Rainbow Brite Body Cozy Posted: 28 Nov 2012 04:00 AM PST 
Rainbow Brite Body Cozy - $24.95 Do you need a little light and happiness to help you get through these dreary fall and winter months? Schedule in some me time with the Rainbow Brite Body Cozy from the NeatoShop. This adorable fleece blanket with sleeves will make you look like your favorite cartoon character. Cuddling up with this blanket is like being bathed in sunshine. Can't you just feel the joy? Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more great Winterwear! Link |
Construction Paper Superhero Art By Doctor Sonic Posted: 28 Nov 2012 04:00 AM PST Doctor Sonic is an artist and crafstman who enjoys cutting construction paper into eye pleasing shapes, like Spider Woman's bodacious bod, and his Tumblr site advertises his works as "all paper; no ink".
His art is reminiscent of the poster works of Niagara, or the minimalist construction paper animation of South Park, and the retro style of the characters is totally groovy! Link --via The Mary Sue |
Empire State Building Light Show Posted: 28 Nov 2012 03:00 AM PST (YouTube link)
The Empire State Building has a new LED light system. They inaugurated it Monday night with a light show set to "Girl on Fire" and "Empire State of Mind" by Alicia Keys, who also got to throw the switch. The music was broadcast on several radio stations. This video was shot from Hoboken. Link -via The Daily What |
Candle-Powered Electric Candle Posted: 28 Nov 2012 02:00 AM PST 
Instructables member randofo, inventor of the flame-throwing jack-o'-lantern, wants to be ready for a longterm power outage. He has a lot of tea candles. But what if he needs light? Randofo found a way to use candles to produce it. He used a Peltier heat sink to transfer the energy of the flame into electricity--enough to power a small candle-shaped lamp. Brilliant! Link |
Celebrating the Christmas of the Past Posted: 28 Nov 2012 01:00 AM PST English Heritage has some tips for celebrating Christmas in the Tudor and Victorian styles, if you want to be more traditional than everyone around you. For example, a Tudor-style Christmas would start with putting one person in charge of Christmas and all its parties.
If you want your celebrations to go with a bang, appoint a 'Lord of Misrule'. These were usually minor members of the household appointed to run the festivities. Henry VII is recorded as having both a 'Lord of Misrule' and an 'Abbot of Unreason' one year!
During Victorian times, families would play Snapdragon. You'll need nerves of steel (and possibly a fire extinguisher) if you want to play any Victorian Christmas games. 'Snapdragon' involved making a big pile of dried fruit, covering it in brandy then setting it alight. Then in the dark, the aim was for everyone to pick up a piece of fruit before the fire went out. Let's hope nobody played it with long sleeves!
There's more, including links to some very old recipes and modern events, at English Heritage. Link -via Nag on the Lake |
Your Bike Is Back from the Repair Shop Posted: 28 Nov 2012 12:00 AM PST 
Don't think of this as a means of transportation, but a work of art. At least, that's probably what Victor Sonna has in mind for his series of bikes built out of scavenged parts. He writes: I draw lines throughout the city while riding my bicycle. These lines are neither straight nor angular. Likewise, people move in unique ways, both physically and mentally. The movement itself, that meandering line, is often not a smooth ride at all. We are increasingly inclined to trim down damages, holes and obstacles in our lives By contrast, it is my intention to leave these ‘faults’ or ‘failures’ in my work, both structurally and formally. The above mentioned works are odes to the founding fathers of modern art, with all their distorting, meandering, brilliant concoctions. No smooth rides for them either Riding a bike turns Man into an optimist.He has to provide his own traction
Link | Artist's Website |
The Great Beaver Drop Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:00 PM PST In 1948, the Idaho Fish and Game Department hatched a scheme to relocate beavers by airdropping them into “generally inaccessible wilderness” areas. Before they could perform such a strange task, they had to test their methods and equipment to determine the optimum dropping altitude.
Satisfactory experiments with dummy weights having been completed, one old beaver, whom we fondly named “Geronimo,” was dropped again and again on the flying field. Each time he scrambled out of the box, someone was on hand to pick him up. Poor fellow. He finally became resigned, and as soon as we approached him, would crawl back into his box ready to go aloft again. You may be sure that “Geronimo” had a priority reservation on the first ship into the hinterland, and that three young females went with him. Even there he stayed in the box for a long time after his harem was busy inspecting the new surroundings. However, his colony was later reported as very well established.
Read the rest of the story at Smithsonian's Air & Space magazine. Link -via mental_floss
(Image credit: Jennifer Wade) |
<i>Walden</i> in the Twenty-First Century Posted: 27 Nov 2012 10:00 PM PST 
Henry David Thoreau wanted to "suck out all the marrow of life." I think that the latest version of Hootsuite is built to do that. Grant Snider of Incidental Comics imagines Thoreau writing Walden in our own age. Read the rest at the link. Link -via American Digest |
The Elevator Horror Posted: 27 Nov 2012 09:00 PM PST (YouTube link)
The Brazilian TV show Programa Silvio Santos pulls an elevator prank that would have lawsuits flying in the US. It's terrifying to watch, and even worse for the unsuspecting elevator riders. -via Uproxx |
Painting with Penicillin Posted: 27 Nov 2012 08:00 PM PST 
In 1928, British biologist Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic properties of penicillin. That discovery has led to millions of human lives saved. But to Fleming, penicillin was more than a biological wonder. It was also an artistic medium: He was a member of the Chelsea Arts Club, where he created amateurish watercolors. Less well known is that he also painted in another medium, living organisms. Fleming painted ballerinas, houses, soldiers, mothers feeding children, stick figures fighting and other scenes using bacteria. He produced these paintings by growing microbes with different natural pigments in the places where he wanted different colors. He would fill a petri dish with agar, a gelatin-like substance, and then use a wire lab tool called a loop to inoculate sections of the plate with different species. The paintings were technically very difficult to make. Fleming had to find microbes with different pigments and then time his inoculations such that the different species all matured at the same time. These works existed only as long as it took one species to grow into the others. When that happened, the lines between, say, a hat and a face were blurred; so too were the lines between art and science.
Link -via It's Okay to Be Smart | Photo: Alexander Fleming Laboratory Museum |
Fooled by ‘The Onion’ Posted: 27 Nov 2012 07:00 PM PST 
The satirical website The Onion announced that North Korean leader King Jong-un had been named the Sexiest Man Alive. The story was picked up and reported in earnest in China's largest newspaper, The People's Daily. It was also republished in The Korea Times. However, it was far from the first time that Onion stories were mistaken as fact. The Daily Beast runs down nine stories of the same thing happening to various politicians, ESPN, and even the New York Times. Link |
Hello Kitty Sweet 'Staches Posted: 27 Nov 2012 06:00 PM PST 
Hello Kitty Sweet 'Staches - $3.95 (sold individually) Christmas is coming. Are you on the prowl for the purr-fect stocking stuffer for your favorite Hello Kitty fan? You need the Hello Kitty Sweet 'Staches from the NeatoShop. This sweet treat comes in a collectible embossed tin of Hello Kitty. They are available in 3 yummy flavors: Cotton Candy, Vanilla, and Candy Cane. Buy all 3 and make it a fabulous set. Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more fantastic Hello Kitty items and deliciously fun Mints & Candies. Link |
Keyboard Plate Posted: 27 Nov 2012 06:00 PM PST 
Lunchbreak? What's that? There's no time to stop working. This design concept by Hella Jongerius offers a great way to work right through breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'd better talk to my library director because obviously these keyboards should be installed on all of our public access computers. Link -via Technabob |
Angry Birds Macaroons Posted: 27 Nov 2012 05:00 PM PST  Photo: The Cookie Fairy
Do you like chocolate? How about mint chocolate? And what is your opinion of Angry Birds? If you like any / all of those so you may love this recipe for Angry Birds Macaroons. Just looking at his cute little piggy face makes me want to eat him whole, maybe nibble on the ears a little first. Link | Via When Geeks Wed |
Cotton Candy Fudge Posted: 27 Nov 2012 04:00 PM PST 
Becky, also known as the "Cereal Baker," won a Duncan Hines baking contest with this concoction. This highly efficient means of ingesting sugar and awesomeness consists of mostly white chocolate and cotton candy cake frosting. Link -via Foodbeast |
I Am Bitterly, Bitterly Disappointed Posted: 27 Nov 2012 03:00 PM PST Nick Crews (pictured left, Photo: SWNS) has become a cult hero and a viral sensation- particularly in Great Britain. Why? Because of a leaked email he sent to his kids explaining just how (brutally) disappointed he is with them. It starts with "Dear All Three" and goes pretty downhill from there.
With last evening's crop of whinges and tidings of more rotten news for which you seem to treat your mother like a cess-pit, I feel it is time to come off my perch.
It is obvious that none of you has the faintest notion of the bitter disappointment each of you has in your own way dished out to us. We are seeing the miserable death throes of the fourth of your collective marriages at the same time we see the advent of a fifth.
We are constantly regaled with chapter and verse of the happy, successful lives of the families of our friends and relatives and being asked of news of our own children and grandchildren. I wonder if you realize how we feel — we have nothing to say which reflects any credit on you or us…
I can now tell you that I for one, and I sense Mum feels the same, have had enough of being forced to live through the never-ending bad dream of our children's underachievement and domestic ineptitudes... ...I am bitterly, bitterly disappointed. Dad
Ouch. You can read the rest here. While Crews may be taking shots at his own kids, people are celebrating him as someone with the guts to stand up to his own overprivileged slackers, something that "just happens to be a burning subtext to Europe's monumental blahs." Are you with or against Crews? While I think it is tough to say one way or the other without good context of the children, I do feel like I know a few too many people my own age with a false sense of entitlement. Via The Week |
Piano Duet with Elephant Posted: 27 Nov 2012 02:00 PM PST |
The Oatmeal on Internet Speed Posted: 27 Nov 2012 01:30 PM PST 
The Oatmeal just gets me. I couldn't agree more. Warning - Second Half NSFW - Language 
Link | Via Daily of The Day |
He's Got A Lot On His Mind Posted: 27 Nov 2012 01:00 PM PST 
There are those who think that only fuzzy critters can be cute. To those prejudiced persons, I'd just like to ask you to look this frog in his eyes and try to tell him he isn't cute. If you're able to do that, you're not only wrong about cuteness, you're also a cruel monster. Link |
New Christmas Cocktail Posted: 27 Nov 2012 12:30 PM PST 
I love pretty much every Holiday based on the food that it's associated with. Christmas? I love my Eggnog Cherry cake. Oh man oh man. You aren't living if you haven't had it. Well, okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration but whatever. Beyond the cake though, I have never been that big a fan of Eggnog; I just don't get it, it's milky and thick and gross. The problem then arises that I don't have a go-to Christmas drink. Looks like this year I may be starting a new tradition, thanks Cozy Walls. This year I put together a more tart beverage with pink grapefruit and lime, more for tree-rocking and sushi eating than lazy lights gazing. Adjust the amounts based on your taste. Begin with pink grapefruit juice, add gin if you wish, then drop in sweet scoops of lime sherbet (I used my melon baller for the little glasses). Top off the drink with club soda or another fizzy liquid and watch the bright green bubbles grow to the top of your glass.

Link Cozy Walls |
Alternate Book Titles Posted: 27 Nov 2012 12:00 PM PST 
Plenty of books have alternate titles. Sometimes they are working titles that got changed just before publication. Sometimes they are known in other countries by other names. And sometimes they get retitled when they are reissued. Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss will test how well you can match famous books to their alternate titles. Good luck! Link |
Crossing The Atlantic Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:30 AM PST  Photo: Robin Lovelock
Maybe it's because I just saw the movie The Life of Pi, or maybe it's because I sailed as a kid- but I think this needs to be a bigger story. Today, November 27th (the day of my birth, but keep that on the down-low as no one at the office is aware of it) a miniature boat was launched in hopes of being the first unmanned craft to (intentionally) cross the Atlantic. Robin Lovelock is a retired NATO scientist and the creator of this project. He believes the vessel will have to navigate 6,000 miles via GPS to make it from the coastal village Barton on Sea, England. Lovelock has, an albeit eclectic, but great website. You can watch videos, get updates, and even follow an up-to-date GPS map of the boat. For my business partners who visit these pages... OK - I confess! I DO spend much of my time on this hobby project :-)
I guess maybe because I am a hobbyist at heart, and I love seeing other's passions - but I think this is great. Keep it up Mr. Lovelock!  Photo: The Telegraph
Link | Via Arbroath |
Adventure Time Jake Bow Tie Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:00 AM PST 
Adventure Time Jake Bow Tie - $6.95 Are the adventurous type when it comes to your choice of fashion accessories? Just in time for holiday parties, photos, and New Year's Eve we present to you the fabulous Adventure Time Jake Bow Tie from the NeatoShop. This amazing adult-sized bow tie features Jake, Finn's loyal companion and best friend. Whatever your plans this holiday season you are sure to make statement by wearing this bow tie. Looking for a more classic bow tie? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bow Tie also available. Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more fantastic Apparel & Accessories. Link |
A Phylogeny and Evolutionary History of the Pokémon Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:00 AM PST The following is an article from the Annals of Improbable Research.
by Matan Shelomi1, Andrew Richards1, Ivana Li1, and Yukinari Okido2
With the phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships of the kingdoms Animalia, Plantae, and Fungi mostly out of the way, attention is now turning towards the Monstrasinu, commonly known as “Pocket Monsters” or “Pokémon” for short. Starting from the 151 original “species” described by Japanese scientist Satoshi Tajiri in a 1996 monograph, Pokémon science today continues to be a rewarding field for taxonomists. Every three to four years, several new species are discovered and described almost simultaneously. A total of 646 Pokémon have been described, most of them in Japan. This paper represents the first attempt to create a quantitative phylogeny of the Pokémon, using the underlying assumption that Pokémon evolved via natural selection independently from the animals and plants more familiar to Western zoologists. The goal was to apply modern evolutionary theory and techniques to a field previously limited to pre- Darwinian methods of inquiry.
The Need for a Taxonomy Conservationists have highlighted the importance of documenting extant Pokémon, many of which are known only from single specimens and all of which are threatened by the Pokémon fighting rings that are growing rapidly in popularity, particularly among urban youth.
Further exploration into the world’s Pokémon diversity has been limited in part due to disagreements over which species concept to use for the Pokémon, as translations of Tajiri’s orginal work used the term “evolution” to describe what should otherwise have been called “metamorphosis.” Several sexually dimorphic taxa have had males and females identified as separate species (ex: Nidoqueen and Nidoking), yet these errors remain as Pokémon taxonomists have shown complete resistance to revising the Pokémon taxonomy.
Further complicating the issue is the fact that Pokémon are quite willing to interbreed successfully: the lack of post-zygotic reproductive isolation is one thing, but how a 400--kilogram Wailord is able to mate with an 11-kilogram Skitty at all remains a mystery. The results of the mating are, in at least one respect, puzzling. To our knowledge, no hybrids are created; the interbred offspring are always the same species as the female parent, yet with some traits inherited from the male. Figure 1 (left). The phylogeny of all the known Pokémon families. Sexually dimorphic species are labeled with a *. Taxon pairs that represent two possible metamorphosis endpoints for a single species (Ex: Slowpoke can become a Slowbro or a Slowking) are labeled with a **, and if they also represent sexual dimorphisms are labeled with ***. Enlarge the graph here.
Methods Wild Pokémon were captured by undergraduate, high school, and primary-school aged interns/trainers from the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh regions of Japan, as well as Unova county, New York State. [Disclosure: Trainers may or may not have used their Pokémon for combat during the course of their research.]
For the purposes of the phylogeny, each “taxon” in the study was a single Pokémon “family” (e.g. Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu are a single taxon). Sexually dimorphic species were kept as two separate taxa as per the traditional taxonomy. Pokémon genetics and molecular biology remains poorly understood, so our cladistic analysis used the following shared characters: Type (e.g. Fire, Water, Bug, Ghost, Fighting, Steel, etc.), Egg group (16 categories limiting which hybridizations are possible), Body Style (14 categories describing general morphology), and moves and abilities. Over 700 moves and abilities are known, and whether a given taxon was capable of learning a move via natural development was the main synapomorphy (shared, derived characteristic) used in our phylogeny. Detailed descriptions of these characters and their official values for each taxon are available at online Pokémon encyclopedias such as the fifth generation National Pokédex1 and practical, fighting- and breeding-oriented databases2.
The data was saved as a space-delineated file and converted to a Nexus file using the program Mesquite. The software MrBayes3 was used to run a Bayesian MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo) analysis of phylogeny. The final tree (fig. 1) was a result of 16 million generations of simulated Pokémon evolution.
The tree, rooted at its midpoint, suggests the following evolutionary history: Pokémon life began in the water, with Pokémon similar to lampreys and bony fishes being among the earliest to reach their present state. Terrestrial life arose independently three times, once with the evolution of the monophyletic Ice types (starting with the semiaquatic Dewgong), and once with the evolution of a major clade of Flying types (starting with the seabird Pelipper). Psychic types are a monophyletic group from within the birds, starting with Xatu, that gradually lose the ability to fly (suggesting Levitation is modified flight). The highly humanoid Mr. Mime appears here, as the most derived and recently evolved taxon. Also appearing here are Pokémon such as Mewtwo and Arceus, of which there are unverified rumors of high cognitive ability, on par or greater than humans. Certain religious sects revere the Pokémon in this clade as deities.
Terrestriality evolves a third time, again among the water- types, and the rest of the Pokémon evolve from this ancestor. These first, fully terrestrial Pokémon are predominantly Normal types, and specialized types such as Grass, Fire, and Electric arise as monophyletic groups at different points, many from clades analogous to similar organisms in Animalia. For instance, the Fire types arise from Pokémon with characteristics similar to canines, and the Grass types from hoofed Pokémon similar to ungulates. Steel and Dragon types are both monophyletic groups within the Rock and Ground clade. Fighting and Bug types are sister groups, whose common ancestor is shared with the Ghost/Dark Clade; and their common ancestor is shared with many of the Poison types. Overall, Pokémon of the same type were grouped together, with their moves and abilities determining their position within each group. Egg groups and Body Styles are completely jumbled throughout the tree.
The branch lengths on the tree indicate time. No specific units could be determined, but the relative lengths can be compared. Many of the highly specialized Pokémon with unique move-sets show a long period of time since their most recent shared ancestor. We hypothesize that transition species between such pairs may await discovery. Long time spans are also seen in cases of convergent evolutions of elemental types independent of their main groups (labeled in fig. 1 with black bars within colored clades). An example is the evolution of Electrode, a pure Electric-type, among the Steel types with its sister taxon, Magnezone, a dual-typed Steel and Electric type. This presents convergent evolution of Electric-type moves and abilities with loss of Steel-type attributes. While it seems improbable that the ability to generate and manipulate electricity across open air could have arisen more than once, evidence suggests it indeed happened in this case, along with many similar situations across the tree.
Discussion The tree seems to support most hypothesized relationships between the Pokémon taxa, such as the close relationship between Mew and the genetically modified Pokémon, Mewtwo, or the monophyly of several of the Legendary Pokémon groups (ex: Registeel, Regice, and Regirock; Ho- oh and Lugia; or Reshiram and Zekrom). Sexually dimorphic “species” almost always appeared as sister groups, further supporting their lumping as single taxa. Morphologically similar Pokémon also often appear as monophyletic (e.g. the three feline Pokémon, Persian, Purugly, and Liepard). The unusual Pokémon Ditto, which is its own egg group but can successfully breed with any other Pokémon, retains its uniqueness. The Grass-type Pokémon, which spurred furious debate over whether they should be considered Plants or Animals, are shown to be a monophyletic group that evolved from a clade of Normal-type quadrupeds; the half-plant, half- reptile Venusaur appears as the transitional species between these two stages.
The biological species concept does not seem to apply to the Pokémon. Monophyletic groups of Pokémon are more consistently similar to the Pokémon Types than the breeding- related Egg Groups. This jarring disconnect suggests that the transmission of character traits through generations in Pokémon does not happen through the Mendelian genetics we are familiar with today. This paper thus sheds considerable doubt on whether Pokémon use DNA to transmit genetic information, and further suggests the Monstrasinu are a unique domain of life.
Acknowledgements: Pokémon and all that goes with it are owned by Nintendo Co., Ltd. Dr. Okido would like to thank his collaborators, Dr. Utsugi of Wakaba Town and Dr. Nanakamado of Masago Town. He also wishes to thank his dedicated, unnamed graduate student.
1 http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokedex/ 2 http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/ 3 http://mrbayes.sourceforge.net/ _____________________ This article is republished with permission from the July-August 2012 issue of the Annals of Improbable Research. You can download or purchase back issues of the magazine, or subscribe to receive future issues. Or get a subscription for someone as a gift!
Visit their website for more research that makes people LAUGH and then THINK. |
After Winning the Nobel Prize in Physics, Niels Bohr Was Given a Perpetual Supply of Beer Piped Directly into His House Posted: 27 Nov 2012 10:30 AM PST  (Video Link)
The people of Denmark were justifiably proud when one of their own, Niels Bohr, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922. The famous Carlsberg brewery marked the occasion by giving him a house and piping fresh beer into it continuously, straight from the brewery. Inevitably, this inebriation led to ever greater discoveries by Bohr. Skip ahead in the video to 2:55. And remember: when studying physics, use a designated driver. Link -via Ace of Spades HQ |
She's Got the Whole World On Her Nails -Make That the Whole Universe Posted: 27 Nov 2012 10:00 AM PST 
Not only are they pretty and sparkly, but the gorgeous variety of backgrounds make these nails resemble a variety of space images showing galaxies from far, far away. Link |
Nine Ways To Bide Your Time Waiting for The Hobbit Posted: 27 Nov 2012 09:30 AM PST The first film of The Hobbit trilogy hits theaters on December 14th. Lord of the Rings fans have been waiting for years to get their Tolkien movie fix, and some of them are getting pretty antsy at this point. Geeks Are Sexy, the folks who know how hard it is to wait for your favorite films, have some suggestion for making it through the next three weeks. Some look like a lot of fun!
Watch Leonard Nimoy’s hobbit song, “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins”. This sprung out of the same generation as the aforementioned hobbit film. And really, there are no words. Thankfully, there is a video (below). Even though I’ve seen the video about thirty times, it makes less and less sense every viewing.
Make some beer. Recently, my husband and I have started brewing again. And, as you well know, hobbits like their malted beverages. If you’re a novice, I’d suggest a kit like what the Brooklyn BrewShop folks do. The directions are easy to follow, and the outcome is splendid. Do it now, and you’ll have some in time for the New Year! Then you can toast the film, more or less, in pints. Or more.
There are nine activities in all. Link |
Caviar Vending Machine Posted: 27 Nov 2012 09:00 AM PST 
You'll need a lot of quarters when using this vending machine. It and others like it in the Burbank, California area offer caviar and other luxury foods: Beverly Hills Caviar has unveiled its first touch-screen vending machine at the Burbank Town Center, offering “a large selection of the world’s finest selection of caviar, truffles, escargot, bottarga, blinis, oils, Mother of Pearl plates and spoons, gift boxes and gourmet salts.” Prices range from under $50 up to $500, KNX 1070’s Vytas Safroncikas reports.
Link -via Dave Barry | Photo: Gourme Tfood |
Cheetahs in Slow Motion Posted: 27 Nov 2012 08:30 AM PST (vimeo link)
At 1200 frames per second, the first minute of this video only covers one second of the cheetah's run! Greg Wilson shot high-speed footage of five cheetahs from the Cincinnati Zoo, including the world-speed-record-holder Sarah, over three days to get this video. They ran at up to 60 miles per hour, so I would imagine the most difficult part would be keeping the cat toy ahead of them. Read more about cheetahs at National Geographic. Link -via Metafilter |
Deer Attacks Two Men, Steals Their Cigarettes Posted: 27 Nov 2012 08:00 AM PST Don't approach wild deer, as these two men in East Texas did. Deer are wild animals. Especially when they're going through nicotine withdrawal:
Rose approached the deer and he says the deer seemed friendly. But then Kellis and Rose say the deer then charged them and started to attack. Rose and Kellis ran to Rose's pick-up truck to try to get away from the wild buck. The deer then "poked" Rose in his ribs, so Rose jumped out of his truck into the back-bed. Rose says he left his driver-side door open and the deer climbed in and took his pack of cigarettes that were sitting in his center console. The deer starting eating Rose's smokes, and when Rose tried to get them back, Rose says the deer got more aggressive.
Don't get in between a deer and his smokes. Link -via Ace of Spades HQ | Unrelated photo via Flickr user Larry Page |
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