

Own Gold Before January 1

The government is an organized  crime syndicate that succeeded.
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Own Gold Before January 1
By Christian A. DeHaemer | Friday, December 21st, 2012
Christian A. DeHaemer

I often say the only difference between the government and the mafia is the cost of their suits.

Face it: The government is an organized crime syndicate that succeeded.

They claim to help you out with high profile examples of kindness and largess...

They bring dinner to the old lady down the street and kill the bogeyman du jour, like Osama Bin Laden or Napoleon Bonaparte.


You must pay them extortion, what we call "taxes."

"That's a nice shop you got there, it'd be a shame if the EPA were to stop by...”

Governments can — and do — enforce their will though violence. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are nothing more than faint memories of Saturday morning Schoolhouse Rock! cartoons...

The only two “rights” that have been upheld by the courts are that you can't put a nativity scene up in the public square, and you can buy a gun (though many want to deny the latter).

Simply put, the government can do anything it wants. And it does.

Remember Richard Jewell, the hero of the Atlanta Olympics who was driven to an early grave by overzealous police and media?

Remember Waco?


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In New London, Connecticut, the local government took folks' homes through eminent domain and gave the land to Pfizer to build a $300 million R&D plant in the town. The state supreme court said it was fine and dandy.

After the 2008 economic bust, Pfizer said never mind... The homes remain abandoned; families split, lives ruined.

The U.S. supreme court recently ruled that you must buy health insurance from one of their certified providers. That's kinda like saying Johnny Fontane has to star in your movie.

It is now legal for the president to be judge, jury, and executioner.

The government has destroyed Americans by drone strike without due process of any kind.

The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution states the government may not take the life, liberty, or property of any person without due process — but you know, whatever. Warrant-less wiretapping, presidential signing statements, relocation camps, and presidential suspension of the gold standard are historical fact.

The government has a monopoly and will suffer no competition.


Death from Above

The nature of the status quo is that it goes on until it can go on no longer. This is a fault line we've seen throughout history.

France has voted in its last spend-and-tax government. It will fail just like Greece, Spain, Argentina, and the USSR.

We saw nothing from the presidential debates the other night to allude to the next elected leader doing anything differently.

We are already seeing controls on currency. The attack on offshore banking is just the beginning... As an American citizen, you can no longer bank in Switzerland. Due to the overwhelming regulations, they simply will not take your business.

When push comes to shove — and the U.S. dollar drops in value — the government will come after your gold.


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They Want Your Gold

You see, just by owning gold, you are in the government's crosshair...

Ownership of precious metals shows you do not have full faith in the credit of the U.S. dollar. It means you distrust Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve.

By buying gold, you are a revolutionary. You believe the government can't print its way out of a debt crisis. You have put yourself and your family above their apparatchiks. By owning gold, you have admitted you don't believe the narrative.

This they cannot abide.

As I write this, there are still (miraculously) no restrictions on owning physical gold.

On December 31, 1974, with Executive Order 11825, President Gerald Ford repealed the Executive Order that President Roosevelt used to call in gold in 1933. This was necessary because on the same day, Congress restored Americans’ right to own gold.

Furthermore, in 1977 Congress removed the president’s authority to regulate gold transactions during a period of national emergency other than war.

Of course, we've been at war for twelve years now...

The national debt is at $16 trillion and growing. This is close to or above GDP — the sum of what everyone produces in this country.

The takers from the U.S. government largess are approaching 50%. Every election cycle, they vote more for themselves.

Those of us who produce and earn pay more and more for those that take and destroy.

Buy gold. Buy silver. Buy platinum.

All the best,

Christian DeHaemer Signature

Christian DeHaemer
for Energy and Capital

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