

Top 6 workforce planning pitfalls

Featured White Paper on SearchFinancialApplications.com

Workforce Planning Pitfalls
Sponsored by: SuccessFactors
You're not expected to predict the future. But forecasting the developing chasm between supply and demand of critical talent is a task that will separate you from the competition, ensuring you have the desired workforce you need years down the road.

Between workforces aging and a shortage of talent fast becoming one of the biggest challenges in today's business world, strategic workforce planning is now one of human resources' top initiatives.

This paper can alleviate some of the stress associated with this process by offering up six pitfalls you should be aware of when trekking down the workforce planning path.

It is pivotal you understand how to properly forecast the right time frame for successfully sourcing and training an employee, and how essential a smooth transition between the current workforce and future employees is to the entire endeavor.


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