

Small Biz Survival.com

Small Biz Survival.com

Building a Startup Community in a Small Town

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 03:12 AM PST

Over at Michele Price's site, a reader asked:
How would one create a startup community in a more rural area where people don't really get "the internet" and could care less about Facebook, Twitter, or ANY social networking/digital websites?

Michele invited me to reply, and here's the advice I offered:

140Conf Oklahoma Road Trip
Our eclectic Alva meetup group welcomes a couple of
out-of-town guests. 
1. Broaden your definition of startups to connect with more locals. 
I understand (very well) your point about local people who don't care about the online world. However, even in my own small town, I can connect with the few others who do care. We have occasional meetups, and our group includes local business owners, a couple of pastors, and others who are interested in online connections, social networking, and the digital world. Once you start building local connections, you might be surprised by who you find.

2. Broaden your definition of local to connect with more startups. 
Look to nearby larger towns that may have like-minded startups. See if you can create connections to them. Also, look online. Find a group (or start a group) that meets online. Leave plenty of time for social talk as well as business talk in your online sessions. And find excuses to get everyone together in the same place on occasion.

What would you recommend?

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