



Boba Fett KitchenAid Mixer

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 04:00 AM PST

Boba Fett

He's no good to me creamed. Give the bounty hunter what he is due--Captain Solo alive. Tommy Filth refurbished a KitchenAid mixer to look like the infamous Boba Fett. He writes:

[...] I was taking it apart I got some inspiration for the paint job and this is what came out of it, still needs a phase board for speed control and two decals to be applied to the sides but I couldn't wait to share.

Link -via That's Nerdalicious!

Toughest Plumber You'll Ever Meet: Danny Trejo as Mario

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 03:00 AM PST

deviantARTist Art-of-Bob deftly drew Danny Trejo, the actor of Machete and Desperado, as Mario, the toughest plumber you'll ever meet. Question is, who plays Luigi?

Link - via Technabob

Stuff To Do Pocket Notes

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 02:00 AM PST

Stuff To Do Pocket Notes (sold individually)

There is always so much to do and so little time or motivation to do it all. But, that doesn't mean you can't pretend that you care about the stuff you are supposed to do. Now with the Stuff To Do (If I Feel Like it) Pocket Notes from the NeatoShop it is easier than ever to fool people into thinking that you are organized and have a solid plan.

The Stuff To Do Pocket Notes comes with matchbook-style cover with gorgeous gold foil stamping. Included are 50 sheets for your note writing pleasure.   

Be sure to check out the Neatoshop for more great Office & Desk stuff. 


One Times Square Under Construction

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 02:00 AM PST

The building that would house the New York Times and give Times Square its name was under construction when this photograph was taken in 1903. Before the Times building went up, the area was known as Longacre Square. You can enlarge this photo at Shorpy and see the amazing details from 110 years ago. Link -via reddit

Nature Calls, Captain America Answers!

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 01:00 AM PST

When nature calls Captain America, we betcha he pees red, white, and blue! Photographer Rick Findler took this photo of a Captain America cosplayer at the London Super Comic Convention over the weekend.

The Guardian has more pics in their gallery: Link

A Gallery of Pavlov's Dogs

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 12:00 AM PST


What kind of dogs did Ivan Pavlov use in his classical conditioning experiments? The dogs that learned to salivate to the sound of a bell weren't all purebreds -it turns out that Pavlov wasn't all that picky about his subjects. Smithsonian has a pictures of 35 of the dogs Pavlov used to develop his theories about conditioned reflexes in 1901. Link -via Everlasting Blort

Ad Agency's Office is a Wonderland of Imagination

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 11:00 PM PST





JWT Amsterdam, an ad agency, just relocated to new offices. The building itself dates back to the Nineteenth Century, but the interiors are completely new. The agency's motto is "Think. Do. Make." and the designers from RJW Elsinga created a setting to facilitate that process. You can view more photos at the link.

Link (Translation) | Designer's Website | Agency Website

Butter Candle

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 10:00 PM PST

(YouTube link)

"Most people probably wouldn't think of butter as a flammable substance." This sentence could only be said by someone who hasn't done much cooking outside of a microwave. Believe me, melted butter spilled on a hot stove is quite flammable! But that is really beside the point, as this project explains how to make an emergency candle out of a stick of butter and a tiny piece of toilet paper. And if you are without electricity in the dark long enough for all your battery-powered lights to run down, knowing how to improvise another candle is well worth your time. Or maybe you just want your home to smell like delicious butter. Link  -via Daily of the Day

Belly Button Sesame Mixer-Catchers

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 09:00 PM PST

Image: RocketNews24

You clean your face, your hair, your body - but do you ever clean your belly button? Wait, how exactly should you clean your belly button? We're not sure whether this is medically sound, but Japan has got the tools to do just that. Behold, the Hesogomu Karametoru ("Belly Button Sesame Mixer-Catchers"):

They may be rather low-tech as medical devices go but Hesogomu Karametoru (Belly Button "Sesame Mixer-Catchers", seriously) were made to help you, the user, patrol the front lines of antibacterial navel warfare.

Maybe you don't care about the dirt, lint and other assorted debris constantly accumulating in your navel. Maybe you're oblivious to the approximately 600 types of bacteria partying 24-7 at Club Umbilicus. Maybe you have an outie.

Regardless, swabbing the decks at the ol' navel base just got easier and pricier as well. A hefty 1,890 yen (about $24) is what you'll pay for a mere 10 specially designed cotton swabs and a tube of organic, dirt-absorbing, plant-based gel... and you WILL pay, now that we've told you what's going on down there, IN there, as you're reading this. Eww.

That is just one of seven strange medical devices from Japan, as found in this nifty post by Steven Levenstein over at Inventor Spot: Link - Thanks Michelle!

Jewel of the Universe

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 08:00 PM PST

Jewel of the Universe is the name of this world map made of glass and precious gemstones, lit by 6912 LEDs. Artist Chris Chamberlain spent 27 months putting it together. Read more about it and see a series of pictures at the Neatorama Spotlight Blog.

NYC Metro Cuff

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 07:00 PM PST

NYC Metro Cuff

Are your current fashion accessories giving you those little town blues? Melt them away with the NYC Metro Cuff from the NeatoShop. This beautiful stainless steel cuff, with smooth matte metal finish, has an etched transit map of the New York City Metro.

The NYC Metro Cuff is officially licensed by the MTA and was designed by artist Tiffany Burnette. London Tube Cuff also available. Buy both and transport yourself to accessory nirvana. 

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more fun Jewelry


Heavy Metal Banjo

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 07:00 PM PST


Shane Martin, a British artist, makes awesome sculptures using found metal objects. We've previously shown his cobra made from scrap metal. Most recently, he made this 3-foot long banjo with car engine valves, a bicycle gear, an old pair of pliers and strings from a bass guitar.


Three Exotic Necktie Knots to Try: The Eldredge Knot, The Trinity Knot, and The Cape Knot

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 06:00 PM PST

Forget the Double Windsor! Stylish gentlemen who fancy the kind of necktie knots that turn heads prefer these three exotic knots: The Eldredge Knot, The Trinity Knot, and the Cape Knot. Alex Krasny of Agree or Die explains how you can impress the ladies with these extraordinary necktie knots:

The Eldredge Knot

How to Tie the Eldredge Knot

The Trinity Knot

How to Tie the Trinity Knot

The Cape Knot

How to Tie The Cape Knot

Oscar-nominated Cakes

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 05:00 PM PST


Jen at Cake Wrecks posted an homage to all the films nominated for Best Picture from the 2013 Academy Awards. Some of the interpretations are a bit tenuous, as she admitted she hasn't actually seen the films, but they are wonderfully funny cakes. This one is, of course, in reference to The Life of Pi, because it has a tiger on it. At least that's what the label says, in case you couldn't tell. See the whole collection at Cake Wrecks. Link

Freaky Makeup Art

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 04:00 PM PST



Swedish artist Sandra Holmbom, AKA "Psycho Sandra", will terrify you with just a glance of her extra eye--an eye that will open and devour you in one gulp. She also makes excellent eyeliner makeup and nail projects, which you can view at her site.

Artist's Website -via MyModernMet

12 Wonderfully Geeky Ice Cube Trays

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 03:00 PM PST

Ice Scream - "The Scream" Ice Cube Tray from the NeatoShop

Ice "cubes" are so boring, and easy to make into something interesting. Now look- these "ice cubes" in the shape of Edvard Munch's The Scream is handy for horror movie occasions, Halloween parties, or artsy-fartsy events to impress your cultured friends. But that's not your only choice! Jill Harness rounded up the weirdest, geekiest ice trays available in a list at Oddee. Link

The Hidden Sculptures of Shan Hur

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 02:00 PM PST

Shan HurShan HurShan Hur

Like archaeological treasures, Shan Hur's sculptures have to be excavated from the walls of the galleries where they are displayed. Presumably, the gallery owners are okay with this unique but messy approach to exhibition.

Link | Artist's Website | Photo: Nick Harrison

Double Oscars for Best Actor

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 01:00 PM PST


So maybe you watched the Academy Awards last night, and you consider yourself a true movie buff. If you did, then no doubt you're aware that Daniel Day-Lewis became the first man to win three Oscar for Best Actor. That's quite a mantlepiece display! But there are eight other actors who've taken the prize home twice. Mental_floss challenges you to name all eight in two minutes. Good luck! Link 

Bacon Tie

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 12:00 PM PST

Bacon Tie

Do you know someone who's fashion sense reeks?  Encourage them to cook-up a new style with the Bacon Tie from the NeatoShop. This deliciously fun necktie looks like a strip of bacon and comes packaged in a bacon style box. The Bacon Tie is a quick way to give any look a smokin' hot makeover. 

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more great Bacon items. 


Carved Wooden Hat

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 12:00 PM PST

carved hat

Redditor Scout776 writes, "This old man came in with this hat. He said that his son had carved it by hand for his birthday." Amazing! Some redditors speculate that it is made of Norway Maple and cut on a lathe.


Refueling Stop

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 11:00 AM PST

(YouTube link)

This reminds me a little of the guy with the homemade flying machine in the movie The Road Warrior, although he had helicopter blades. A "commuter" of sorts was spotted refueling at a gas station in Russia. Too bad he had to wait at the runway highway so he could merge into traffic for takeoff! -via I Have Seen the Whole of the Internet

Jabba and Leia Purse Set

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 10:00 AM PST


You can take the Leia coin purse off its chain, but you'll probably need the chain later to strangle Jabba. Cat Penfold painted these purses and added a decorative zipper to shape Jabba's face.

Link -via Mecha Melissa

The Reality of Google Glasses

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 09:00 AM PST

The Joy of Tech guys know what will happen when Google Glasses go on the market. They want you to think the product will magically open up the wall between the real world and the virtual world. Not so fast! Link  -via Tastefully Offensive

Baby Does Amazing Basketball Trick Shots

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 08:00 AM PST

(Video Link)

Titus Ashby is only two years old, but he can sink one ball after another, often with banked shots or from great distances. His proud father, Joseph Ashby, writes:

This is the trick shot video that makes other trick shot videos look like a bunch of old guys who should have something better to do -- like retire, turn up their pacemakers, or join an assisted living facility. 

Link -via VA Viper

Stained Glass Metroid

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 07:00 AM PST

Evan Daniels, who brought us Iron Man in stained glass last year, has outdone himself with his latest work: Metroid in stained glass! This project contains 299 pieces of glass in authentic colors. There's only one, and it's for sale at his Etsy shop, MartianGlassWorks. Link-Thanks, Rick Daniels!

Medieval Fact: Bears Are Humans' Closest Relatives among Animals

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 06:00 AM PST

bear and unicorn

I am currently reading The Bear: History of a Fallen King by Michel Pastoureau. It is a history of the bear as a symbol and as a living creature in Europe, especially medieval Europe.

Pastoureau describes how medieval intellectuals classified and described the European brown bear. It was deeply controversial to even contemplate that any animal was related to man, as this conflicted with the belief that man and man alone was made in the image of God. Nonetheless, some people considered three possible animals to be close to humanity: the monkey, the pig and the bear. Pastoureau writes:

For Aristotle and Pliny, the monkey was the closest to humans. This idea found support in some zoological learning in the High Middle Ages, but it considerably troubled Christian values, not only because man had been created in the image of God and any animal of any species was an imperfect creature that could not resemble him, but also because, for medieval sensibilities, the monkey no doubt represented everything that was most ugly, vile, and diabolical; it was an obscene and repugnant creature that it was impossible to associate with the human species [...] Scholasticism finally found a solution in the mid-thirteenth century; the monkey did not resemble man per naturam (by nature) but per imitationem (by imitation); it seemed to resemble man when it really did not resemble him at all. It "simulated," as the word for monkey in Latin indicated: simius. It therefore seemed even more demonic, because it tricked and deceived. [...]

Greek medicine considered the pig the animal closest to man because of its internal organization, notably with regard to the anatomy of the major organs and functioning of the digestive system [...] And medieval Christian medicine, the heir of both, also taught that the pig was "internally" the animal that most resembled man. Moreover, since the Church prohibited the dissection of the human body, at least up to the fourteenth century, human anatomy was often learned through the dissection of a sow or a boar. But that was not done without some reluctance: the pig was in no way an admirable animal. It was an impure creature, an emblem of dirtiness (sorditas) and gluttony (gula), sometimes of laziness (pigritia) and debauchery (luxuria); like the monkey, it found a place in the Devil's bestiary. This is why, although doctors knew that the pig was anatomically a cousin to man, they did not declare the fact too openly and allow clerics to assert that the animal that most resembled humans was neither the pig nor the monkey, but the bear (60-61).

Bears can stand up, grasp and throw objects, climb and dance. When they walk, they plant their entire foot on the ground. Bears are omnivorous. At least one medieval intellectual (William of Auvergne) claimed that bear meat tastes like human flesh. There were also widespread (but inaccurate) beliefs that ursine sexual practices resemble human sexual practices and that humans and bears are interfertile.

Image via Got Medieval

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