| Dear Z, This morning I sent you an important invitation. I invited you to receive a private communiqué from me tonight...and every Sunday night for the next 3 months. It's an opportunity for you to turn Sunday nights into "Double-Your-Money" nights. Just take a look at what I'm talking about. In the past few months alone, my Weekend Traders have enjoyed a slew of EIGHT red hot +100% winners...
...Not to mention the 15 nice double-digit wins we racked up during that time as well. As you can see by these gains, my Weekend Trader Series is RED HOT!! And I don't want you to miss a minute of it either. Not when we're raking in double-your-money profits and hefty double-digit winners so easily! In fact, it could very well be the simplest "cash colleting" strategy you've ever encountered. That's because we send you everything you need to place your trades and forget about them. And we do it once a week like clockwork every Sunday at 7:00 p.m. ET. So you're not tied to your computer 24/7 watching for new trades. You just review the recommendations, place the trades, and target +100% gains in short order. Simply by acting on the plain-English instructions you receive in my email every Sunday night, you could be raking in money-doubling gains week-in and week-out. And best of all, you can get started this Sunday night! That's because at 7:00 p.m. ET sharp this Sunday, we're releasing 2 hot Weekend Trader Series recommendations. And each one is primed for +100% gains! So if you invest $1,000 in each of Sunday's trades, and they both hit their target, you'll have a quick $2,000 in EXTRA CASH in your pocket. It couldn't be easier. You get detailed instructions on how to place your trades...commentary on why we think the trades will post big profits...and instructions on how and when to close out each trade. Everything you need to prime your portfolio for big gains. All you have to do is review and forward the instructions to your broker...or place them directly in your online trading account. Get started tonight, and you could quickly double your money week after week. In just 3 months you could be substantially richer. But I can't hold your spot open forever. You only have until midnight tonight to get in.
If you're looking for a fast way to target extra cash in short order as easily as possible there's no better way than with my Weekend Trader Series! And with this special offer, you don't have to make a big upfront investment or long-term commitment. Now, a 3-month subscription to my Weekend Trader Series usually costs $395. But you won't pay anything close to that. Act before midnight tonight and get 3 months of hot trades for only $149. That's a savings of $246 off the regular $395 3-month price! You SAVE 62% It doesn't get much better (or easier) than this! But you must R.S.V.P. before midnight tonight in order to see your first Weekend Trader Series recommendations in your inbox at 7:00 p.m. ET sharp on Sunday night.
Don't miss tonight's midnight deadline. You owe it to yourself to try a super easy, super fast way to target money-doubling gains week after week. And Weekend Trader Series is red hot! We see many more +100% winners on the horizon starting with Sunday's hot trades and I know you won't want to miss a single one! Sincerely, Bernie Schaeffer P.S. I've pasted my message from this morning. Read on for all the details. Then click above to get in before the door closes on this discount opportunity at midnight tonight! Turn your old, boring Sunday night into "Double-Your-Money" Night...With this amazing service that's primed to deliver up to $2,000 or more in EXTRA CASH every Sunday night!Dear Z, Not much happens on Sunday nights. You relax, watch a little TV, or hang out getting ready for the start of another work week. It's usually an uneventful night, right? But for a certain group of savvy traders, Sunday has become super exciting. They've even coined it "Double-Your-Money" Night. You see, every Sunday night like clockwork, a potentially money-doubling communiqué appears in your inbox...promptly at 7:00 p.m. ET. The information is so juicy that many wait by their computers eagerly anticipating its arrival. But you don't have to. You can leisurely open it anytime that evening. Whatever is convenient. Because it takes just a few moments to review it. You see this private email contains two well-researched option recommendations. Options we believe are going to make impressive moves in short order. And traders who've acted on these recommendations have seen an amazing jump in their wealth... For example, in just the past 3 months this group has seen their money double again and again... On July 3rd, the Lorillard Inc. July 115 call DOUBLED in value. A 100% GAIN! On June 22nd, the Whole Foods Aug 75 call DOUBLED in value. A 101% GAIN! On June 13th, the Dollar Tree Aug 90 call DOUBLED in value. A 100% GAIN! On June 1st, the Potash June 45 put DOUBLED in value. A 100% GAIN! On May 29th, the Sherwin-Williams Company June 110 call DOUBLED in value. A 103% GAIN! On May 17th, the Staples Jun 17 put DOUBLED in value. A 103% GAIN! On May 16th, the Steel Dynamics Jun 14 put DOUBLED in value. A 100% GAIN! On May 14th, the Citigroup Jun 37 put DOUBLED in value. A 101% GAIN! A total of EIGHT money-doubling trades! Just imagine how much richer you could be with big gains like these. Our Weekend Trader Series service is RED HOT and I want you to jump on board right now! If you don't, you could miss out on big gains like the 103% GAINS on Sherwin-Williams Company, the 100% GAINS on Lorillard, and the 101% GAINS on Citigroup! Stop missing these amazing trades. It's time to turn your boring, old Sunday night into "Double-Your-Money" night. And with this offer you can be one of the few to receive my exclusive email at 7:00 p.m. ET every Sunday night - starting in just 2 days! If this sounds like something you could handle, then it's time to take a closer look at my Weekend Trader Series. Here's how easy it is... At 7:00 p.m. ET every Sunday, we release our 2 hottest option trades, carefully hand-selected to double your money in short order. Invest just $1,000 in each trade and you could have $2,000 in EXTRA CASH in short order. And we make it very easy. You get detailed instructions on how to place your trades...commentary on why we think the trades will post big profits...and instructions on how and when to close out each trade. Everything you need to prime your portfolio for big gains. Can it pay off for you? See for yourself! Weekend Traders Series has much more than just three months of winners. Take a look at a few of our other money doublers...
As you can see, there's a nice mix of calls and puts. That way you're able to profit no matter which direction the market is moving. And did you notice how quickly Weekend Traders were in and out? Almost all of these triple-digit gains were cashed out in less than a month. Would a simple Sunday night cash-generating plan be helpful to you? If so, then I invite you to subscribe to my Weekend Trader Series right now at a deep discount. Good TODAY ONLY! Save a whopping $246...Get 3 Months of Hot Trades for Only $149...And Your First Batch of Trades Arrives this SUNDAY! The regular price for my Weekend Trader Series is $395 for 3 months of trades. And when you consider that you have the potential to double your money on 2 trades each week for the next 3 months, I think that's a very reasonable price. But you don't have to pay $395! Not even close!
This service is so hot that I want it to be an easy decision for you to try it. That's why I'm offering this 3-month subscription at huge savings. No need to make a long-term commitment or big investment. But you have to act now. Because this price is so low I can't keep it available for long. In fact, I'm shutting the door on this offer tonight - at MIDNIGHT to be exact! That way we have time to make sure you're set up to receive your first potential money-doublers at 7:00 p.m. ET this Sunday night.
Or call 1-800-448-2080 Ext. 1251 before 6:00 p.m. ET TONIGHT. Of course, you don't need to hit a homerun every time you step to the plate to be a winner. Our Weekend Trader Series racks up many solid double-digit winners as well. On June 18th, you could have bought 4 American Express July call contracts for $1,620. And then just 21 days later on July 9th, you could have pocketed $2,360. That's a 46% fast gain and $740 in EXTRA CASH! Here are a few recent calls with great double-digit profits:
These are just a few of the strong double-digit winning positions Weekend Trader Series subscribers have taken advantage of. We dish out the details, you collect the cash! It takes a lot of hard work just to find one trade with big profit potential. If you've ever sat in front of a computer for hours at a time agonizing over a potential play, you already realize this. That's why we use a team of experts. No matter how smart any member of my team is, it's far too easy for a person acting alone to overlook a critical detail. It's often the small details that can make a trade a 100% winner or a stopped out loser. So it's critical that we act as a team. Every week we pore over literally hundreds of potential Weekend Trader Series plays. We look at every angle to discover all the strengths and flaws. Then at the end of the week, we put our heads together and decide which option trades have the best potential for big moves, quickly. We eliminate all but 2 of the most remarkable opportunities. And we make sure we have those trades in your inbox at 7:00 p.m. ET Sunday night. There's no fluff either. We get right to the point. You get the reasons for the call or put. Detailed analysis for your review. And the charts and graphs to fill in the details. It's everything you need to target consistent +100% gains aside from an online trading account or a broker.
Of course, not every trade is going to double your money. Sometimes you'll have to "settle" for solid double-digit wins like I listed above. And there will be losing trades, too. That's to be expected in options trading. The truth is even if you've been trading options for 30+ years like I have, you still have losing trades. But remember...the most you can lose on any single trade is the amount you invested, while your potential gains are unlimited. It only takes a few big winners to more than overpower any losing trades that you have along the way...and that's why I love options trading so much. Everything You Need to Profit Now you may be thinking...my budget's tight...I'm not sure if I can afford to play options right now. Well, I think you'll be surprised just how little it costs... How does less than $500 for one option contract sound? Those Steel Dynamics puts that pulled in 100% gains? Just $143 per contract. Or how about the Expedia calls that delivered 132% gains? Just $350 per contract. Or the Citigroup puts that banked 101% gains? Just $418 per contract! Sometimes a recommendation will cost a little more. But for those rare times that it does, it's simply because I would hate for you to miss out on a really hot profit opportunity...just because it is a little higher priced. And you probably know that the secret to maximizing your trading profits is to sell at the right time. That's why we tell you exactly when to exit each trade by giving you specific parameters to follow based on time and price. In fact, we tell you everything you need to know to set up your trades and forget about them. You can forward this information directly to your broker or enter the trades yourself in your online trading account. Once they're set up, you don't have to spend another day worrying about them. And you won't be tethered to your Smartphone or computer all day checking trades, either. So you'll have more time to relax and enjoy your weekend. That's especially important when the weather is sunny and warm and everyone wants to spend more time outdoors. Also...I think you're going to be surprised at how quickly the profits can flow in with my Weekend Trader Series recommendations. For example, we raked in our stellar 103% profits on Sherwin-Williams Company in just 8 days. The 100% gains on Linkedin Corp. came in only 15 days. That's because each one is hand-selected to target +100% gains in short order. Are you beginning to see how simple my Weekend Trader Series really is? Especially when 2 Weekend Trader Series recommendations arrive in your email inbox at 7:00 p.m. ET every Sunday evening. Good Today ONLY! Join my Weekend Trader Series before MIDNIGHT TONIGHT and get 3 months of hot trades for only $149. Plus, you SAVE $246 off the regular $395 3-month price. That's a staggering 62% SAVINGS! And you'll get 2 trades every Sunday for the next 90 days! You can get started right away too! Because at 7:00 p.m. ET this Sunday - just 2 days from now - I'll send you our latest batch of hot trades - 2 in all - each targeting gains of +100% in short order.
The most profitable 7 minutes of the week! Being a Weekend Trader is truly the easiest and fastest way I know to DOUBLE YOUR MONEY...simply by acting on the information you receive in my private email. In the past 3 months, you could have closed 21 winning trades! 8 money-doublers and 13 nice double-digit winners. It may be the easiest "cash-collecting" you'll ever do. So don't wait. Take advantage of the deep discount today and get set to receive 2 blockbuster recommendations this Sunday night. I just need to see your name on the list. It takes only a few minutes to review our Weekend Trader Series recommendations. Place your trades online or read the instructions directly to your broker over the phone. It's that easy. And you can trust that every single Weekend Trader Series recommendation I send you is hand-picked by our expert trading team. They spend hours selecting the right ones for you. You can position yourself to target double-your-money gains with my Weekend Trader Series recommendations. Try it for just 3 months with NO long-term commitment! Sign up before MIDNIGHT TONIGHT and save a whopping $246 off the regular price of $395. That's a HUGE 62% savings. Plus when you get in before MIDNIGHT tonight, your first 2 hot Weekend Trader Series recommendations arrive at 7:00 p.m. ET this Sunday night! And remember you could potentially double your money in just days. Your first trade alone could quickly pay for the cost of your subscription...or much more! I know that once you see the kinds of gains you can make, and how easy these trades are to execute... ...you'll want to keep getting my Weekend Trader Series recommendations month after month. TODAY ONLY, I want you to try my Weekend Trader Series for 3 months for an amazing $246 off the regular price! You get in for just $149! So please hurry and take me up on this terrific offer.
You can also call 1-800-448-2080 Ext. 1251 to speak to one of my helpful product specialists Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET. Let my Weekend Trader Series turn your Sunday nights into "Double-Your-Money" nights! Join today and get your first batch of Weekend Trader Series recommendations at 7:00 p.m. ET this Sunday Night! Sincerely, Bernie Schaeffer
P.S. With my Weekend Trader Series, you could double your money week-in and week-out with the hot recommendations I send you every Sunday evening. Hurry and sign on so you can receive your first trades this Sunday night at 7:00 p.m. ET sharp.
This site is an experiment in sharing news and content. Almost everything here came from email newsletters.
Red Hot: R.S.V.P. before midnight tonight

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