

Market Madness, Sandy's Costs, Dangerous Cuts And More

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
If and when U.S. stock trading starts up again on Wednesday, the crowd waiting to trade will be like those Black Friday masses busting down the doors of Wal-Mart to get their hands on a $20 DVD player. Things could get ugly.

Everything could go smoothly, of course. But investors should be ready for the chance, however small, of volatile trading that could further rattle already shaky confidence in financial markets, with longer-term implications for the economy, and possibly the presidential election, if things get really messy.
Sandy Power Outages Hit MILLIONS
Hospitals Struggling To Stay Open In Storm
Hurricane Sandy's Economic Impacts Likely To Be Minor
Disaster Relief In Danger At Worst Possible Time
Sandy Could Be The Fifth-Costliest Hurricane in History
Jamie Henn: Let's Make Big Oil Help Pay for Hurricane Sandy Relief
Here's an idea: instead of spending hundreds of millions of dollars to corrupt our political process, what if the fossil fuel industry took all that money and put it towards Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts instead? While the fossil fuel industry didn't directly cause Sandy, they did help lay the foundation for it.
Steve Rhode: The Myth: American's Have Learned to Avoid Debt
So much of what you hear about the recent economic trends of people learning grand lessons about avoiding debt are just not true.
The European Magazine: The Myth of the Exploding Welfare State
Public debt has become the main argument against the welfare state. But the two are barely related.
Bruce Kushnick: Cable's Social Contract on America and Other Cable Scandals: But Who's Counting?
Shouldn't we get to choose who offers us Internet or broadband or cable programming services over the wires we've helped to upgrade? And if there's no serious competition, shouldn't the cable companies' prices for cable services be regulated again?
Nancy Costikyan: Work and Family at 30,000 Feet
The very name, "Work and Family Month" projects a problematic dualism. Work and family. Work and life. As if work is not an essential part of the human condition. As if urgent family demands magically time themselves around working hours.

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