

Catholic Baby Names and More!

Catholic Family Gifts


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We Love Babies!



or know someone who is?


As parents of six children, we know what a great joy a child brings into a family. At Catholic Family Gifts, we love babies!


Baby on the Way - There is a good chance that over the coming year, you or someone you know will be expecting. This email provides details on a few great “expecting babies” resources.


For Conception and Safe Delivery - If you or someone you know is looking for intercession related to conception and pregnancy, consider St. Gerard, the patron of mothers and motherhood. You can find a prayer to Saint Gerard, along with Gerard medals and rosaries.


Introduce Your Children to the Baby on the Way - One of our favorite books for families with children already is "Angel in the Waters." It follows a newly conceived child through the water of the womb into the fullness of life, escorted by a gentle angel companion voice. A remarkable story, wonderfully illustrated, appropriate for children that draws them into the development of the child and God’s companionship.


Called by Name - Naming a child is a powerful moment. We recall many discussions about names for each of our children. It was important to us that the name meant something special for the child. Our two featured baby name books provide lots of great baby name ideas. They keep child naming rooted in the Christian tradition with 4,500 Catholic names, and introduce a rich selection of Celtic names.


Prayers for Children - We pray to conceive children, we pray for their healthy development, we pray for their safe delivery, and once they start running around we pray even harder. The two special prayer books at the right are just for moms, and touch on many of life’s moments needing special prayer. Moving through life with prayer, we don’t make the journey alone.


Blessing and prayers from our family to yours,

Chris and Elaine


Saint Gerard Rosary:

Patron of Expectant Mothers

Prayer for conception and safe delivery is an important element when awaiting a child. consider this St Gerard rosary as a tool of prayer for your needs.



Angel in the Waters

A wonderful book for parents and children to read together when expecting a new baby



Prayerbooks for Mom


Prayers for mothers from diapers to the SAT


Catholic Name Books


Two fantastic options for Catholic Christian baby names

Click on cover for details on each book







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