behavior toward one another. Wetherill also cautioned that the law, itself, is the final arbiter of right action. It states: Right action gets right results whether it relates to laws of physics or to the law of behavior. Ordinarily people unknowingly have been conducting their relationships to satisfy their purposes; not the purposes of the creator of natural laws. Such behavior explains why the earth's population has never been peacefully united and controlled nor favorably affected. Do people intentionally refuse to meet the requirements of laws of physics: gravity for instance? No, they try their best to keep their balance or safely recover it whenever necessary. Scriptures record the first wrong action of the created beings was their disobedience. It ended the perfect situation that had existed and resulted in the predicted penalties. More shockingly the admonition to obey ended with the creator's words, "or you will surely die." Whether that account is actual or symbolic, it describes ancient people's misbehavior still continuing today. Obeying nature's law of right action unites people, giving them the benefits that then control and favorably affect their lives, nullifying that final admonition, "or you will surely die."
| FREE eBooks that could change your life! Click here |  |  |  | | How To Solve Problems & Prevent Trouble | Tower of Babel | Right is Might |  |  |  |  | Be Right or Go Wrong | Leadership into the 21st Century | Suppose We Let Civilization Begin | Dictionary of Typical Command Phrases |
| This message is from a self-financed, nonprofit group of former students of the late Richard W. Wetherill. | The Alpha Publishing House, PO Box 255, Royersford, PA 19468 If you wish to unsubscribe please click here | |
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