

Justin Bieber Conspiracy Theories Fly ...

January 11, 2013
Justin Bieber has a look-alike, who looks so much like the pop star it's almost scary.  Continue reading...

New Book Tells All

Actor's Daughter Claims He Sexually Abused Her

Will Amy and Tina Provide Golden Moments at the Golden Globes? You Betcha!
I love Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and I love watching the Golden Globes -- by far the most fun of all awards shows. And this year will be better than ever with those hilarious gal-pals as co-hosts of this weekend's annual Golden Globe Awards broadcast. Continue reading...
Dick Van Dyke: At 87, Life Is Better Than Ever!
I married somebody half my age and everybody thought I was crazy, but she is just an absolute angel ... and the age difference hasn't been a problem at all. Emotionally I'm about 13. She's very, very wise for her age so I'm just having the time of my life. Continue reading...
Oscars 2013: Director Kathryn Bigelow Gets Swiftboated
Zero Dark Thirty was nominated for Best Picture. Mark Boal, the screenwriter, was nominated for Best Original Screenplay. Jessica Chastain was nominated for Best Actress, so it seems the only individual successfully swiftboated this year was director Kathryn Bigelow. Continue reading...

From around the web

Bringing Your New Dog Home
You've located the perfect dog with the right energy for your family and lifestyle. You go through the adoption process, including microchipping and spaying or neutering, and today is the big day -- time to bring home your new dog. Continue reading...
Review: Gangster Squad
Gangster Squad is not a good movie. But it is that rarity in today's ultra-aware and uber-cynical age; a film so gleefully absurd and ridiculously cliched that it achieves a kind of skewed entertainment value. Continue reading...

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