

How Immoral Government Creates the Perfect Investment... and Make Money Going Against the Crowd

Investment U Weekly Wrap-Up
Sunday, November 4, 2012

In the current edition of the Investment U Weekly Update, Investment Analyst and Host of The Oxford Club's Market Wake-Up Call, Steve McDonald, runs down the key issues affecting the global economy - and your investments. (Click the image to play.)

Steve McDonald and Investment U's Weekly Update
This week, you'll find...

  • Is Coal Making a Comeback?
  • Classic Cars the Next Hot Alternative Investment?
  • The "Slap In The Face" Award: Fed Shenanigans...
You can check it out in this video.
After Monday, You Will Be Too Late

Until Monday, November 5th, The Director of The Oxford Club is giving Investment U members a one-time chance to receive the newest issue of The Communiqué.

To find out how it could help you post a double-, even triple-digit gain by the end of the year just click here.

Here are the top stories that were featured in our Investment U Daily this week...

Alexander Green
Chief Investment Strategist
How Immoral Government Creates the Perfect Investment

If insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, you really have to wonder about California Governor Jerry Brown.

The two-time Democratic Governor is calling for a 3% tax hike on the state's richest 1% to help pay for the state's perpetually cash-strapped education system. He calls it "a moral issue."

I couldn't agree more. And it's one, as you'll see, that leads directly to a particular investment conclusion...

Click here to read full story
Alexander Green
Chief Investment Strategist
Why Some Investors Will Never Win With Individual Stocks

The other day I received an angry letter from a reader. He was upset about the performance of some of the stocks in The Oxford Club's Trading Portfolio.

Any stock picker is used to hearing complaints. It goes with the territory. But this reader detailed each losing trade over the last few years and said he was "losing thousands more" on a current recommendation. He added that I needed to shape up or he would ship out.

Strong words. But I'm guessing this reader will never be happy or successful owning individual stocks. Let me explain why...

Click here to read full story
Marc Lichtenfeld
Senior Analyst

Make Money Going Against the Crowd

This weekend, I was at a boxing match, talking with someone affiliated with the show. He used to work on Wall Street. I asked him if he missed it. "Hell, no," he said quickly. "Wall Street makes boxing look like an honest business."

After the financial collapse, flash crash and various scandals, that's the way many people view Wall Street.

And that's despite the current bull market being the ninth longest in history - out of 26...

Click here to read full story
Carl Delfeld
Senior Analyst
Feed the World and Your Portfolio

We take a steady supply of high-quality food at reasonable prices as our birthright, but it wasn't always so.

A few decades after the Civil War, almost all Americans toiled on a farm. And many of the European immigrants who flooded the country in the late nineteenth century were also farmers looking to start a new life on cheap and productive American farmland.

Then began both the mass migration to the cities and huge increases in productivity - leading to only 2% of Americans making a living off the land today...

Click here to read full story
Matthew Carr
Matthew Carr
Senior Analyst
The Doomsday "Preppers" Portfolio

For many, an apocalypse seems to be breathing down upon us in multiple forms: economic, societal, environmental, or prophesized.

There's plenty to be tense about. People go home at night, watch the news and are understandably afraid. One time bomb after another has gone off.

So, it's no surprise that over the last several years, a new trend emerged: Preparing for the worst. These are the "Survivalists," or "The Doomsday Preppers"...

Click here to read full story
Be sure to check out some of the other investment stories that we've published this week on our website at: www.InvestmentU.com

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