

Scientific Reports Table of Contents e-alert: 26 February 2013

  26 February 2013   
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Nature Reviews Immunology
Authors: Nina Bhardwaj, Florian Hladik and Susan Moir
Produced with support from STEMCELL Technologies

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Biological Sciences top

Fundamental equations for species-area theory


Xubin Pan


Species-area theory is an important concept in ecology. However, debates still surround the species-area relationship (SAR) or endemics-area relationship (EAR) and their relations …


MicroRNA let-7d regulates the TLX/microRNA-9 cascade to control neural cell fate and neurogenesis


Chunnian Zhao, GuoQiang Sun, Peng Ye et al.


MicroRNAs have important functions in the nervous system through post-transcriptional regulation of neurogenesis genes. Here we show that microRNA let-7d, which has been …


Characterizing virulence-specific perturbations in the mitochondrial function of macrophages infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis


Shilpa Jamwal, Mukul Kumar Midha, Hirdya Narain Verma et al.


To probe how the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis controls host cellular death pathways, we compared mitochondrial responses in human macrophages infected either with the …


Seabird diets provide early warning of sardine fishery declines in the Gulf of California


Enriqueta Velarde, Exequiel Ezcurra, Daniel W. Anderson


Small pelagic fisheries show wide fluctuations, generally attributed to oceanographic anomalies. Most data on these fisheries come from landings, often reporting sustained …


ERRATUM: Identification of cardiolipin binding sites on cytochrome c oxidase at the entrance of proton channels


C. Arnarez, S. J. Marrink, X. Periole



Microscopic Analysis of the Interaction of Gold Nanoparticles with Cells of the Innate Immune System


César Pascual García, Vadim Sumbayev, Douglas Gilliland et al.


Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) can interfere with some of the biochemical processes of macrophage cells but the mechanisms of action of these potentially medically-relevant effects …


Secreted Threonyl-tRNA synthetase stimulates endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis


Tamara F. Williams, Adam C. Mirando, Barrie Wilkinson et al.


Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases classically regulate protein synthesis but some also engage in alternative signaling functions related to immune responses and angiogenesis. …


A deepwater fish with 'lightsabers' – dorsal spine-associated luminescence in a counterilluminating lanternshark


Julien M. Claes, Mason N. Dean, Dan-Eric Nilsson et al.


We report the discovery of light organs (photophores) adjacent to the dorsal defensive spines of a small deep-sea lanternshark (Etmopterus spinax). Using a visual modeling based on


Genome-wide survey of interindividual differences of RNA stability in human lymphoblastoid cell lines


Jubao Duan, Jianxin Shi, Xijin Ge et al.


The extent to which RNA stability differs between individuals and its contribution to the interindividual expression variation remain unknown. We conducted a genome-wide analysis …


Potentially-toxic and essential elements profile of AH1N1 patients in Mexico City


Mireya Moya, Edgar G. Bautista, Antonio Velázquez-González et al.


During spring of 2009, a new influenza virus AH1N1 spread in the world causing acute respiratory illness and death, resulting in the first influenza pandemic since 1968. Blood …


In Vitro Engineering of Vascularized Tissue Surrogates


Katsuhisa Sakaguchi, Tatsuya Shimizu, Shigeto Horaguchi et al.


In vitro scaling up of bioengineered tissues is known to be limited by diffusion issues, specifically a lack of vasculature. Here, we report a new strategy for preserving cell …


ASBEL, an ANA/BTG3 antisense transcript required for tumorigenicity of ovarian carcinoma


Satoshi Yanagida, Kenzui Taniue, Hironobu Sugimasa et al.


Mammalian genomes encode numerous antisense non-coding RNAs, which are assumed to be involved in the regulation of the sense gene expression. However, the mechanisms of their …


Loss of the major Type I arginine methyltransferase PRMT1 causes substrate scavenging by other PRMTs


Surbhi Dhar, Vidyasiri Vemulapalli, Alexander N. Patananan et al.


Arginine methylation is a common posttranslational modification that is found on both histone and non-histone proteins. Three types of arginine methylation exist in mammalian …


Running humans attain optimal elastic bounce in their teens


Mario A. Legramandi, Bénédicte Schepens, Giovanni A. Cavagna


In an ideal elastic bounce of the body, the time during which mechanical energy is released during the push equals the time during which mechanical energy is absorbed during the …

Chemical Sciences top

Controlled Assembly of Sb2S3 Nanoparticles on Silica/Polymer Nanotubes: Insights into the Nature of Hybrid Interfaces


Huaming Yang, Mei Li, Liangjie Fu et al.


Silica nanotubes can serve as high aspect ratio templates for the deposition of inorganic nanoparticles to form novel hybrids. However, the nature of the interfacial binding is …


Compressed carbon nanotubes: A family of new multifunctional carbon allotropes


Meng Hu, Zhisheng Zhao, Fei Tian et al.


The exploration of novel functional carbon polymorphs is an enduring topic of scientific investigations. In this paper, we present simulations demonstrating metastable carbon …


ERRATUM: Identification of cardiolipin binding sites on cytochrome c oxidase at the entrance of proton channels


C. Arnarez, S. J. Marrink, X. Periole



Potentially-toxic and essential elements profile of AH1N1 patients in Mexico City


Mireya Moya, Edgar G. Bautista, Antonio Velázquez-González et al.


During spring of 2009, a new influenza virus AH1N1 spread in the world causing acute respiratory illness and death, resulting in the first influenza pandemic since 1968. Blood …


Supported Core@Shell Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cells: Close Encounter with Reality


Seung Jun Hwang, Sung Jong Yoo, Jungho Shin et al.


Core@shell electrocatalysts for fuel cells have the advantages of a high utilization of Pt and the modification of its electronic structures toward enhancement of the activities. …


Scientific Reports is accepting submissions from all scientific fields. Submit your manuscript now.

Physical Sciences top

Compressed carbon nanotubes: A family of new multifunctional carbon allotropes


Meng Hu, Zhisheng Zhao, Fei Tian et al.


The exploration of novel functional carbon polymorphs is an enduring topic of scientific investigations. In this paper, we present simulations demonstrating metastable carbon …


Direct evidence for significant spin-polarization of EuS in Co/EuS multilayers at room temperature


S. D. Pappas, P. Poulopoulos, B. Lewitz et al.


The new era of spintronics promises the development of nanodevices, where the electron spin will be used to store information and charge currents will be replaced by spin …


Controlled Assembly of Sb2S3 Nanoparticles on Silica/Polymer Nanotubes: Insights into the Nature of Hybrid Interfaces


Huaming Yang, Mei Li, Liangjie Fu et al.


Silica nanotubes can serve as high aspect ratio templates for the deposition of inorganic nanoparticles to form novel hybrids. However, the nature of the interfacial binding is …


The role of water content in triboelectric charging of wind-blown sand


Zhaolin Gu, Wei Wei, Junwei Su et al.


Triboelectric charging is common in desert sandstorms and dust devils on Earth; however, it remains poorly understood. Here we show a charging mechanism of sands with the adsorbed …


Radioactive Cs capture in the early solar system


Hiroshi Hidaka, Shigekazu Yoneda


Barium isotopic compositions of primitive materials in the solar system are generally affected by s- and r-process nucleosynthetic components that hide the contribution of the …


Integration of microplasma with transmission electron microscopy: Real-time observation of gold sputtering and island formation


K. Tai, T. J. Houlahan, J. G. Eden et al.


An in situ platform for characterizing plasma-materials interactions at the nanoscale in the transmission electron microscope (TEM) has been demonstrated. Integrating a DC …


A nanoscale co-precipitation approach for property enhancement of Fe-base alloys


Zhongwu Zhang, Chain Tsuan Liu, Michael K. Miller et al.


Precipitate size and number density are two key factors for tailoring the mechanical behavior of nanoscale precipitate-hardened alloys. However, during thermal aging, the …


ERRATUM: Identification of cardiolipin binding sites on cytochrome c oxidase at the entrance of proton channels


C. Arnarez, S. J. Marrink, X. Periole



Interface Trap States in Organic Photodiodes


Francesco Arca, Sandro F. Tedde, Maria Sramek et al.


Organic semiconductors are attractive for optical sensing applications due to the effortless processing on large active area of several cm2, which is difficult to achieve with …


Liquid-liquid-solid transition in viscoelastic liquids


Aleksander Zubelewicz


Liquid-liquid-solid transitions (LLST) are known to occur in confined liquids, exist in supercooled liquids and emerge in liquids driven from equilibrium. Molecular dynamics (MD) …


Microscopic Analysis of the Interaction of Gold Nanoparticles with Cells of the Innate Immune System


César Pascual García, Vadim Sumbayev, Douglas Gilliland et al.


Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) can interfere with some of the biochemical processes of macrophage cells but the mechanisms of action of these potentially medically-relevant effects …


Surface Plasmon Damping Quantified with an Electron Nanoprobe


Michel Bosman, Enyi Ye, Shu Fen Tan et al.


Fabrication and synthesis of plasmonic structures is rapidly moving towards sub-nanometer accuracy in control over shape and inter-particle distance. This holds the promise for …


A mathematical model of the London riots and their policing


Toby P. Davies, Hannah M. Fry, Alan G. Wilson et al.


In August 2011, several areas of London experienced episodes of large-scale disorder, comprising looting, rioting and violence. Much subsequent discourse has questioned the …


Monochromatic computed tomography with a compact laser-driven X-ray source


K. Achterhold, M. Bech, S. Schleede et al.


A laser-driven electron-storage ring can produce nearly monochromatic, tunable X-rays in the keV energy regime by inverse Compton scattering. The small footprint, relative low …


Potentially-toxic and essential elements profile of AH1N1 patients in Mexico City


Mireya Moya, Edgar G. Bautista, Antonio Velázquez-González et al.


During spring of 2009, a new influenza virus AH1N1 spread in the world causing acute respiratory illness and death, resulting in the first influenza pandemic since 1968. Blood …


Quantitative x-ray phase imaging at the nanoscale by multilayer Laue lenses


Hanfei Yan, Yong S. Chu, Jörg Maser et al.


For scanning x-ray microscopy, many attempts have been made to image the phase contrast based on a concept of the beam being deflected by a specimen, the so-called differential …


Supported Core@Shell Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cells: Close Encounter with Reality


Seung Jun Hwang, Sung Jong Yoo, Jungho Shin et al.


Core@shell electrocatalysts for fuel cells have the advantages of a high utilization of Pt and the modification of its electronic structures toward enhancement of the activities. …


Sub-10 nm Gate Length Graphene Transistors: Operating at Terahertz Frequencies with Current Saturation


Jiaxin Zheng, Lu Wang, Ruge Quhe et al.


Radio-frequency application of graphene transistors is attracting much recent attention due to the high carrier mobility of graphene. The measured intrinsic cut-off frequency (fT) …

Earth & Environmental Sciences top

Radioactive Cs capture in the early solar system


Hiroshi Hidaka, Shigekazu Yoneda


Barium isotopic compositions of primitive materials in the solar system are generally affected by s- and r-process nucleosynthetic components that hide the contribution of the …


Seabird diets provide early warning of sardine fishery declines in the Gulf of California


Enriqueta Velarde, Exequiel Ezcurra, Daniel W. Anderson


Small pelagic fisheries show wide fluctuations, generally attributed to oceanographic anomalies. Most data on these fisheries come from landings, often reporting sustained …


The role of water content in triboelectric charging of wind-blown sand


Zhaolin Gu, Wei Wei, Junwei Su et al.


Triboelectric charging is common in desert sandstorms and dust devils on Earth; however, it remains poorly understood. Here we show a charging mechanism of sands with the adsorbed …


A deepwater fish with 'lightsabers' – dorsal spine-associated luminescence in a counterilluminating lanternshark


Julien M. Claes, Mason N. Dean, Dan-Eric Nilsson et al.


We report the discovery of light organs (photophores) adjacent to the dorsal defensive spines of a small deep-sea lanternshark (Etmopterus spinax). Using a visual modeling based on


A mathematical model of the London riots and their policing


Toby P. Davies, Hannah M. Fry, Alan G. Wilson et al.


In August 2011, several areas of London experienced episodes of large-scale disorder, comprising looting, rioting and violence. Much subsequent discourse has questioned the …


Earth's youngest exposed granite and its tectonic implications: the 10–0.8 Ma Kurobegawa Granite


Hisatoshi Ito, Ryuji Yamada, Akihiro Tamura et al.


Although the quest for Earth's oldest rock is of great importance, identifying the youngest exposed pluton on Earth is also of interest. A pluton is a body of intrusive igneous …

Health Sciences top

Monochromatic computed tomography with a compact laser-driven X-ray source


K. Achterhold, M. Bech, S. Schleede et al.


A laser-driven electron-storage ring can produce nearly monochromatic, tunable X-rays in the keV energy regime by inverse Compton scattering. The small footprint, relative low …


Running humans attain optimal elastic bounce in their teens


Mario A. Legramandi, Bénédicte Schepens, Giovanni A. Cavagna


In an ideal elastic bounce of the body, the time during which mechanical energy is released during the push equals the time during which mechanical energy is absorbed during the …

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