

WEBINAR: Using the Voice of Each Customer to Predict Their Future Behavior

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WEBINAR: Using the Voice of Each Customer to Predict Their Future Behavior

Tuesday September 18, 2012 TIME: 2:00pm ET/ 11:00am ET

With the explosion of multi-channel interaction options, customers now interact with companies on a much more frequent basis. A wealth of data resides in these customer interactions, and technology is now capable of turning that data into strategic insights that predict each individual customer's future behavior. What if you knew what each customer was going to do in the future and why?

Join us as we discuss how to predict customer behavior, and what could be done if you knew which customers were going to leave, what customer satisfaction or Net Promoter Score® customers would give if they took a survey, and who would buy a product if it was sold to them.

Net Promoter, NPS, and Net Promoter Score® are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, Inc., and Fred Reichheld, used under license.

What Attendees will learn:

  • Insight into types of interaction data used to predict customer behavior
  • Examples of customer behaviors you can predict
  • Success stories from companies who have used this insight to drive significant business value
Who should attend:
  • VP/Director Customer Service
  • VP/Director Operations
  • VP/Director Customer Experience
  • VP/Director Sales
  • VP/Director Marketing

Register Today


David Gustafson
Vice President of Marketing and Product Management, Mattersight Corporation

David Gustafson has been the Vice President of Marketing and Product Management at Mattersight Corporation since January 2012. Mr. Gustafson has responsibility for marketing, product management, sales support, and strategic partnerships and alliances at Mattersight Corporation. In his twelve years at Mattersight, Mr. Gustafson has held a number of positions, most recently Vice President of Business Delivery, responsible for the deployment and support of Mattersight's solutions. Prior to joining Mattersight, Mr. Gustafson worked as a financial analyst at ABN AMRO North America in the office of the Chief Financial Officer.

Stefania Viscusi
Editor TMCnet

Stefania Viscusi is an established writer and avid reader. She is a 2005 graduate of Albertus Magnus College, Magna Cum Laude. She currently holds a Bachelor's degree in English and a Bachelor's degree in Communications. Stefania has had four of her poems published by "Breakwater" (an Albertus-run literary magazine) and completed a successful internship with the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation as a Public Relations Specialist.

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