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Workshop Weekend in Oakland

Workshop Weekend in OaklandIf you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area this weekend and want to get your learning on, check out the robust class offerings of Workshop Weekend and meet like-minded makers. From their site: Workshop Weekend is a community-based two-day event that brings together dozens of short, hands-on workshops across a [...]

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A New Era of Crowdfunding?

Paul Spinrad attended the JOBS Act Presidential signing ceremony.There’s more to crowdfunding than Kickstarter and the like. They pre-sell. That funding gets you product, not equity. This post is an update on the JOBS Act which was signed into law in April of 2012 and has since been winding its way from general legislation to specific regulation. When [...]

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Raspberry Pi in the Sky!

Readying the Raspberry Pi for kite flying.PublicLaboratory is a fantastic citizen scientist organization with really useful projects like DIY spectrometers (for finding out what’s really in stuff) and aerial mapping for monitoring of oil spills, landfills, etc. They’ve done some fantastic work using the continuous shooting mode of consumer cameras, including converting them to near infrared. The [...]

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Meet the Rovera: A MAKE Hangout on Air at 2pm PST/5pm EST Today!

Meet the Rovera.Today marks the debut of the bimonthly "editor's choice" hangout on air, live and online on Google+. This week MAKE editorial director Gareth Branwyn will discuss robots and the Rovera, a new Arduino-powered robot now available in the Maker Shed. As we typically do, we'll announce a special offer during the hangout.

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Miniature Hand-Cranked Marble Machine

marble-machine-kit-1Check out this tiny marble machine.

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Fly an iPhone on a Rocket and Collect Data

westerfield iphone rocketData lovers, this week Make: Projects community member Mike Westerfield shared a pair of intriguing how-tos detailing how to fly a TI SensorTag and an iPhone on a model rocket to find acceleration, rotation, and pressure, then collect and analyze the data using a Bluetooth link to the iPhone and techBASIC.

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Your Comments

-1Welcome to the fiftieth installment of Your Comments. Here are our favorites from the past week, from Makezine, our Facebook page, and Twitter.

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Learn About Robotics With RoboBrrd

d0b12c4be2216c6ff7936b277c820908_largeErin "RobotGrrl" Kennedy of Montreal, QC, is selling RoboBrrd kits via an Indiegogo campaign.

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New in the Maker Shed: Prototyping Pi Plate Kit for Raspberry Pi

ID801_LRGAre you ready to make some embedded projects and experiment with your Raspberry Pi? The Prototyping Pi Plate Kit (now available in the Maker Shed) fits right on top of your Pi and gives you plenty of prototyping goodness.

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Lego & Duct Tape View Camera

legocameraDominique Vankan's 4x5 self-built camera is made from cardboard, Lego, duct tape, and the lens from an enlarger.

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