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03 2012
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Becoming God's True Woman

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Becoming God's True Woman

Nancy Leigh DeMoss (Editor)

Seven beloved teachers Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Susan Hunt, Mary Kassian, Carolyn Mahaney, Bunny Wilson, Dorothy Patterson, and Barbara Hughes exhort women to restore the beauty and truth of their godly calling with hope, humility, obedience, and prayer. A charge to women to recover what the feminist revolution has robbed them of: the God-given beauty, wonder, and treasure of their distinctive calling and mission.

The feminist revolution was supposed to bring women greater fulfillment and freedom. Yet women today feel anything but fulfilled and free because they have lost the distinctiveness and richness of their calling as women. Now a movement is spreading seeds of hope, humility, obedience, and prayera call to return to godly womanhood and its truth will resound in the hearts of readers through the powerful messages of Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Susan Hunt, Mary Kassian, Carolyn Mahaney, Barbara Hughes, P. Bunny Wilson, and Dorothy Patterson. Though each author approaches the subject of godly womanhood differently, a thread runs throughout that will instill joy and delight at the greatness of Gods created order and the part he wants women to play in his grand, redemptive plan. Includes a study guide.

Paperback; 208 pages

Quote of the Week

Gordon R. Taylor on Natural Selection

"Natural selection not only brings new species into existence-if it does-but also eliminates species, and on a colossal scale. It is calculated that 99 per cent of all the species which have ever existed are now extinct. So perhaps it may be more instructive to discover why species vanish than why they appear."

Gordon R. Taylor, Great Evolution Mystery (1983), p. 86.

180: An Award Winning Documentary


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180: An Award Winning Documentary

How many seconds does it take to change a life?

Very few, when good and evil are brought to full focus for the first time. It began as a series of video interviews for the upcoming book "Hitler, God and the Bible." The subjects were college students in Southern California who don't have a clue who Adolph Hitler was. Author, evangelist and television host Ray Comfort found that these young adults also had given little previous thought to the reality of abortion.

Then, in the course of a series of mini-Socratic dialogues, come the incredible "180s." Comfort asks these men and women hypothetical questions about the Nazi Holocaust - and then asks them to apply their answers to the question of abortion. The results are simply amazing.

Everyone should watch this DVD - particularly those who consider themselves pro-"choice" or even any pro-lifers who are reluctant to stand up firmly for what they believe.

NOTE: Some of the attitudes expressed in the film are upsetting, particularly where Comfort uncovers willful ignorance regarding the Holocaust. In establishing the persistence of evil and forgetfulness regarding history, however, these portions are both compelling and central to the message of this extremely important documentary.

"180" is the most powerful production of its kind that I have ever seen. - Allan Parker - President, The Justice Foundation

With one question, Ray Comfort shows how you can change minds, save lives, and awaken the conscience of a nation. Why hasn't anyone thought of this until now? - Dr. Frank Turek - Founder & President of CrossExamined.org

Leaves you utterly speechless! "180" is going to change the direction of the nation. - Stacy L. Massey - President, Abortion Recovery International

Knowing God

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Knowing God

In 2006, Christianity Today voted this title to be one of the top 50 books that have shaped evangelicals!

During the past 20 years, J. I. Packer's classic has revealed to over one million Christians around the world the wonder, the glory and the joy of knowing God. This anniversary edition is completely retypeset, with Americanized language and spelling, and a new preface by the author.

Paperback, 286 pages

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God

You Save $8.22

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Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God

If God is in control of everything, can Christians sit back and not bother to evangelize? Or does active evangelism imply that God is not really sovereign at all? J. I. Packer shows in this new edition to the popular IVP Classics how both of these attitudes are false. In a careful review of the biblical evidence, he shows how a right understanding of God's sovereignty is not so much a barrier to evangelism as an incentive and powerful support for it.

With over 100,000 copies in print, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God is truly a classic that should be read by every Christian.

"There is abroad today a widespread suspicion that a robust faith in the absolute sovereignty of God is bound to undermine any adequate sense of human responsibility. Such a faith is thought to be dangerous to spiritual health, because it breeds a habit of complacent inertia. In particular, it is thought to paralyze evangelism by robbing one both of the motive to evangelize and of the message to evangelize with. The supposition seems to be that you cannot evangelize effectively unless you are prepared to pretend while you are doing it that the doctrine of divine sovereignty is not true. I shall try to make it evident that this is nonsense." --from the author's Introduction

Paperback, 128 pages

Monumental: In Search of America's Greatest Treasure


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Monumental: In Search of America's Greatest Treasure

Monumental is the story of America's beginnings. Presented, produced, and starring Kirk Cameron, the 90-minute true story follows this father of six across Europe and the U.S. as he seeks to discover America's true "national treasure" - the people, places, and principles that made America the freest, most prosperous and generous nation the world has ever known.

Monumental is heralded as "inspiring," "beautifully executed," "powerful," and "one meant to teach." The Dove Foundation gave the film 5 out of 5 Doves, remarking:

"We are more than glad to endorse this DVD with our Dove 'Family-Approved' Seal. We are recommending it for all ages although the very young might not follow it very well. This DVD is a must-see!"

Long regarded as "the land of opportunity," there's no question the tiny band of religious outcasts who founded this country hit upon a formula for success that went way beyond what they could have imagined. How else can you explain the fact that they established a nation that has become the best example of civil, economic and religious liberty the world has ever known?

What formula did they discover? What motivated them to come here in the first place? More importantly, how can we apply these same foundational truths today?

© 2010 Creation Revolution — A Division of Tolle Lege Press, LLC
3150-A Florence Rd. Suite #1 • Powder Springs, GA 30127

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