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ONEMoms in Ethiopia: Watch this gorgeous video. Then act.

I still have so much to say about my time in Ethiopia with The ONE Campaign. I've been turning it over in my mind, trying to find the proper words, the proper delivery method, the proper message. I now know there is no "proper." There is only the story, and the people, and the great change that is possible when we work together.

This isn't rhetoric. I know, during a crazy election season, the words "change" and "work together" have been thrown around and paid lip service. It's hard, sometimes, to believe that the political machine is even capable of meaningful change.

But it is. I saw it. Let me show you.

Watch the ONEMoms video

This gorgeous video will give you a glimpse of our Ethiopia trip in a way my writing (and even Karen Walrond's magnificent photos) can't. You'll see some of the people who are working day and night to educate, to feed their families, to provide healthcare, to improve agriculture and nutrition, to start businesses.

These are people who, with very little money or technology, are changing the lives of people around them, and, in the process, the future of Ethiopia.

Let those faces and voices and messages sink in for a moment. Do you feel something? Do you feel a connection?

Now sign the petition

Now let that connection move you to act. You are one of those people with the power to change things. One click is your voice, your vote. One click to sign the ONE Campaign petition to urge Congress to protect lifesaving programs that are working to fight HIV/AIDS and extreme poverty worldwide.

We are approaching something called a fiscal cliff which will result in unprecendented cuts to programs across the board, including those that fund the lifesaving programs we saw in Ethiopia.

Cutting these programs - which make up less than 1% of the US budget - won't make a dent in the deficit, but will put millions of lives at risk.

  • 112,500 pregnant moms won't receive medicine to prevent their babies from being infected with HIV
  • 2.5 million bed nets won't be available to protect families from malaria
  • 1 million fewer families will learn new farming techniques and be better nourished

With just one click, you tell Congress to protect these programs. You let the universal connection of parenthood move you to act.

I have much more to tell you, and I'm going to stop trying to find the proper way to do it. Thank you so much for joining me in this.

Go a step further and join ONEMoms. ONE will never ask for your money -- only your voice.

More: ONEMoms posts at Parent Hacks

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