

5 Ways To Find Balance This Year

January 11, 2013
Balance is not about a perfectly smooth journey in which nothing ever goes wrong. It's about having the techniques, determination and forward focus to get back on track whenever life trips you up.

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A Bodhisattva-Inspired Path To Peace

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40 Ways To Find Joy Every Single Day

There Is No Stress in Life
The reason I don't promote particular techniques for stress control is because I have come to see a simple truth: There is no stress in life -- there is only stress in our thinking. Continue reading...
Letting Life Live Through Us
Everything is alive; the whole world lives inside us. As we let life live through us, we experience the boundless openness of our true nature. Continue reading...
Befriending Your Dilemmas and Setting Goals for the New Year
In the past, when faced with dilemmas, your dreams had to take a back seat. By befriending your dilemmas, I'm going to show you how you can follow a new road map that will lead you in an even stronger direction. Continue reading...
It's Okay to Change
Be open to where you're led, even if it makes no sense and is completely out of line with who you believe yourself to be in this moment. Lean into it: dabble, play and explore. Continue reading...
A Guide to Finding (Interfaith) Spiritual Peace
What if all of us did the same and found solace and inspiration in visiting the holy shrines of traditions other than our own? Would the world be more embracing of what often seems like The Other? Continue reading...

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