

Weekly Watchdog: 10 donors represent a third of contributions to super PACs

iWatch News by the Center for Public Integrity

Weekly Watchdog

May 3, 2012

10 donors represent a third of contributions to super PACs
Contrary to expectations, the much-criticized court decision that gave us super PACs has not led to a tsunami of contributions from the treasuries of Fortune 500 corporations. According to the Center for Public Integrity's latest report, of the top 10 donors to super PACs so far in the 2012 election cycle, seven are individuals and the remainder are unions and a medical malpractice group. Four of the top 10 are billionaires. Collect the whole list of "all stars."

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Obama nominates fundraiser for top diplomatic spot
Timothy Broas, a top fundraiser for President Barack Obama, is now the nominee to be the next U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands.

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Take our poll on military spending
A new national poll is coming out May 10th. Question: Can we afford what we spend on the military or is it weakening the economy?

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Putting premiums into medical care, not profits
Center columnist Wendell Potter explains how the Rockefeller provision of the health care law will require consumer rebates from insurers who didn't spend enough on care.

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Investigating Power

Great investigative reporting is woven into the historical fabric of America. Check out a very cool new website that tells this history and profiles the reporters who made it happen: InvestigatingPower.org.

Investigating Power is a tribute to independent journalism and a testament to the vital role of truth in a healthy democracy. It offers an extensive high-resolution video library of interviews with 23 men and women who have produced fearless journalism that exposes abuses of power throughout society.

The group includes Mike Wallace, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, Dana Priest, Moses Newson, Christiane Amanpour and Daniel Schorr. Each gives observations on their careers and the ongoing importance of truth telling.

This website was created over five years by Charles Lewis, founder of the Center for Public Integrity, who now runs the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University.

Until next week,


Bill Buzenberg
Executive Director

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