

Road Closures For West Hollywood's Halloween Bash

October 31, 2012
Over 400,000 fabulous freaks are expected to pour into West Hollywood for Halloween Carnaval, which means the city's going to be a traffic and parking nightmare Wednesday night.

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Measure B Does Not Protect Performers: Vote No

Cee Lo Green Denies Sexual Assault Allegations

Inadequate Lookout Blamed For Aegean's Fatal Crash

Pop That: This Artweek.LA (October 29, 2012)
2012-10-31-imagepull2.jpg Continue reading...
Rita Rocks Her Persian Roots
Israel's most popular and enduring pop icon, Rita Yahan-Farouz, known the world over simply as Rita, discusses her life, career and an upcoming concert she will perform in L.A. Continue reading...
Patt in the Hat: Not Coming Back??
We, the listeners, do not need more global "crawl" or "personality" programming -- we need what Patt has under her hat -- and, until recently, shared on the air-waves. That famous hat is now sitting in the ring. Who will pick it up? Continue reading...

From around the web

California and the Battle for Public Higher Education
According to UC President Mark Yudof, imminent cuts mean a system-wide $2,400 fee hike, more hiring freezes, more layoffs, and even deeper cuts to academic budgets. In layman's terms, the system's tragic and quickening death continues. But why save the UC system? Continue reading...
My Childhood Pen-Pal Was an Innocent Man on Death Row
I don't remember the first letter I got from Paris. I don't remember him coming into my life at all. He was just always there; a far-away pen pal, a friendly grownup presence who I knew only through letters and one greenish Polaroid of him standing with arms crossed in front of a metal grate. Continue reading...

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