

Nuclear Awakening

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Nuclear Awakening
By Jeff Siegel | Sunday, July 22nd, 2012
Jeff SiegelAt this very moment, on the ninth floor of a Vancouver office building, a (currently) $0.13 metals company is preparing to revolutionize the global nuclear power industry...

In these early stages, it's a move not 1 in 10,000 investors sees coming.

But their discovery is guaranteed to take the entire world by storm.

You see, this tiny outfit just created — for lack of a better term — safe uranium.

It's a unique hybrid that, when easily mixed with standard uranium:

  • Instantly makes power plants operate 25% to 50% more efficiently, saving billions upon billions of dollars in operating costs every year
  • Prevents any Chernobyl-like meltdowns from ever happening again
  • Drastically slashes the radioactive life of spent uranium

In other words, short of nuclear fusion (which is still decades away), this discovery could prove to be the greatest advancement to the world's energy crisis in 50 years!

As you probably know, any company capable of producing a metal that powerful would instantly be flooded with orders from across the globe.

And that's where things get exciting...

You see, this $0.13 company didn't just create this hybrid metal.

They also control the world's largest deposits of the minerals required to produce it.

While they're "officially" in test phase two of three, I want to show you exactly how you can take advantage of this inevitable gold mine while it's still a ground-floor opportunity.

In the next year, it could easily triple your money...

And over the next several years, this $0.13 gem could soar to a $25 giant.

Just look at some of the highlights of this advanced alloy, originally used by Manhattan Project scientists:

  • Sales up more than 2,000% in the past five years
  • Potential to control nuclear fuels industry within the next ten years
  • Created a nuclear fuel that eliminates meltdowns
  • Created a super-metal that has NASA, the U.S. Military, and computer manufacturers stalking its sales department day and night... They all want to take advantage of this rare metal's unique properties and what it can do for their products — and their bottom line

With those qualifications, the question isn't whether this tiny company could make you and your family members extremely wealthy...

The question is: How much longer will you be able to scoop up shares for less than a buck?

It's possible they could be much higher by the time you see this.

So let's get started...

Solving the Nuclear Power Plant's Achilles' Heel

If you're not familiar with how most nuclear reactors work — and where severe weak points are — let me give you a crash course.


Essentially, uranium fuel pellets are loaded up into a reactor (1).

In the heart of the reactor (the core), the pellets split apart and release heat energy, producing neutrons and splitting other atoms in a chain reaction.

That's where the problems start...

You see, ironically, uranium is an absolutely terrible heat conductor — that is, the core of the pellets heat up far faster than their surface.

The lopsided heat distribution forces those pellets to break apart long before all the usable uranium is extracted... leading to less stable reactions and much more radioactive waste.

In other words, companies are not only tossing out billions of dollars a year in perfectly good uranium, but the poor heat distribution makes for far more dangerous reactions.

To top it off, the unspent uranium carries an extremely long radioactive half-life.

That first step alone — evenly dispersing the heat across the entire pellet — is perhaps the biggest problem facing the nuclear industry today.

And it's the reason why several countries across the globe, including the United States, are slow to break ground on the thousands of new, shovel-ready reactors.

Of course, that all changed the moment...

Two surprise universities cracked nuclear power's greatest challenge!

The Light Water Reactor Sustainability workshop, or LWRS, doesn't exactly draw the same followers as the Nobel Prize nominees.

Funded by the Department of Energy, the LWRS is a unique workshop that gathers top university scientists and physicists from nuclear power plants around the country to meet in an effort to help solve our impending energy crisis.

You see, the DoE knows perhaps better than anyone that our fossil fuel days are numbered...

And they see (at least for the next several decades) nuclear power stepping in — in a big way.

But first, they need to make sure that it's much more environmentally-friendly. And much more efficient.

As you might imagine, if you're not into nuclear physics like Warren Buffett's into stocks, the expos typically don't score very high on the excitement factor...

For the most part, the same universities and the same scientists propose the same unfeasible ideas.

But in February 2009, that all changed. And surprisingly, this brilliant idea didn't come from the infamous MIT or Caltech...

Rather, it formed as a joint project by two universities better known for their football teams than scientific prowess: Purdue and Texas A&M.

Funded by the company I'm writing to tell you about, these two universities worked to create a hybrid metal capable of extending the life of uranium while protecting plants from ever melting down.

They knew after initial tests with their hybrid metal that they were onto something big...

But they had no idea that their discovery would potentially change the face of nuclear power forever.

BeO: The Metal the World's Energy Supply Depends On

It's called Beryllium Oxide... or BeO.

And next to uranium, it's about to become the most sought-after, highly-demanded metal for nuclear power plants across the world.

Its characteristics include: a melting point of 4,500 degrees... thermal conductivity matched only by diamonds... the ability to dissipate heat and cool faster than any other metal...

Plus it's several times stronger than steel — and still the second lightest metal on earth.

In other words, just knowing the properties of the metal and what is required for nuclear reactors, beryllium instantly becomes the most ideal fit.

beryllium But until now, its use has been reserved to special projects: in small doses for X-ray windows, high-speed aircrafts, missiles, and communications satellites.

In fact, it wouldn't be until this company funded the joint research venture with Texas A&M and Purdue that the world would find out how the right mixture of beryllium oxide with uranium could revolutionize the soon-to-skyrocket nuclear power industry.

You see, their mixture gives the uranium fuel pellets a "skeleton" of beryllium oxide...

This "skeleton" sucks the heat from the uranium core, creating — for the first time — a much longer, smoother, and safer reaction.

Now, thanks to the hybrid's unique formula, power plants across the globe that incorporate this creation suddenly won't just save billions of dollars every year by making the uranium work 25% to 50% longer, but...

This Unique Metal — which puts an end to accidents like Chernobyl —
is about to return 3x your money

On Saturday, April 26, 1986, at 1:23 in the morning, the worst nuclear power disaster in history was born.

Thanks to a mix of unstable pellets, inadequate graphite control rods (used in many plants to cool temperature and control fission rates), and clumsy human decisions, a catastrophic chain reaction started in reactor 4 of Ukraine's Chernobyl power plant...

A massive steam explosion ripped through the core of the reactor, followed by a second chemical (not nuclear) explosion that launched highly-radioactive particulate and gaseous waste containing cesium-137 and strontium-90.

The blast directly killed more than 56 people — and is credited for killing another 4,000 by way of the cancer they acquired from exposure to the resulting radioactive material.

It was an accident that, after Three Mile Island, the world vowed to never let happen again...

But it would take another 24 years until this company's formulation of a beryllium oxide mixed with a reactor's uranium oxide would ensure the reactors of today and tomorrow never overheat again.

That's because, as I mentioned earlier, this unique mixture conducts heat far better than traditional uranium oxide alone — creating a much longer-lasting, more stable fission process.

With less uranium needed at a time — 25% to 50% less! — the chances of any form of dangerous nuclear reaction are now virtually gone.

It's a move that has all plant operators thrilled. Even staunch environmentalists are backing it!

And the moment this little outfit completes phase three of testing, you can bet their sales office will be swamped with orders...

In fact, they already have massive companies ready to strike a deal. And they should!

After all, this technology that couldn't have come at a better time...

After the Fukushima Quake,

demand for safe nuclear power has NEVER been greater...

I would love nothing more than to sit here and tell you that the world's energy crisis is over — that there's no more need for coal, oil, gas, uranium, or any other hazardous material to meet the surging demand facing the world's power grids...

But I can't.

Because the cold, hard truth is that the world's demand for energy is increasing at a staggering rate:


And in spite of the recent disaster in Japan, nuclear energy isn't going anywhere.

In fact, in order to pick up the slack of expected shortfalls from other fossil fuels, nuclear power plants are expected to play a major role the world over...

India just broke ground on its twenty-fifth nuclear plant — and plans to have 40 in the next two decades.

China's pumping them out as though they were on an assembly line... and plans to increase its nuclear capacity 640% by 2020.

The truth is everywhere you look, the underlying demand for nuclear power isn't going anywhere.

It can't.

Not as more countries face tightening power demands due to growing populations.

But the act of God that occurred in Fukushima did create a situation that could make you a fortune over the coming years: a new eye on nuclear safety.

With a recent meltdown on everyone's minds, imagine a nuclear fuel additive hitting the market that, when mixed with uranium:

black check Instantly makes power plants operate 25% to 50% more efficiently, saving billions upon billions of dollars in operating costs every year

black  check Helps prevents any Chernobyl-like meltdowns from ever happening again

black  check Drastically slashes the radioactive half-life of spent uranium

Considering the stigma associated with nuclear power to begin with, using this additive wouldn't be an option...

It would be a requirement for nuclear plants across the entire world.

That's why I think this company's about to triple your money — or better.

Icing on the Beryllium Cake

One of the best parts of this profit story is that the company won't just reinvent the nuclear industry, making it much safer and more efficient...

But it's also using beryllium in engineered materials.

I know what you're thinking... "Engineered materials" don't sound very exciting. They might even sound boring. That's what I thought, too...

Until I realized just how crucial this industry has been for every advancement since the Bronze Age:

  • It's let us break the sound barrier...
  • It helped us land on the moon...
  • It's given us cars that travel 40 mpg...
  • It even put that smartphone in your pocket.

In fact, every time an item becomes stronger, lighter, smaller, or faster, it's mainly because of an advancement in engineered materials.

I'm sure you've heard these related buzzwords over the decades:

  • "Made From Stainless Steel"
  • "100% Fiber Glass Body"
  • "Aircraft-Grade Aluminum"
  • "Carbon Fiber Reinforced"
  • "100% Titanium Alloy"

You get the idea...

With each new material, items become lighter, faster, or stronger.

So what is it about this company that's so exciting?

As you might expect, the scientist in charge didn't merely invent the "next carbon fiber" out of beryllium. Not this group.

In short, thanks to a very secret process — one that's fully patented and protected — they created perhaps the lightest, strongest, most vibration-dampening superalloy humanly possible.

As the CEO has publicly summed it up: "We created a material that scientists said couldn't be created and use it in a way that they said couldn't be used."

It's bold... It's ballsy...

And it's so cutting-edge

you have to build atom by atom to beat it!

In other words, using this one-of-a-kind material, engines could run hotter, cars would travel further, computers could process faster, satellites could aim straighter, and drones could carry heavier payloads than ever before...

All while saving companies vast amounts of time and money...

Sometimes saving them millions of dollars — and even human lives.

And that has corporations from every industry lining up at the door of this currently tiny outfit:

In the military...

Laser guided systems: Until now, laser guided devices attached to the bottom of aircraft required the pilot to often fly dangerously close inside enemy territory... well within range of being shot down. The pilots had no choice; the housing — and therefore the laser or camera itself — shook violently as a result of turbulence.

But with this unique metal and its ability to dampen vibrations, pilots can now safely engage their targets at distances twice what they could before, saving precious lives and taxpayer dollars.

Drones: You might have thought they're not a big deal yet. But the fastest growing sector of the military isn't troops, tanks, fighters, subs, or even Humvees... it's drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Whether they're equipped with food, cameras, or bombs, their use in warfare is increasing daily. In fact, they're in such high demand that the DoD's budget for military drones has increased more than 300% over the past two years.

And with this company's unique alloy, these unmanned aircraft can carry more, further, longer, and cheaper than ever before. They have a dedicated contract with the U.S. military to explore how to use this alloy in even more ways to help improve the operational efficiencies of a range of UAVs.

In the computer industry...

In the computer industry, the metal's stiffness is about to be applied to take hard-drive speeds to levels only dreamed about. The beryllium part they're making is being used to deposit gold ribbon on high-tech circuit boards.

They aren't allowed to say which company it's for, because the customer doesn't want its competitive advantage taken way.

But it has confirmed these parts were for one of the leaders of the circuit industry... It could be Intel, National Semiconductor, or Cypress — who knows?

One thing's for sure, though: They don't want anyone else to know they're using beryllium parts to make circuit boards. That's how important this advancement is.

Come to think of it, any time efficiency, weight, or stiffness needs to be improved — either through competition or government mandate — this company's latest beryllium alloy performs head and shoulders above the competition.

And as I mentioned earlier, it can do it cheaper and faster as well.

It's these unique features — and the orders that are now pouring in — that has the CEO of this company convinced revenues will increase from $5 to $10 million a year to $200 to $500 million a year in short order.

That implied (at a minimum) a 1,900% increase in sales... at a maximum, it's closer to 10,000%.

What do you think a 10,000% rise in revenue will to this tiny company's stock?

How rich would that make its shareholders?

And if you thought other companies might give them a run for their money, think again...

This $0.13 company already holds the worldwide monopoly on BeO

That's right!

Even before test phases are completed, this little-known outfit has already secured the world's largest deposits of beryllium oxide.

In other words, they're going to be the first and sole suppliers, from the ground up, to the nuclear market from the moment their product is operational!

And with 440 nuclear plants in operation today — and thousands more on the board for the near future — this $0.13 metals company is about to launch to the top of the industry!

And I want you to be on board.

But before you make the leap of faith, let me introduce myself...

Profits from a Proven Track Record... in Your Hands

My name is Jeff Siegel and I'm the publisher of Power Portfolio, the first independent investment research service focused exclusively on alternative energy markets.

Now, I've been in the financial research business for more than 16 years...

I've watched the economy boom and bust. I've seen the world embrace the dot-com craze, only to watch it come crashing down. I've seen the real estate market explode... and then implode.

I've seen collapses and recoveries. And through it all, regardless of the state of the economy, I've been leveraging profits by being the first to pick up on market trends — especially when it comes to the energy industry, which I've come to know like the back of my hand.

It's why I've been invited to speak at so many industry and investment conferences across the globe.

It's the reason I've been featured time and time again on CNBC, Fox, and Bloomberg.

And it's the reason I've been able to help so many of my readers make absolute fortunes in alternative energy and other early market trends.

Take a look...

tearsheet 1

tearsheet 2

tearsheet 3

tearsheet 4

tearsheet 5

And I've got stacks more of success stories just like these. They're a direct result of one of the best stock recommendation track records in the industry... and that's something I boast with much pride.

In fact, we regularly put most top hedge funds to shame. 

Take a look at some of these winners:

  • XsunX - 546% gains
  • New Energy Technologies - 88% gains
  • World Water Corporation - 153% gains
  • JA Solar - 84% gains
  • Hain Celestial - 77% gains
  • Capstone Turbine - 82% gains
  • World Energy Solutions - 73% gains
  • Cree, Inc. - 159% gains

Just to put things into perspective, here are five of the top-performing hedge funds, along with their total assets and returns:


But that's not even the whole story...

Just to get your money on board with one of these high-profile investment managers, you typically need to put up more than $1 million in capital.

And once the gains come — assuming and hoping, of course, that they do — fund managers rake in between 20% and 50% "performance fees." So while your money earns modest gains at best, hedge fund managers become billionaires faster than any other segment of the population.

That's just not my philosophy.

I'd rather you keep your gains, instead of redistributing your wealth to a bunch of hedge fund managers.

And I want to help you do this by offering you a free copy of my brand-new report: "Beryllium Oxide: Monster Profits from Monster Metals."

It contains all the juicy details on the beryllium alloy stock that could triple your money in the next three years.

(And remember, that's my low-ball estimate. I have no doubts about this company being able to become my next triple-digit winner.)

Plus, when you get your free copy of "Beryllium Oxide: Monster Profits from Monster Metals," you'll also get complete access to:

  • My Power Portfolio — Includes the status of all my premium recommendations. The stocks in this portfolio are long-term investments; they have earned investors returns that shame some of the best-known and most respected hedge funds in existence.
  • Limited Coverage Portfolio — Includes a list of stocks that we cover for near-term opportunities and has included some of our most dramatic gainers yet. For short, quick gains, this is the ride to take.
  • Monthly Spotlight Stock — Once a month, we highlight a new stock and offer in-depth coverage on that stock. These rare discoveries allow you to be among the first to learn about emerging opportunities in this market, and jump on them before mainstream media outlets know what happened.

You'll also get instant access to our entire research library, an invaluable investment tool that doesn't just educate — but advises how and when to react to sudden developments in the market.

This package includes these three additional Special Reports, FREE:

  • "Energy, Uninterrupted" — Storing energy safely and efficiently is just as important as producing it in the first place. It's one of the fastest-developing tech industries today, and I've got details on some of the strongest and most promising operations out there right now.
  • "Wind-Powered Profits" — It's the fastest-growing renewable energy source there is, with wind companies consuming oil and coal market share every day. I've made it a point to focus a great deal of my attention on this sector so you can get the latest information on which companies are making the biggest difference — and the biggest profits — before anyone else.
  • "Tapping into the World's Biggest Construction Project for a Lifetime of Wealth" - From Asia to the Middle East, North Africa to the Caribbean, nearly $50 trillion worth of infrastructure projects is now under way...  Thanks to a new G20 initiative, new roads, pipelines, bridges, railways, seaports, and dams are being financed and constructed at an alarming rate. This report identifies 3 of the companies that are already getting the lion's share of new infrastructure projects around the world. 

That's seven extra bonuses above and beyond "Beryllium Oxide: Monster Profits from Monster Metals."

And right now, you can get complete access to this wealth of information at absolutely no risk.

All I ask in return is that you test-drive Power Portfolio to see if you like it...

If you decide to keep it, the annual cost of this service is just $49.

That includes:

  • Membership to Power Portfolio
  • Our marquis report — "Beryllium Oxide: Monster Profits from Monster Metals" — detailing the company that boasts a technological breakthrough so disruptive that it could single-handedly transform the world's energy landscape forever... and make you a ton of money in the process
  • Access to our entire library of research reports, including the three mentioned above
  • Weekly updates and recommendations on the latest developments in the market
  • Instant alerts telling you when to buy and when to sell

Should you decide that my research, investment style, and winning picks are not for you, just call me at any time within six months of your purchase, and I'll refund your money right then and there.

That's a 100% refund — no questions asked, no surcharges, no restocking fees and no small print — guaranteed for half a year.

You have absolutely nothing to risk here and everything to gain — like a triple on a single metal company that's about to rewrite the nuclear energy books.

It doesn't get better than that...

But I must warn you: If you're looking to score a profit of that magnitude, you don't have much time to wait around.

You see, this company is already working on some pretty major contracts that could blow the lid off this thing in no time at all.

I'm talking about giants capable of sending this tiny company's share price skyrocketing with a single order.

That's why it's so important that you stake your claim now — before this thing gets launched into the stratosphere...

Because that, my friend, is how you get rich in this market.

Good Investing,

Jeff Siegel Signature

Jeff Siegel


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