

The Next BIG hypnosis training

Mind Control 101 Newsletter

The Next Big Hypnosis Training

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Greetings !


November will be the next BIG hypnosis training with Jeff Stephens and myself.

This is a two part training for introductory and advanced students and it will be HUGE!

Our goal is to create some of the worlds most effective and powerful hypnotist.

Would you like to be one of them?
If your answer is yes it means you can make good money doing a job you love while making people happy.

Everyone wins!

If you've already attended the basic training then you qualify for the advanced training where you'll learn how to help resolve a wide range of clients problems.

We already have a list of previous students who will be at the advanced training so we don't know how quickly the room will be filled.

Check it out now and start making your plans.



Dantalion Jones

PS, if you want to attend Jeff's hypnosis training in Dublin, Ireland then you should check this out

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