

Walmart's Big Loss, Largest Phone Bill Ever, iPad Shocker And More

Thursday, October 11, 2012
Kids don't understand adult phrases like "fiscal cliff." What they understand is that mom says no extra milk on the cereal or no second helpings of meat at dinner.

Ayana Fakhir, 34, of Shaker Heights, Ohio, has two children under the age of 8. Even though she has a stable, well-paid job working as an attorney for the federal government, Fakhir is worried because her salary is staying the same, but her costs, including taxes and food, are rising. "It's hard for a kid because they don't understand that Mommy can't go to the grocery store every week."
Woman Shocked By What Was Living In Her Home
Walmart To Pay Former Employee $1.49 Million
Woman Slammed With QUADRILLION Dollar Phone Bill
Mom Couldn't Believe What She Found In iPad Box
America's Most Comfortable Cities
Jason Alderman: Money-Saving Open Enrollment Tips
Take a few minutes to review your benefit coverage options for next year -- and take advantage of any tax savings you might be missing.
Foodbeast: Celebrate Halloween? You'll Probably Spend About $24 on Candy
This year, seven out of 10 Americans will be celebrating Halloween, and they will, on average, spend nearly $80 bucks in honor of the holiday. Of that spending, which includes costumes, decorations and greeting cards, it's estimated that $24.25 of that total will go to candy sales.
Laura Zigman: 'I Did The 'Guacamole Math' Using 'Whole Foods Math'!
Need a way to justify your Prepared-Foods-Buying-Habit? Just use 'Guacamole Math" and/or "Whole Foods Math" and buy as much prepared food as you want! You'll save money and even make money!
The GypsyNesters: How to Volunteer at a National Park (and Live for Free!)
Whether you are a retiree or empty nester looking to enrich your life through volunteerism or an outdoorsy-type wanting to get back to nature, the Parks Service provides wonderful ways to help preserve America's natural heritage. And now is the time to prepare for next summer's adventure.
Claudia Ricci: Laid Off? Got a Job Interview? It Might Do a Lot of Good to Journal
Pennebaker's work certainly speaks to the power of journaling. But for me, the power of writing extends beyond journaling to any kind of writing that speaks to my soul.

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