

Are Ukip Really A Threat To The Conservatives?

April 29, 2013
Boris Johnson has said Ukip leader Nigel Farage is essentially no different from the Conservatives and is "a rather engaging geezer" in an about-face from the hostile exchanges between the parties over the weekend.

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The DRC and Sexual Violence: Too Often Forgotten
Some places almost never get the attention they deserve. One of these is the Democratic Republic of Congo. A vast country of some 80 million people, at the heart of Africa. It has struggled since independence in 1960 with a poor colonial legacy, cold war manipulations, venal and incompetent governments, and a succession of wars. Continue reading...
It Was Always Predictable the Press Would Try to Boycott Any Leveson-Compliant System
When you've been untouchable and all powerful and have successfully fought off seven previous government attempts to put an end to press abuse, you don't give your power up lightly. So the announcement that three newspaper groups have "rejected" the Royal Charter, recently agreed by a united House of Commons, is not surprising. Continue reading...
Raising an Autistic Child - My Family and Other Aliens
Trying to protect a child with special needs from being bullied is like trying to stop ice melting in the desert. There were calls to the school, meetings, promises of closer scrutiny in the playground. But basically, when it comes to defeating bullying - particularly when your child is an obvious target ­ - a parent might as well be standing up to Voldermort with a butter knife. Continue reading...
Cleared for Release but Denied Freedom - Shaker Aamer and Guantanamo Bay
Aamer has been cleared for transfer on two separate occasions by the US government - in 2007 when the Bush administration conceded they had no evidence against him and again in 2009. Nearly four years later he remains in Guantanamo Bay and is currently on a hunger strike with 62 other inmates. Continue reading...
Bedding Out: When Taking to Your Bed Is Both Activism and Art
The cuts are hideous. There have been protests and petitions and a growing argument within the disability movement about the nature of activism. For me, Bedding Out also asks is getting angry and shouting the only way to affect change? Continue reading...

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