

Condoms Are Now Required In Porn

November 7, 2012
Despite strong outcry against it from the adult film industry, a measure requiring porn performers to wear condoms on set was passed by LA County voters Tuesday.

The "Safer Sex in the Adult Film Industry Act'," or Measure B, passed 56 percent to 44 percent, with 100 percent of precincts reporting. In addition to mandating condoms, it will require porn producers to apply for a permit from the LA County Department of Public Health to shoot sex scenes. The fee will finance periodic inspections of porn filming, and violations will be subject to civil fines and criminal misdemeanor charges. Continue reading...
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This debate will go on, but the delusional thinking in the death penalty equation is based on the logic of deterring vicious criminals from killing people. It's not. As I've stated, proponents would love to make this claim but they can't. There are simply too many variables involved to support it. Continue reading...
Seeking Genetically Modified... Perspective
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These species and a host of other Pacific marine predators need to eat plenty of small fish to survive and thrive. In fact, to understand the well-being of an ocean ecosystem, one of the first steps is to measure the food supply upon which other larger species depend. Continue reading...

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