

Lewis, can I count on you to make some calls?

Lewis --

This election is going to be won or lost by the number of conversations we have with voters in the next few days.

That's why I'm asking you to make calls before it's too late to get out the vote:

Yes, I'm in

I can't now, but I'll make calls later

This election is extremely close, and victory could be decided by just a handful of votes in a few key states.

I know if folks like you step up to get our voters to the polls, we will win. If we fall short, we could easily lose.

This is the final push -- and there are a lot of folks who need to hear from you:


And make sure to sign up for your get-out-the-vote call shift:


It's in your hands. I'm proud to have you on my side.


Paid for by Obama for America

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