

OperationPAL - December

Operation Prayers and Letters Newsletter [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012uBX97AAG4YMnz--EM6n9OWJEMQKbLgzn-duNZpoWlTN2LRMbj9ETMPQ66TxNpWeM0FFREesuCds5tSoDjrnOk-ITdkELEWQ0DX_pxjMIecpb-S9bXefEQ==]

December 20, 2012

In This Issue

Recent Changes
Card Writer Focus
Total Cards Sent
New Request
Where Are They Now?


Recent Changes
Added: LCpl Jed 1/7

Removed: None
Visit us online! Click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012uBX97AAG4ZvTqWbhoPp0hxDHFqvAi--9u0otlmOfBYW8xN51VvHd2a9Pyqxq-CqPOU7nKOHs32b95tfwWtB74Lul1Qd5mivI4ME6Ti78LDzNTvyLZvImzdcGvzloJEy]
to view the current list of names any time.

Card Writer Focus:
I've discovered the best thing to give me a warm fuzzy feeling as well as a feeling
of awe is to read through the packets of notes written by students of all ages
from all across the United States. This month there were packets from Templeton
Middle School and La Merced Intermediate School. I thought I would share just a
few of the gems I found inside

Send Cards & Letters to:
Marine's Name & Company
c/o OperationPAL(TM)
P.O. Box 758
Columbia, Missouri 65205
Not to worry, correspondence is still being forwarded from the former Georgia address!

Join Us ...
Like us on Facebook! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012uBX97AAG4YaPvAF0Wv0SvEcGbdH6HegaGqQJce8tCQ1JJk-6gvjY47eeEGiqQl33QXrp6AuBgp6j2y26Jen3UftwunPHDmOiMoY27r-3lypa2yHan3oANaLwKGYRP8nbzH9Frp1GkQ=]Tweet
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on MarineParents.com! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012uBX97AAG4ZA5lM4uYohR_hO7dE0V3noQyi1t4RQ0jQuR1Di7V0CQLAuBnewfqdSZeRnWtH1GkN3WyPwA9fZNknevdAS5yFotZ7jYeHDkxWWYgHUS5c282bCJtdhZWec]

Care Package Project [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012uBX97AAG4ZNMUFK0GwPw3d1R1YtXH33a2MmqyHfqE0C4rDtMIYQR9MCE_41PK9yH6P-oxkr-FZ-l1Y5ekuWuy4CyggakXJj7Y0FQzFtzQ_ORD1gYQ9rYcBw5oFvh8ZPZkh7OodpLtw=]
Care Package Project [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012uBX97AAG4ZNMUFK0GwPw3d1R1YtXH33a2MmqyHfqE0C4rDtMIYQR9MCE_41PK9yH6P-oxkr-FZ-l1Y5ekuWuy4CyggakXJj7Y0FQzFtzQ_ORD1gYQ9rYcBw5oFvh8ZPZkh7OodpLtw=]
Purple Heart Hero Support [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012uBX97AAG4Y32Q8ueEVCAeaS16sJ3yKeBOMSjOfKYDs8yFgfYPD5lLc9ksJmfYLHDa1VwjHy8E4qUBtM11rJqiu4g6Fb8Hyn4HUujX1PC_S1XR5QB1f2FfYHdZrCHPmm]
Purple Heart Hero Support [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012uBX97AAG4Y32Q8ueEVCAeaS16sJ3yKeBOMSjOfKYDs8yFgfYPD5lLc9ksJmfYLHDa1VwjHy8E4qUBtM11rJqiu4g6Fb8Hyn4HUujX1PC_S1XR5QB1f2FfYHdZrCHPmm]
Team Marine Parents [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012uBX97AAG4ZDUQFEdcTlBEYyoNYZDU64pN2RjLRxPDBZrtj-gprLKbq9zoXgUqvkJot5mAbDRe_mkvBKX48fyw3DfsVN7jfSo1CikqQaQipG4u8c27p9FQ-aObNCwtkz]
Team Marine Parents [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012uBX97AAG4ZDUQFEdcTlBEYyoNYZDU64pN2RjLRxPDBZrtj-gprLKbq9zoXgUqvkJot5mAbDRe_mkvBKX48fyw3DfsVN7jfSo1CikqQaQipG4u8c27p9FQ-aObNCwtkz]

Total Cards Sent:


December is here!!! Ready or not, holiday celebrations and the end of 2012 are closing
in. I'm excited to be a part of Marine Parents, and I'm really looking forward
to managing Operation Prayers and Letters(TM).

For the past several weeks I have sorted through and made ready to mail 1300 (and
still counting) letters and cards filled with prayers and holiday wishes. It is
my understanding that the medical staff does everything they can to make it possible
for patients to be able to go home for the holidays. It is my sincere wish that
our Operation PAL(TM) participants are able to be at home surrounded by loving
family and friends.

Thank you to everyone who has continued to write faithfully and keep these very
special heroes on your prayer lists throughout the years. There isn't enough room
here to name you all. Your support means so much to the participants and their
families! If you are new to Operation PAL(TM)WELCOME!

Keep those cards, letters and prayers comin'!

Warmest Holiday Wishes,

Angie Regan, Manager

Operation PAL(TM)

MarineParents.com, Inc.

"Dear Hero" Cards & Letters:

The start of a new year gives us time to reflect on where we've been, and look forward
to where we are headed. Many of us make resolutions and goals to do something meaningful
in our lives. To change a habit; to be more health conscious; to be more financially
stable; to spend more time enjoying family & friends - you name it - the sky is
the limit!

Operation PAL(TM) has grown and changed in its own way since its inception. In
taking over management of this Outreach Program, I have been able to review its
history from beginning to present. The participant numbers have fluctuated during
the years since 2006, with troops leaving the program as they heal at the same time
as new names are added. Each participant is able to remain a part of this outreach
program until they feel it is time for them to move on and let the caring card writers
concentrate on someone who "may need it more". It's their personal choice to stay
for as long as they feel they need our support.

With troops being sent back and forth to combat zones multiple times, our need for
letters addressed simply to ""Dear Hero" is increasing. Although not individually
on our list of the most severely injured, many returning troops suffer from physical
or psychological injuries that few civilians can even imagine. With a presence in
several military hospitals around the U.S.A., Operation PAL(TM) can provide such
letters directly to the people who need them most.

Send your "Dear Hero" cards expressing your good wishes and thanks to:

Dear Hero

c/o Operation PAL(TM)

PO Box 758

Columbia, MO 65205-0758

Thank you!

Where Are They Now?
Corporal Jeffrey 2/9 - Silver Star Recipient
Jeffrey was honored as a hero recently at a local event in his hometown. The photo
is of Jeffrey, in red, with Andrew, a long-time buddy who is also a Marine. Jeffrey
was the recipient of the Silver Star in July, the third highest award for valor.
He was a LCpl. while we had him on OperationPAL(TM) but has since been promoted
to Corporal. The complete story of the attack in which he was wounded can be found


He mentioned at the ceremony that he has 40% use of his arm now, but didn't say
if more progress is projected. He is currently serving in the Wounded Warrior Battalion,
but will be leaving the Corps soon. He has a great job offer with the Park Service
in Washington DC and will taking them up on their offer. Much luck to you Jeffrey
- you are looking great!

Mission Statement & Thank You

OperationPAL(TM) provides support -- through prayers and letters from the general
public -- to military members who have been injured or become ill while serving
in combat zones. This outreach program encourages support of our wounded heroes
in communities throughout the United States.

Thank you so very much for remembering our wounded and ill when you write and pray.
Your kindness is most appreciated!

Your Cause Your Card

Your Cause Your Card [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012uBX97AAG4alyoetPXjWRXIo1BreMV3azkljCYirSqFSCmdSDRic8cl0ZT4pCUIe84VePUHTWmBsjQX-We8XtDXQSNmvJ4LacEBDYwRAFF0PXBw23gmSeM-Bevd4Cl5pfuBSBdSJ7QGrOsFvuAQXETEdy1rwqYO8]

Show YOUR support with every purchase you make on your Marine Parents credit card
from Capital One!

Get all the competitive credit card benefits you want and expect as well as a simple
way to support Marine Parents outreach programs like OperationPAL(TM)

Capital One will donate $50 to Marine Parents after you make your first purchase
as well as 2% of your gas and grocery store purchases and 1% of all other purchases!

With low introductory purchase rates, and custom card designs, this is truly a unique
opportunity to show your support and help spread the word as part of simple everyday

Click here to get your Marine Parents Visa Platinum card today! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012uBX97AAG4a5sQEqwWtDa5PNx5TZ04FH34thS5w4_ASkVrJnx9taja3Ff51VgU7EVnnhzEuOu7zOCGzacaFkTs6fbLRDJr5vxRa9WAjyofFlFGm65krfhKkelPYcBSbeUyRkZnE2bfqEYob00VisytevP9a8pVhLcLTfLUfYBwM24Prj5FrNWNxt6-CYNc9rXnpJmthglwfiCSydFsmJaA==]


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This email was sent to ignoble.experiment@arconati.us by oppal@marineparents.com.

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OperationPAL c/o MarineParents.com, Inc. | P O Box 1115 | Columbia | MO | 65205

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