Neatorama |
- Computer Dialog Box Street Art
- The Gatling Gun Made Especially For Chinese Cops
- Causes Of Death: 1900 vs. 2010
- Don’t Have Access to Book Mobiles? Try a Book Mule!
- Hanging Out At A Costume Party When…WTF?!
- These Pillows Are Sure to “Fit In” With Your Decor
- Miniature Worlds By Takanori Aiba
- The Sew Nerdy Art Show Lives Up to Its Name
- The Combat Gnomes Are Back With Even More Firepower
- Tentacle Wine Bottle Stopper
- Get the Pool, Boy!
- Wooly Dioramas Of Iceland
- $1,000,000 Gold Vacuum Cleaner Now on Sale at Reduced Price
- Man Calls 911 Because His Skyline Chili Experience Was Bad
- Canine Parody Of Adele’s Video Digging In The Deep
- Medieval Manuscript Gives Clue about Mysterious Radiation Spike
- Awesome SciFi Illustrations By Don Ivan Punchatz
- Dan Cretu’s Food Art
- Samurai Boba Fett Cosplay
- Mitchell MacNaughton’s Pietà
- Lives of Grass by Mathilde Roussel
- What Happens if You Die on a Cruise Ship?
- Meet the Grandfather of Everyone in Britain
- The Truth About Kool-Aid
- Zombies Love Nerds – They Have Bigger Brains
- Seeing Beyond the Human Eye
- Black Forest: Tape Art by Hong Seon Jang
- The Fashionable Russian Army Ensembles Of The 1890s
- In the Hall of Mechanical King
- Caten, Kinetic Sculpture by David Letellier
- Twisted Animated Parody Of Harry Potter
- Teddy Bear Breakfast
- Baby Elephant in a Rain Slicker
- The Diving Suit That Inspired The Big Daddy
- Catnip: Egress to Oblivion?
- The Military is Developing the Lightning Weapon
- Hot Enough For Ya?
- How Tomatoes Lost Their Taste
- Skull Bookshelves
- Miss Holocaust Survivor
- I Flunked Anger Management Mug
- The UK’s Most-Complained-About Advertisements of All Time
- The Evolution of the Web
- No More Routine!
- Guess What’s Inside The Amazing Spider-Man Mystery Box
- Do You Own The Space Above Your House?
- Toastie Knife
- 50 Sheds of Grey
- One Lighthouse
- TV’s Best Confessions of Love
Computer Dialog Box Street Art Posted: 30 Jun 2012 04:52 AM PDT These hilariously computer dialog box street art pieces are by Jilly Ballistic, an artist and rebel who delights in showing advertisers the errors of their ways. These clever statements blend so perfectly with the original piece that they almost seem like one of those unintentional Photoshop menu slips you see on fail blogs, and they’re so perfectly pointed that any advertiser with a sense of humor will think twice before taking them down! |
The Gatling Gun Made Especially For Chinese Cops Posted: 30 Jun 2012 03:51 AM PDT Police officers in China have been dealing with quite a lot of rioting lately, but by the look of this soon-to-be standard issue Gatling gun they’re preparing for war! This 7.62mm Gatling machine gun fires up to 6,000 rounds per minute, and looks extremely menacing as it barks away, mowing down anyone in its path. What do you think–doesn’t this seem like an extreme way for the police to handle civil unrest?
Causes Of Death: 1900 vs. 2010 Posted: 30 Jun 2012 02:46 AM PDT Here’s a nifty little chart from the New England Journal of Medicine that shows how far we’ve come, and how far we still need to go, in the field of medicine over the last hundred and ten years. It’s surprising to note how much more cancer we deal with nowadays, and how heart disease rates have risen despite all the advances we’ve made in the realm of cardiology. Enjoy a weekend free of gastrointestinal infections everyone! |
Don’t Have Access to Book Mobiles? Try a Book Mule! Posted: 30 Jun 2012 02:18 AM PDT Book mobiles are great, but there are some places they just can’t reach. That’s why the University of Momboy in Venezuela introduced the Bibliomulas, aka the book mules, to their local countryside. Link Via Laughing Squid |
Hanging Out At A Costume Party When…WTF?! Posted: 30 Jun 2012 01:47 AM PDT I don’t know what this guy was thinking when he decided to show up at a costume party with a plush koala on his head, but he sure was a big hit with the ladies! They kept saying “oh, he looks so soft and cuddly!” and “he’s the cutest guy here!”, but I took one look in those eyes and I knew there was something wrong with this miscreant. Maybe it’s my childhood fear of koalas, or the fact that his shirt makes him look like he just escaped from prison and is using the koala mask to conceal his identity, but I had to leave the party early. So much for life in the fast lane of DIY cosplay! |
These Pillows Are Sure to “Fit In” With Your Decor Posted: 30 Jun 2012 01:11 AM PDT If you’re a true Tetris master then you certainly love these pillows, but it also must drive you nuts to see that gap in the pillows next to the blue line pillow. I don’t know about you guys, but I couldn’t just sit there without trying to arrange them straight…hopefully the pillows don’t disappear at that point though. Link Via Geekologie |
Miniature Worlds By Takanori Aiba Posted: 30 Jun 2012 12:48 AM PDT You may remember John Farrier’s post about the Bonsai Tree Castle, which was created by Japanese artist Takanori Aiba. Well Takanori’s art certainly doesn’t stop there, and would you believe that the rest of his miniature worlds (structural sculptures) are even more fantastic than the tree castle?! With a style ripped straight from mythology and every minor detail accounted for, these tiny kingdoms look like a great place for fairy folk to call home. Link –via Booooooom! |
The Sew Nerdy Art Show Lives Up to Its Name Posted: 30 Jun 2012 12:01 AM PDT If you love geeky crafts, then you’ll enjoy the Sew Nerdy Geek Craft Extravaganza in Florida that starts today and ends on August 11.So far, this is the only artwork I’ve seen from the collection, but the event is scheduled to feature crafts inspired by Doctor Who, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other geek favorites. |
The Combat Gnomes Are Back With Even More Firepower Posted: 29 Jun 2012 11:47 PM PDT These combat ready garden gnomes are created from scratch by artist Shawn Thorsson, who obviously had a pest problem that a little bit of bug spray couldn’t handle. This time around the gnomish combatants are back with more firepower and a tactical formation which will ensure that every square inch of your yard or garden is protected, in case your local pests aren’t keen on surrendering! Link –via Super Punch (Previously on Neatorama–Combat Garden Gnomes) |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 11:07 PM PDT
You know what goes great with Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Grigio and Riesling wines? A little tentacle. Tentacle Wine Bottle Stopper from the NeatoShop, that is! Link View more unique and unusual Bottle Stoppers that will liven up your wine party. |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 10:57 PM PDT |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 10:47 PM PDT What natural fiber immediately comes to mind at the mention of Iceland? Why it’s wool, of course! Artist and photographer Eszter Burghardt clearly agrees with the wool-Iceland association, and she was inspired to create this series of wooly dioramas depicting the rugged Icelandic landscape during an artist residence on the island. I love the use of macro photography to give the miniature textural landscape the appearance of being grandiose in scale, and wool is such a fitting textile to use as a representative of Iceland! Link –via Laughing Squid |
$1,000,000 Gold Vacuum Cleaner Now on Sale at Reduced Price Posted: 29 Jun 2012 10:30 PM PDT But there’s more! If you order now, GoVacuum will ship this commercial grade vacuum cleaner for free. It also comes with anti-marring urethane wheels and custom engraving on the gold surface. Be sure to listen to the rap jingle at the link. Link -via Geekosystem |
Man Calls 911 Because His Skyline Chili Experience Was Bad Posted: 29 Jun 2012 09:47 PM PDT I don’t think we can emphasize this enough people. 9-1-1 is not where you call to complain about your restaurant experience (unless, maybe, it involves drugs, bomb threats, fires or some other, real, issue). If you don’t like your Skyline Chili or your McDonald’s, remember to call 9-1-2 or you might just get charged with disorderly conduct like the man involved in the Skyline incident. Link Via The Consumerist |
Canine Parody Of Adele’s Video Digging In The Deep Posted: 29 Jun 2012 09:45 PM PDT This silly little music video from The Pet Collective shows how your dog feels when you go out of town, and reveals that the cat couldn’t care less! So grab a milk bone and bark along to Pawdelle’s version of Adele’s pop hit Digging In The Deep, and if you’re a fan of this decidedly canine vocal style you should check out the Jingle Dogs, their songs are pre-paws-terously funny! –via Tastefully Offensive |
Medieval Manuscript Gives Clue about Mysterious Radiation Spike Posted: 29 Jun 2012 09:30 PM PDT
But Jonathon Allen, a biochemistry student at University of California, Santa Cruz, realized that researchers needed to consider how people in the Eighth Century A.D. would have understood the appearance of a supernova in the sky:
Link -via Glenn Reynolds | Image: Mike Christie |
Awesome SciFi Illustrations By Don Ivan Punchatz Posted: 29 Jun 2012 08:50 PM PDT These bright, bizarre and absolutely beautiful illustrations are by Don Ivan Punchatz, an artist whose works have graced the covers of many iconic science fiction magazines, novels and records. You may recognize his work from the cover of the Philip Jose Farmer novel Gods Of Riverworld, or more recently his award winning design for the logo and box art on the seminal video game Doom. Hit the Juxtapoz link below for a sampling of his far out scifi cover art, they’ll take you on a vibrant trip into outer space! |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 08:30 PM PDT Even if we were at a formal dinner, I wouldn’t mind if Dan Cretu played with his food. He makes impressive sculptures with fruits and vegetables. Link -via Nag on the Lake | Artist’s Blog |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 07:54 PM PDT I’ve been wondering when someone would get around to creating costumes based on the Samurai Star Wars fan art series, and this cool Samurai Boba Fett costume means that my wait is over. The costume was created by Allen Armis, and it was inspired by the artwork of Clinton Felker, who brought the look of feudal Japan to a galaxy far, far away. You can see more pics of this awesome costume at the links below. Link –via Obvious Winner |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 07:30 PM PDT The Virgin Brak mourns the death of Space Ghost while comforted by a cherubic Carl Brutananadilewski. Cartoonist Mitchell MacNaughton made this image while preparing for a podcast about the history of Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. Link -via Comics Alliance |
Lives of Grass by Mathilde Roussel Posted: 29 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT |
What Happens if You Die on a Cruise Ship? Posted: 29 Jun 2012 06:30 PM PDT A modern cruise ship is a floating city often populated by elderly people. So on board deaths are common. How does the crew respond? In a fascinating article at io9, Keith Veronese explored the physical and legal challenges of corpses on cruise ships:
Meet the Grandfather of Everyone in Britain Posted: 29 Jun 2012 06:00 PM PDT
Auslan Cramb of The Telegraph has the post: Link (Photo: Gordon Jack/scotimage) |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 05:49 PM PDT Have you ever wondered why the Kool-Aid Man is so happy to dispense the drink that makes up most of his body to children around the world? It’s because he is secretly a vampire who forces kids to drink his blood so he can add them to the ranks of his Tropical Punch flavored army of the undead. Either that or he’s just a big ol’ sicko with a painted on smile! Oooooh Yeah! |
Zombies Love Nerds – They Have Bigger Brains Posted: 29 Jun 2012 05:31 PM PDT
Well, that's one big disadvantage for being nerdy! Zombies love nerds because of our big brains. I suppose it's a good thing that we can also use that same big brain to devise ways to avoid being eaten! Link Check out more Zombie T-Shirts and Zombie items over at the NeatoShop See also: Zombie Bottle Opener | Zombie Back Scratcher | More Funny T-Shirts |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 05:30 PM PDT PBS’s Off Book series looks at the many ways science and technology allow us to see things we aren’t going to see naturally. What’s more, those things can be amazingly beautiful! This video was produced by Kornhaber Brown. -Thanks, Heath! |
Black Forest: Tape Art by Hong Seon Jang Posted: 29 Jun 2012 05:00 PM PDT
Believe it or not, the eerie image above is actually made using strips of tape on a chalkboard. It's titled Black Forest, by Korean artist Hong Seon Jang: Link |
The Fashionable Russian Army Ensembles Of The 1890s Posted: 29 Jun 2012 04:46 PM PDT The men who made up the ranks of the Russian Army in the late 1800s were a rather fashionable bunch, and some of the shots in this gallery look like they came straight out of a fashion magazine. Maybe it’s the way the men are posing, or the abundance of fur and shiny bits, whatever it is that makes these guys look like they’re ready to storm the runway instead of the front lines makes me want to cue the house music and drop the lights! Hobnob with the rest of the armed and extremely fabulous at the link below. Link –image credit: Bibliothèque Nationale via Rio Wang |
In the Hall of Mechanical King Posted: 29 Jun 2012 04:30 PM PDT (Video Link) In 11,000 photographs, YouTube user nothinghereok documented his overhaul of a Triumph Spitfire engine. Watch this enchanting stop-motion animated presentation of the engine disassembling, cleaning and reassembling itself…followed by a terrifying conclusion. -via Colossal |
Caten, Kinetic Sculpture by David Letellier Posted: 29 Jun 2012 04:00 PM PDT
You're looking at a strings-on-rope installation called Caten at the Saint Sauveur chapel in Caen, France. The art installation is the creation of David Letellier, which has this added bonus: it moves! View the kinetic sculpture over at The Fox is Black: Link [embedded vimeo clip] |
Twisted Animated Parody Of Harry Potter Posted: 29 Jun 2012 03:40 PM PDT This cautionary parody of Harry Potter reminds us how important it is to say the proper words when casting a spell, and to stand back a ways from whatever object you’re casting a spell upon! It’s short and straight to the point, with lots of animated blood for the cartoon gore lover in all of us… –via Gizmodo |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 03:30 PM PDT Shh! Don’t wake the little fellow. Let him doze. We can go hungry for a while. Hiyoko555 made this breakfast in the guise of Rilakkuma, a San-X character. |
Baby Elephant in a Rain Slicker Posted: 29 Jun 2012 03:00 PM PDT
The cute photo of a baby elephant in rain slicker belied a harrowing tale. Read Charles Siebert's 2011 National Geographic story about baby elephants orphaned when their mothers were killed by poachers, and the people who spend their lives trying to help these poor creatures recover. Link | Photo Gallery |
The Diving Suit That Inspired The Big Daddy Posted: 29 Jun 2012 02:48 PM PDT Remember that mindless bucket of bolts known as the Big Daddy that you had a hard time killing while playing Bioshock 1 and 2? Well, it turns out that the iconic look of the Big Daddy was inspired by an actual diving suit that dates back to 1882. Created by brothers Alphonse and Theodore Carmagnolle, it weighed a whopping 838 pounds and had 20 ports on the helmet which give it a signature look that is way too cool to abandon on the ocean floor. It’s a museum quality death trap worthy of admiration, just don’t drop some poor soul in the water wearing this getup or they’ll likely never be seen again! |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 02:30 PM PDT An educational film by Jason Willis.
Knowledge is the first step toward battling this scourge of felinekind. Link -via Metafilter |
The Military is Developing the Lightning Weapon Posted: 29 Jun 2012 02:00 PM PDT
We told you that scientists were able to control lightning bolt with laser. Now, we learn that (surprise!) the military has developed a lightning-based weapon: Link - via CNET |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 01:48 PM PDT In other words, stay away from Virginia! Then again, this is one instance where you’d be glad that the weatherman turned out to be wrong. From the news team at WTVR CBS 6 in Richmond, Virginia. -via Metafilter |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 01:30 PM PDT
Science has the answer, and the culprit is how we love that uniform red color:
Dan Charles of NPR's All Things Considered has the story: Link Previously on Neatorama: Tasty Tomatoes |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT
James Hopkins brings memento mori art to your bookshelf: take a look at the Vanitas series, where he carefully arranged certain objects to create the illusion of skulls on bookshelves. Laughing Squid has the gallery: Link Previously on Neatorama: Perspective Sculptures by James Hopkins |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 12:30 PM PDT
It's half beauty contest, half celebration of life and a full blown controversy. Fourteen Holocaust survivors vied for the title of Israel's first "Miss Holocaust Survivor":
The Telegraph has more: Link Previously on Neatorama: Odd and Extraordinary Beauty Pageants |
I Flunked Anger Management Mug Posted: 29 Jun 2012 12:07 PM PDT I Flunked Anger Management Mug – $11.95 Are you looking for the perfect gift for someone with a wee bit of a temper problem? Get them the hilarious I Flunked Anger Management Mug from the NeatoShop. This very comical mug is shaped to resemble a smashed mug. Hopefully your passionate gift receiver also has a good sense of humor. If they do not please make sure to run and hide after giving them the I Flunked Anger Management Mug. We wouldn’t want you to be the subject of some unleashed pent up fury. Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more outrageous Glassware & Drinkware!
The UK’s Most-Complained-About Advertisements of All Time Posted: 29 Jun 2012 12:05 PM PDT
The Telegraph has a compliation of the ten advertisements (print and televised) which have generated the most complaints to the official watchdog. The subject matter is generally predictable: misleading content, sex (contraception, abortion, nudity), violence, verbal and physical child abuse, religion, and climate change. Oh, and also one about a cat being kicked by a blind person. The advertisement which generated the most complaints, however, was a 2005 promotion for Kentucky Fried Chicken which featured people talking (singing) with their mouths full of food; this was viewed as encouraging bad manners among young persons. Would you object to your children viewing this ad? Is it more offensive than the other topics? The other nine most-offensive ads are listed and embedded at the The Telegraph.
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT The Evolution of the Web is an interactive graphic that plots the timelines of various browsers, codes, and components of the internet, from 1991 to 2012. Click on a stream to get more information about whatever it represents. This screenshot is just a small portion of the large graph. Link -via Simply Left Behind |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 11:30 AM PDT
We've featured Ben Heine's Pencil vs. Camera on Neatorama a couple of times already, but his new stuff is just too good to pass up: this one above is even in color! Take a fresh look over at Ben's deviantART page: Link |
Guess What’s Inside The Amazing Spider-Man Mystery Box Posted: 29 Jun 2012 11:17 AM PDT
w00t! The Amazing Spider-Man has landed at the NeatoHQ! If you're a fan of the web slinger, you can win the goodies inside this Spider-Man Mystery Box that our pals over at Hasbro sent to us. Undoubtedly, many of you with strong Google-fu can find out what's actually inside the box, so the game is a bit different. Here are the rules: 1. Guess the funniest and wildest thing you can imagine is inside the Amazing Spider-Man box. One item guess per comment, please. 2. With each comment, enter a NeatoShop item you'd like (anything in stock, $25 or less). May we suggest the Funny T-Shirts, Science T-Shirts, and the Zombie Shop categories? 3. You can enter as many guesses as you'd like, but they have to be in separate comments. 4. Incomplete entries forfeit the prize. Funniest guesses will win a random item from the mystery box, or their selection of one NeatoShop item. Good luck! |
Do You Own The Space Above Your House? Posted: 29 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT Classical Roman law held that real estate ownership included the land beneath and the sky above a piece of property. That doctrine has been tested over and over through history.
Ah, but that was before the invention of the airplane. See how that development affected property rights over the years, at mental_floss. Link |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 10:30 AM PDT Okay, all together now …slap ourselves in the face and say, “Why did I think of that?” The world has been waiting for a heated knife to spread butter or margarine straight from the refrigerator! -via Buzzfeed |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 09:30 AM PDT We received a request from Tunisio Alves Filho in Brazil, who says:
What can I say? The photograph is beautiful, even if we can’t see the entire story leading up to it. But maybe when the server is back up, those who haven’t been following along all this time can see the rest of the pictures. Click on the picture to see the full-size version. Glad to help out, Tunisio! |
Posted: 29 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT Flavorwire produced a supercut of TV’s Best Confessions of Love. Surprising, goofy, nonsensical, or epic, all together they will make you go mushy inside. -via The Daily What |
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