

California's Conservative Crisis

November 2, 2012
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California has reached an all-time high of 18.2 million registered voters, while the number of registered Republicans has fallen below 30 percent, signaling a worrisome decline for the state's minority party, officials said Friday. Continue reading...
WATCH: Heroic Mom Saves Trick-Or-Treating Boys

California Volunteers Head To Help With Hurricane Relief

WATCH: Baby Panda Is Almost Ready To Walk!

The Tuesday That's Bound to Matter All the Way to 2052
What will get me to my polling place this year, more than anything else, is this: I believe Barack Obama will nominate Supreme Court Justices who will vote to overturn Citizens United, which wiped out reasonable limits on campaign funding. And Mitt Romney would appoint Supreme Court Justices who would uphold it. Continue reading...
Abortion Is a Medical Procedure
It is no one's business what reason a woman chooses to have an abortion, no woman should be defined by having one, or have her character called into question because she has had one, and under no circumstances, should she ever be asked why she had one. Continue reading...
GMOs and Prop 37: Protecting Your Right to Know, Protecting Your Health
Independent doctors and scientists have warned about health and environmental risks from GMO foods, yet our federal regulators have let us down us by allowing these risky new foods to go unlabeled. Californians have the chance to address this situation by voting Yes on Prop 37 next week. Continue reading...

From around the web

BGG Weekender: R Kelly, $1 Shots and Tons of Holiday Shopping (PHOTOS)
With a couple of days before Election Day, this weekend would have been a nice reprieve from the chaos. Then came Sandy. First, donate to The Red Cross. Then have a good weekend like those New Yorkers are trying to do. Gotta love that east coast resilience! Continue reading...
Death, Christ and California's Prop. 34
Given that the central narrative of the Christian faith is an unjust execution, to separate faith from our discussions about the death penalty is to guarantee an incomplete consideration of Proposition 34 for most voters. Continue reading...

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