

"The Great Crash Ahead"... and the Smart Money Signaling An Obama Victory

Investment U Weekly Wrap-Up
Sunday, August 26, 2012

In the current edition of the Investment U Weekly Update, Investment Analyst and Host of The Oxford Club's Market Wake-Up Call, Steve McDonald, runs down the key issues affecting the global economy - and your investments. (Click the image to play.)

Steve McDonald and Investment U's Weekly Update
This week, you'll find...

  • Is this precious metal a better buy than gold right now?
  • This tiny bank stock packs a huge punch...
  • The "Slap In The Face" Award: Stock Broker's Edition...
You can check it out in this video.
Retired Dentist Discovers More Reliable Income Source

This unique moneymaking strategy is showing a mind-boggling 97.6% success rate, even while paying out fast gains of 26%, 46%, and 96%. Retired dentist Adam Frank says, "I'm a very seasoned investor. This has helped me change my strategies, and will help my wife and I maintain our income stream for many years, with less risk." How's Dr. Frank doing it? Find out here.

Here are the top stories that were featured in our Investment U Daily this week...

Alexander Green
Chief Investment Strategist
Invest in a Moat... Or Miss the Boat

In ancient and medieval times, castles and even entire towns often built a moat - a deep ditch filled with water - as a preliminary line of defense to deter the enemy.

The same technique is essential in the world of equity investing, too. In a capitalistic society likes ours, you can be sure that if someone has found a profitable niche, it isn't long before others show up to exploit it. This is generally a positive development for consumers who quickly see prices plunge. But it's a different matter for business owners who just as regularly see profit margins wither up and die...

Click here to read full story
Alexander Green
Chief Investment Strategist
"The Great Crash Ahead"

On the way out of Barnes & Noble the other day, I noticed Harry Dent's book, The Great Depression Ahead, sitting on the remainder pile. It was fetching $4.95 a copy in hardback if, indeed, anyone was buying it at all.

With less than auspicious timing, Dent - a self-styled "economic futurist" - brought the book out in January 2009, just three months before the current bull market began. The S&P 500 has doubled since then. Yet Dent warned readers away from stocks and favored cash and money markets instead.

Of course, anyone can make a bad call. But then, rarely has anyone gone so wrong so often - or made so much doing it...

Click here to read full story
Carl Delfeld
Senior Analyst
The Blueprint for the Stock of the Blue Ocean Century

It was the end of innocence...

Once upon a time, I naively believed that we live in a free market global economy where companies competed fairly on a level playing field.

That was until I studied Japanese business practices for a year in Tokyo, worked with the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Treasury, and then was appointed to represent America on the board of the Asian Development Bank in Manila.

From my perch, watching how the great game is played in Washington and in capitals around the world, I learned some useful lessons...

Click here to read full story
Marc Lichtenfeld
Senior Analyst

The Smart Money is Signaling An Obama Victory

Four more years... For some people, that's terrific news. For others, the idea makes their blood pressure spike.

But it looks like President Obama is headed for re-election. At least that's what the smart money on Wall Street is saying.

I'm not talking about with words. Most of the players on Wall Street will tell you they would rather see Mitt Romney in the White House come January. But more important than the words coming out of their mouths, is what they're saying with their money...

Click here to read full story
Mark Skousen
Contributing Editor
Robert Kiyosaki Shocks Investors At FreedomFest

Among the star speakers at this year's FreedomFest were Steve Forbes, Senator Rand Paul, and Oxford Club members Alex Green, Marc Lichtenfeld and Steve McDonald and Wall Street Daily's Karim Rahemtulla...

But without a doubt the most controversial speaker was Robert Kiyosaki, the real estate guru from Hawaii and author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He was the final speaker at FreedomFest, and he didn't disappoint the crowd...

Click here to read full story
Be sure to check out some of the other investment stories that we've published this week on our website at: www.InvestmentU.com

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