

Drug Discovery@nature.com 09 November 2012

Drug Discovery


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9 November 2012

Research Highlights
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*mean time for papers published in September 2012



Cholesterol-lowering blockbuster candidates speed into Phase III trials
Less than a decade on from genetic studies indicating the potential of PCSK9 as a target to affect cholesterol metabolism, two PCSK9 inhibitors are moving into late-stage development.
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New class of kinase inhibitors poised to join the anticancer arsenal
Long-standing efforts to develop drugs that target MEKs could soon come to fruition, moving the frontier to how best to combine them with other cancer therapies.
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Deal watch: J&J and Genmab deal to push forward CD38 as a blood cancer target
J&J has finalized a deal to in-license daratumumab, an anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody that is in early-stage development for multiple myeloma by the Danish biotech company Genmab.
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Deal watch: 'Big data' deal for diabetes clinical trial modelling
Data analytics company GNS Healthcare and the contract research organization Covance have entered into a deal to develop predictive models of clinical trials.
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Melanoma's hidden act
Melanoma cells can acquire resistance to adoptive T cell transfer therapies by dedifferentiating themselves to hide antigens. Researchers are trying to circumvent this resistance mechanism to improve treatment responses for T cell therapy protocols.
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From the analyst's couch: Wet AMD market
This analysis looks at the currently available therapies for age-related macular degeneration and at the emerging treatments that might offer more convenient and cost-effective options.
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Research Highlights


Alzheimer's Disease: JNK3 as new target in AD?
Researchers have shown that Alzheimer’s disease is under tight control by JNK3, through a complex loop that drives the production of the neurotoxic peptide Aβ42. JNK3 deletion alleviated symptoms in a mouse model.
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Metabolic disorders: New avenue to AMPK activation
Researchers have identified a novel small-molecule AMPK activator that, through a mechanism involving NUR77, reduces blood glucose and alleviates insulin resistance in mouse models of diabetes.
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G Protein-coupled receptors: Expanding the detection of GPCR activation
A new high-throughput assay overcomes some limitations of previous assays, allowing the accurate detection of a wider range of GPCRs.
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Research & Reviews


Structure and mechanism of a bacterial sodium-dependent dicarboxylate transporter
This study provides insights into the NaCT protein, including the identification of the substrate-binding motifs. This may aid the design of agents that target this protein to treat obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
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Immunomodulatory glycan LNFPIII alleviates hepatosteatosis and insulin resistance through direct and indirect control of metabolic pathways
The administration of LNFPIII, an immunomodulatory glycan found in human milk and on parasitic helminths, improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in diet-induced obese mice.
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MicroRNA therapeutics for cardiovascular disease: opportunities and obstacles
This Review focuses on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of current miRNA inhibitor designs and their relevance to cardiovascular indications, and evaluates the opportunities and obstacles associated with this new therapeutic modality.
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The spliceosome as a target of novel antitumour drugs
This Review looks at drugs that target the alternative splicing of genes that are important for cancer progression, and at how an understanding of the molecular mechanisms of these may open new perspectives for novel antitumour therapies.
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Drug Discovery
JOBS of the week
Director Research and Drug Development
Children's Tumor Foundation
Scientist / Sr Scientist � Oncology Drug Discovery
H3 Biomedicine
Postdoc in drug delivery, nanotechnology, and biomaterials
University of Michigan
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Synthetic Cell-Based Screening / Microfluidics / Drug Discovery
The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI)
Post Doctoral Fellowship � Bacterial Pathogenesis and Antimicrobial Drug Discovery
Beth Israel Deacon Medical Center - Harvard Medical School
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Drug Discovery
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Career snapshots archive
Career snapshots feature people associated with drug discovery and drug development, with the aim of providing expert insights and advice on a wide range of positions and career paths in this field.
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