Dear Fellow Investor, There's one U.S. company that is so vital to Apple's "iPhone Revolution"... its stock soars time and time again. Almost every year... like clockwork... this stock takes off when Apple-crazed consumers start buying up the latest version of the iPhone. Have a look: -
Up 79% in 9 months after the iPhone 3GS went on sale June 19, 2009. -
Up 95% in 5 months after the iPhone 4 launched June 24, 2010. -
Up 39% in 3 months after the iPhone 4S was released October 7, 2011. While these gains are impressive... they aren't the only times shareholders were rewarded investing in this company. Year after year... ever since the iPhone became one of the world's bestselling smartphones... this little-known company rakes in massive profits - and its shares fly higher and higher! Outperforming Apple and CRUSHING The Market!  And this year, it's poised to do the same... and rocket up again! Because Apple is about to unveil their next big product... one its fanatical customers have been clamoring for... and one that could shatter all previous sales records... This will be the "biggest product launch in consumer electronics history" -- Wells Fargo Which is what makes this company such an attractive investment opportunity right now... because it stands to profit most from this epic launch! Let me explain... All the slick features of Apple's beloved iDevices... simply can't function without this company's indispensible technology. Meaning everything that's great about the iPhone... only exists because of this incredible company. (Full details on how this company generates revenue just ahead...) And when you consider the magnitude of the upcoming launch of Apple's next great product... you'll see why this company is in the perfect position to cash in... Because this isn't like in the past when Apple announced it was changing the color of the iPhone from black to white or offering a simple software upgrade... This is big. Apple is stuffing their warehouses with enough material to manufacture one - or more! - completely, brand new products this Fall... Apple stockpiles $1.5 billion of new product components in advance of September 12, 2012  Of course Apple won't officially announce what they're doing with all this material... and which product their manufacturing... until Wednesday, September 12th. But -- something THIS BIG can't be kept a secret forever... When you're dealing with the most scrutinized company in the world, there's bound to be leaks. And that's exactly what just happened. The industry experts who pore over Apple's financials and watch their factories -- along with their well-guarded insider sources -- have uncovered that this tremendous build up of resources is dedicated to the release of an all-new iPhone... the iPhone 5. "80 Million iPhone 5 sales are already in the bag" -- Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster The iPhone 5 is expected to turn the tables on the mobile industry. It's a wholly re-designed, next generation iPhone. It's super thin, lightweight and has a larger screen and ultra-fast wireless powers... it's a brand new piece of hardware. This is the iPhone consumers have been waiting for... In fact, a recent survey confirms all this pent-up demand -- reporting 51% of mobile consumers are waiting to buy the iPhone 5. That's tens of millions of smartphone buyers! Even typically secretive Apple executives admit the release of a new iPhone is huge: "Each new generation [iPhone] sold is approximately equal to all previous generations combined..." - Phil Schiller, Senior VP of Worldwide Marketing, Apple Of course, with so much hype surrounding this might be thinking if you should just invest in Apple and call it a day. I wouldn't argue with you... In fact, I own shares of Apple myself... But if you're looking to really grow your money... save for retirement... and achieve financial dreams like taking a vacation to Hawaii, paying for your kids' or grandkids' college tuition, or even amassing a sizable down payment on a mountainside condo... You'll want to invest in multiple growth opportunities... like the highly profitable company I've been talking about... the nimble U.S. company Fortune magazine calls, "one of the fastest growing companies in the world." It's this company that earns massive profits and sees it shares move higher each time a new iPhone hits the shelves -- making it the perfect complement for those investors who already own Apple... or those looking to profit alongside another one of Apple's great successes. But, by now... you must be wondering... how exactly is this company poised to cash in on this historic launch? How does it make money? So I'll cut right to the chase: iPhones are useless without this company's technology! I realize that's a bold statement... but when you consider what really makes iPhones the amazing devices they are... it's certainly not a stretch of the truth. Because no one just uses their iPhones for making calls anymore... (According to Cheltan Sharma Consulting, voice usage on mobile networks has been level for years...) They use them for browsing the web, sending text messages, uploading photos, and using popular apps like Facebook, Twitter, and iTunes -- all those amazing features you see in those iPhone ads on TV. Yet, there's a catch... and this is where our company comes in... None of these apps and programs would work without one thing... and you might have already have guessed what it is... In a word -- it's data. iPhones need fast, limitless access to data... available 24/7... and streamed from cell towers and buildings all over the world. That may not sound like a big deal... But if you've ever received a shockingly large cell phone bill after watching streaming video or excessively browsing the web... you'll know data doesn't come cheap. It's the most expensive part of your bill! And nobody knows that more than iPhone owners. Because they consume more data than anyone else. iPhone users are the world's data hogs They make up a whopping 80 percent of world's heaviest data users, according to tech research firm Analysys Mason. In fact, last year alone... thanks in part to the release of Apple's most data-hungry smartphone the iPhone 4S... worldwide mobile data usage DOUBLED! And what's even more astounding is that the amount of mobile Internet traffic in 2011 was greater than all prior years combined! And this is just the beginning... According to future projections, mobile and iPhone data usage is set to nearly double EVERY YEAR for the next 3 years! Mobile Data Usage is Growing 92% a Year Until 2015!  This is all happening because each new iPhone that hits the market consumes more data than its predecessor. A quick example... When the iPhone 4S was released last year... it included revolutionary voice recognition software known as "Siri." A female-voiced program that can make appointments for you, tell you the weather, and essentially do anything you ask her... but for a price. Siri consumes massive amounts of data. According to Bloomberg, "Siri doubles iPhone data volumes" -- placing an enormous strain on mobile networks. In the wake of Siri, AT&T users reported a dramatic increase in dropped calls and network coverage. But the arrival of Siri and this sudden, massive increase in data consumption isn't an isolated event... it's the start of a long-term trend. A fundamental shift in how everyone, all over the world, uses the Internet... A phenomenon that will last for years - and, more importantly, one that you can get in on early! "A year from now, the vast majority of traffic [for many internet companies] will come from mobile..." -- Matt Murphy, Venture Capitalist, Kleiner Perkins August 8, 2012 Because it all starts with the release of the iPhone 5... Apple's most sophisticated mobile device ever. When it hits the shelves and the 80 million owners log on and start using all of its new features, downloading music, and browsing the web... mobile networks will once again feel the pinch... And this is where investors like you can cash in... Because all this skyrocketing data usage means windfall profits for this one company... You see, it's this company that provides all the data iPhone owners need. It owns "virtual pipelines" of data that run to iPhones and allow them to use apps and access the Internet at lightning fast speeds from anywhere, anytime. If that sounds complicated... it is. No ordinary company could be tasked with such a vital role. In fact, this company's technology is so important... it's worked hand-in-hand with Apple for years to develop essential software for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch -- ensuring they have the fastest and most reliable mobile Internet access. Because after September 12th... once the iPhone 5 goes on sale... Mobile networks around the world will once again be strained as users fight for bandwidth - just like after the release of the previous iPhone. And here's where the real genius of this high-tech firm pays off... You see, it doesn't own a single cell tower... Its technology is pure code... Much like how Google's huge competitive advantage is hidden deep with in its search algorithms... same goes for this company. It can expand networks and increase mobile Internet speeds, instantly, without erecting a single cell tower. In fact, this high-tech firm is so ahead of the curve... it just beat out Cisco -- the $200 billion networking pioneer -- to secure lucrative contracts... practically guaranteeing it years and years of business! Which means one thing for this company and its investors... The more mobile data usage surges in the coming months after the iPhone 5 launch, the more money this company makes! Already, it's doubled revenue in just 3 years! Which brings me to one more important point I must tell you about... As I mentioned earlier, the iPhone 5 is only the beginning of a long-term trend... a fundamental change in the way the world uses the Internet. Soon, the majority of Internet traffic will originate from mobile devices including the iPhone and tablets like the iPad. And it's happening a lot sooner than you think: Mobile Overtakes Desktop Browsing as the #1 Source of Internet Traffic on December 31st, 2013  As you can see, in addition to this company immediately profiting from the launch of the iPhone 5... It also has years and years of growth ahead of it... as 2.3 billion mobile devices soon come online and start consuming massive amounts of data. Plus, in addition to this enormous growth potential, this company already has a healthy bottom line... -
Analysts expect annual revenues to jump 20% to $1.39 billion in 2012 and to $1.6 billion in 2013. -
Earnings per share (EPS) is expected to rise from $3.44 to $4.44 for 2012 and $5.19 in 2013. -
And, in addition to Apple, it has thousands of customers including tech heavyweights -- IBM, Dell, Microsoft, and Oracle - all paying millions for its essential technology. Plus right now it's trading at just 22.5 times current year earnings... and only 19 times forward year earnings -- nearly the lowest multiple in a year! I can't wait to give you this company's name and ticker symbol so you can snap up shares before Wednesday, September 12th... and position yourself to profit before 80 million new iPhones are activated -- sending mobile data usage (and this company's stock!) soaring! But out of respect for my paid subscribers, I must send you this information in the form of a brand new special report. It's called, The #1 Stock For Cashing in on Apple's "Mobile Revolution." Inside, you'll get a detailed analysis of this company's business. Including how much you can expect to make when it takes off after the release of the iPhone 5! And when you request it today, I'll even send it to your inbox - INSTANTLY - so you can read over all details right away. But before I do, I must tell you that it's simply not enough for me to send you this special report and wish you well... I want to make sure you get full ongoing analysis concerning this stock -- now, through the launch of the iPhone 5, and for the next 3 months. So you know exactly what's happening! That's why when you claim your special report -- The #1 Stock For Cashing in on Apple's "Mobile Revolution" -- right now... I'll also give you 90 days of FREE email alerts and access to my exclusive investment service, Top Stock Insights. But before I send you your special report and activate your free pass to my service, please allow me a quick introduction... My name is Ian Wyatt. I'm the Chief Investment Strategist and Founder of the highly successful firm Wyatt Investment Research. Four years ago, I launched Top Stock Insights in the face of one of the most brutal and uncertain markets in decades.But unlike most investors at the time... we were making money. You see, my team and I are dedicated to investing only in stocks that have specific catalysts to get their shares moving quickly... so we can get in... enjoy months of growth... and then bank profits! Of course, finding these timely opportunities isn't easy. We log countless hours researching... scouring the market for only the very best stocks. But it's worth it. Because this market has proven to be increasingly difficult for buy and hold investors. These days, there's always a fresh crisis waiting right around the corner to sink stocks. And in a hostile environment like this... no gain is safe. That's why with every stock we recommend, we always have a clear exit strategy... complete with price targets... So you always know EXACTLY when to sell... and when to take profits! For example... this isn't the first time we've made money investing in the stock revealed in your special report, The #1 Stock For Cashing in on Apple's "Mobile Revolution." Earlier this year, when my team and I spotted weakness in the market and an approaching sell-off... we alerted our readers immediately... and locked in a gain of 59.6% on this company! Just before the Dow plunged over 1,100 points - handing our readers a nice sum of money and protecting them from any losses. That's why Top Stock Insights is unlike most other investment services... because we don't believe in set it and forget it. We fanatically watch every stock we recommend.The result is: You're getting total investment guidance. And for the select few readers who've already joined us... it's paying off! Have a look at these recent gains booked in the Top Stock Insights portfolio: 57% on Joy Global... an industrial machinery manufacturer... in 23 days. | 32% on Elster Group... a German water and gas utility... in 3 months. | 82% on Hecla Mining... a gold, silver, and zinc miner... in 6 months. | 31% on Perfect World... a Chinese online game developer... in 4 months. | 46% on SunPower... a solar power plant manufacturer... in 5 months. | 36% on Alpha Natural Resources... a coal miner... in 4 months. | 22% on Ares Capital... a financial and investment firm... in 2 months. | 20% on EZ Corp... a financial lending company... in 5 months. | 34% on Trina Solar... a Chinese solar power operation... in 3 months. | 25% on Teekay... a liquefied natural gas shipper... in 6 months. | 47% on NetApp... a cloud computing firm... in 4 months. | 16% on AllianceBernstein... an investment firm... in 5 days. | 34% on Mindray... a medical device manufacturer... in 3 months. | 25% on Sterlite... a copper and phosphorous miner... in 9 days. | 51% on Cameron International... an oil and gas processor... in 4 months. | 32% on Cephalon... a biopharmaceutical company... in 7 months. | | To get you on your way to earning profits like these with Top Stock Insights... and position yourself to profit from the launch of the iPhone 5 with the high-tech company revealed in your special report The #1 Stock For Cashing in on Apple's "Mobile Revolution"... I've made it easier than ever for you to get started... Right now, when you reply only through this email, you'll get these two wealth-building resources for ONLY $29.95. That's the name, ticker symbol, and a detailed analysis of the company that stands to profit from most from Apple's big announcement Wednesday September 15th... AND 90 DAYS of ongoing communication and investment research, including new, official stock recommendations and email alerts... all for one LOW price. That's enough time to take you through the launch of the iPhone 5 and then some! Now I realize that with Apple's big announcement coming up fast... this kind of time constraint could lead to a hasty decision or, worse, a missed opportunity. That's why I'd like to direct your attention to our corporate policy that guarantees this is a win-win for you and makes the report FREE if you choose. You're special 90-DAY money-back guarantee! If at any point during the next 3 months you find that Top Stock Insights isn't for you, you can simply call my customer service manager to cancel: no hassles, no run-around, no hard feelings -- just a prompt and courteous 100% refund. And your special report, The #1 Stock For Cashing in on Apple's "Mobile Revolution" is yours to keep with my compliments. Of course, this kind of guarantee makes it possible to get everything we have to offer and pay nothing... That's okay. Because that's just how confident I am in what we have to offer you! Now, let's review everything you'll receive when you start today: -
13 weekly issues of Top Stock Insights filled with market insight and updates on portfolio holdings. You can expect to receive two brand new handpicked recommendations each month - including the full rationale behind every recommendation, including any potential risks and price targets, so you'll have everything you need to make your own sound investment decisions. -
Email alerts rushed to your inbox the minute there's breaking news concerning a Top Stock Insights portfolio holding -- so you'll always know when I'm taking profits. -
Full access to the Top Stock Insights subscribers-only website, where you can pore every transaction made in the portfolio and read our entire issue archive and special reports library. -
LIVE customer service during regular business hours with our customer service expert, Aimee, who is ready to help you with all your subscription needs. -
100% Full Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee -- if at any point during the next 3 months you aren't completely satisfied, you can call and receive a full refund... no questions asked. And you'll get instant access to your special report The #1 Stock For Cashing in on Apple's "Mobile Revolution." Which reveals the full details of the one stock you must buy before Apple's HUGE announcement Wednesday, September 12th. I urge you to click the link below... claim this incredible offer and your special report... because there may never be an easier or better time to position yourself to profit from coming launch of the iPhone 5 than right now! Click here to get your report right now. Good Investing,  Ian Wyatt Chief Investment Strategist Top Stock Insights P.S. I'm making this report The #1 Stock For Cashing in on Apple's "Mobile Revolution" available to you now -- RISK-FREE -- for a limited time. But soon after I make this report available and Apple releases the iPhone 5... it's highly likely that this company could run far above my target buy price. That's because this is a great opportunity and I'm sure investors will buy it in droves. Please - if you're interested, I really would prefer that you have a fighting chance to invest in this company - so don't wait. As I said, if you decide this report is not right for you, you can immediately cancel and get all of your money back, with the report yours to keep. So you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain!  Click here to get your report right now. Note: Your first 3 months of Top Stock Insights are free with your purchase of the special report. After 3 months, your subscription will automatically renew for a full year (52 weekly issues) of Top Stock Insights for only $199. You may cancel at any time by calling our customer service department. * Investing in stocks carries certain risks for loss just as much as it presents opportunities for rewards. While each of the stocks in this new investment report has been thoroughly researched by professional analysts, investors are advised to perform their own research and due diligence before investing. Future returns claims made in this promotion are based on calculations and evaluations made to the best of the ability of Top Stock Insights research analysts, however they CANNOT be guaranteed and should not be considered as such. This is a communication from Wyatt Investment Research. We respect your privacy and therefore this email has been sent directly from Wyatt Investment Research. Wyatt Investment Research does not provide our email lists and other data to third parties. This is consistent with our Privacy Policy as outlined on our web site. You may review it at If you do not want to receive future communications from Wyatt Investment Research, please follow the unsubscribe instructions below. You are subscribed with the following email address: To unsubscribe from Wyatt Investment Research emails visit If you believe this communication to be a mistake or unsolicited, please e-mail with details regarding your situation, and we will be sure to promptly investigate your situation. Ian Wyatt's Top Stock Insights c/o Wyatt Investment Research 65 Railroad Street PO Box 790 Richmond, Vermont 05477 ================================= ================================= This is a communication from Penny Stock Junction. This is a paid advertisement provided to our customers. Although we have sent you this email, Penny Stock Junction does not endorse this product or company nor is it responsible for the content of this ad. Furthermore, we make no guarantee or warranty about what is advertised above, and have not independently reviewed the information provided within this advertisement. We respect your privacy and therefore this email has been sent directly from Penny Stock Junction. Penny Stock Junction does not provide our email lists and other data to third parties. This is consistent with our Privacy Policy as outlined on our web site. You may review it at: If you do not want to receive future communications from Champlain Media, please follow the unsubscribe instructions below. ======================== Unsubscribe Instructions ======================== You are subscribed with the following email address: To unsubscribe from Champlain Media emails click here: If you believe this communication to be a mistake or unsolicited, please e-mail with details regarding your situation, and we will be sure to promptly investigate your situation. A publication of Champlain Media 65 Railroad Street Richmond, VT 05477 PO Box 790 |
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