

Celebrities React To Hurricane Sandy

October 30, 2012
As Hurricane Sandy hurled toward the East Coast Monday night, Twitter lit up with a litany of social media documenting the storm, in New York and elsewhere. Among the tweets were lots of prayers, well-wishes and positive thoughts spread through by some of the celebrities we know best. Continue reading...
Superstorm Sandy Rattles Entertainment Industry In New York

Meteorologists Who Look Like Celebrities (PHOTOS)

Coco, Hurricane Sandy: Reality Star Reports On Storm From New Jersey Balcony (NSFW VIDEO)

The Most Influential LGBT Asian Icons (PHOTOS)
From familiar faces such as Margaret Cho and BD Wong to perhaps lesser-known individuals such as Urvashi Vaid and Kim Coco Iwamoto, there are certainly many Asians in the LGBT community for us "gaysians" -- and everyone else -- to look up to. Continue reading...
Celebrity 2012: Don't Trust Anyone. Gag Your Friends. And for Heaven's Sake, Take Away Everybody's Cell Phone!
People are trying to make a big thing out of the "gag order" imposed on guests who attended the quiet, low-key wedding of Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel in Italy. Oh, please, this is a common practice these days. You really can't trust anybody. Continue reading...
Talking Book: A Conversation With Macy Gray and Her Take on Stevie Wonder's Classic Album
Talking Book is Macy Gray's way of "really me doing something I've never done before. It's my own way of showing Stevie [Wonder] how much I love him and honoring him the best way I can." Continue reading...

From around the web

My Friend, Alan Kirschenbaum
I don't really think it's appropriate to write about something so personal on the Internet, it certainly doesn't feel right, but nothing feels right today. I lost a brother. Continue reading...
AfterEllen.com's Best Lesbian Week Ever: Oct. 20-26
We at AfterEllen.com pride ourselves on knowing all kinds of Sapphic pop-culture facts. Each week we share some of the best tidbits on The Huffington Post in our series "Best Lesbian Week Ever." Here's who and what was on our raging gay radar this week. Continue reading...

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