

Purse With $10,000 Returned.. Grieving Amanda Todd.. Online Scams

Friday, October 12, 2012

WETASKIWIN, Alta. - Police in Alberta say that a couple of recent incidents are showing up the risks associated with online advertising sites such as Kijiji.

Albertans Grieve Death Of Bullied Teen
WATCH: Autotuned Plea To Find Missing Kitty Is Funny, Sad
Police Probe Mysterious Death Of Edmonton Prisoner
Alberta Man Wins Back Identity 8 Years After Losing Wallet
WestJet's Discount Airline Coming Soon
Theresa Wells: Why Fort McMurray Hates Journalists
It's gotten to the point where people in this region are wary of journalists. I've had some visiting journalists comment to me that they were surprised at how reluctant people have been to speak to them, how they have expressed alarm at the idea of speaking to a journalist from the outside media. And my only response is "Well, if somebody came to your house, visited you, ate dinner with you, laughed with you, talked with you, and then went away and wrote a story about how filthy your house is would you throw open the doors to speak to them again?"
Sue Jacques: Grief At Work: How To Handle The Unexpected Death Of A Colleague
I was recently approached by a tearful young woman who quietly asked me for advice following my presentation at a corporate conference. Taking a deep breath and a long look around, she shared with me that she was notified the night before that one of her colleagues had died in a car accident.
Jerry Aulenbach: Mormon Underwear - Romney's Undies And Other Not-So-Secret Sacred Mormon Facts
Hi, I'm Jerry. And I'm a Mormon. Incidentally, so is a certain american man running to be the President of that grand country. For one reason or another, the subject of his underwear has become a topic of discussion.
Anne Day: The Surprising Benefits of Living With Cancer
It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month and as a survivor, I wouldn't go so far as to say I want to celebrate having had breast cancer, but it has made a positive difference in my life.
Cameron Fenton: Big Oil Is Gambling Our Future on End Pit Lakes
Tuesday morning I woke up, opened the paper and saw a full page spread on plans to create massive End Pit Lakes, a process that involved filling the massive, visible from space, open pit mines created by tar sands extraction in Northern Alberta with tailings and water.

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