

Mind Control 101 Issue No. 39 - New PDF Cut Out Illiminati Pyramid


Mind Control 101 Newsletter

Issue No. 39

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Hello ,

Here is a cute little gift for you that you can put on your desk as a conversation piece.

It's a cut-out-fold-and-glue Illuminati pyramid papercraft for all of you who have learned to stop worrying and love the New World Order: the Illuminati Pyramid Papercraft, by Paper Replika.

Just be careful where you place the papercraft, because it surely contains printed microcircuitry with hypersensitive cellulosic fiber antenna that will transmit whatever it is you say to Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Seriously, you just print up the PDF, cut, fold and glue it all together and you have a rightous conversaton piece.

Here it the download link:


Dantalion Jones

P.S.  If you want to get some of my personal thoughts, theories and observations on mind control visit my blog at


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