

Before the bell rings tomorrow...

Schaeffer’s Investment Research

Dear Z,

You missed tonight's deadline...and my latest Weekend Trader email just went out with the first batch of hot trades targeting +100% gains.

Maybe you were too busy.

Maybe you just thought it was too good to be true.

Or maybe you didn't get my message at all. I'm sorry if that was the case...

And I understand how you could be skeptical. Up to $24,000 in extra cash over the next 90 days is a lot of money. Especially for only about 7 minutes of "smart work" each week.

But if you're willing to re-examine the details, I've made arrangements for you to take advantage of this offer at a substantial discount.

Plus...you still have time to set up tonight's hot batch of trades before the opening bell sounds tomorrow morning!

But this is your last chance. I hope you get in. Because I really want you to have the opportunity to make big gains – just like these 9 RECENT winners my Weekend Trader Series subscribers banked:

101% GAINS on Silver Wheaton...100% GAINS on Caterpillar...100% GAINS on Green Mountain Coffee Roasters...101% GAINS on VeriSign...100% GAINS on Goldman Sachs Group...90% GAINS on Yahoo!...100% GAINS on Charles Schwab...100% GAINS on Kimberly-Clark...100% GAINS on SPDR Gold Trust...

I think you'll agree that these are pretty impressive wins. And many of them were banked in less than 30 days.

I'm talking about pocketing:

$1,410 in EXTRA CASH on Charles Schwab in just 10 days

$1,350 in EXTRA CASH on Green Mountain Coffee Roasters in just 15 days

$1,263 in EXTRA CASH on Goldman Sachs Group in just 25 days

Can you imagine how quickly your portfolio could grow with 1 or 2 trades targeting +100% gains every single week?

That's why I'm giving you one last chance to grab tonight's batch of trades immediately...plus save 57% on your subscription!

Your Last Chance to Save 57%!
Sign up before MIDNIGHT tonight and save $262!

Schaeffer's Investment Research Get 3 months of hot trades for only $197...and grab your first trades immediately!

Once you're signed up, just go to "MY ACCOUNT" at the top of SchaeffersResearch.com. After logging in, click the "Free Services" tab under "My Products" to see your first Weekend Trader recommendations.

But this is your absolute last chance to get in. After midnight the discount disappears – along with tonight's hot trade. So don't hesitate another minute.

Schaeffer's Investment Research Click here before midnight to become a Weekend Trader and get your first potential money-doubling trade right away!


Bernie Schaeffer

P.S. I've pasted my message from Friday morning below. Read on for all the details. Then click above before MIDNIGHT tonight to sign up and immediately access your first hot Weekend Trader recommendation!

You could be up to $24,000 richer.

In the next 90 days.

With just 7 minutes of "smart work."

And it starts this Sunday...

Dear Z,

How many different ways are there to make up to an extra $24,000 over the next 90 days?

There's a casino. The lottery. A game show, perhaps.

But once you rule those out (and the illegal options, of course)...you're pretty much left with two possibilities.

Hard work or smart investing.

Hard work is admirable. But doing an extra $8,000 worth of work every month isn't ideal.

You have no time to relax. Or see your family. Or enjoy yourself.

Unfortunately, smart investing often takes a lot of hard work too.

Without intense research, accurate information, and intelligent analysis...investing becomes little more than gambling.

But what if smart investing didn't require a lot of work?

What if you had the chance to make up to $24,000 in extra cash over the next 90 days...by having someone else do all the work and research? Someone you trust to prime your portfolio with big winners.

And what if all you have to do to target that kind of cash is sit down for 7 minutes at 7:00 p.m. ET on Sunday evening...and check your email?

You probably wouldn't believe it could be that easy. But it's true. And a select group of savvy traders is already doing it.

Here's how.

At 7:00 p.m. ET every Sunday we release 1-2 hot option trades to Weekend Trader subscribers. These trades are designed to put some quick cash in your pocket. Up to $2,000 or more, to be exact.

That's because each trade targets hot gains of +100% in short order.

So if you invest $1,000 in one or both of Sunday's trades, and they hit our target, you'll have a quick $1,000 to $2,000 in your pocket. Do that each week for the next 90 days and you've made up to an astounding $24,000.

In fact, just last week, you could have cashed in a cool $3,290 on these 2 Weekend Trader Series winners in the span of 2 days:

  • 101% GAINS...delivering $1,800 in extra cash on Silver Wheaton puts. Just $1,785 to buy 3 contracts. Pocket $3,585 just 42 days later.
  • 100% GAINS...delivering $1,490 in extra cash on Caterpillar puts. Just $1,490 to buy 2 contracts. Pocket $2,980 just 30 days later.

And you won't believe how easy it is.

Because each Sunday we send you an email directly to your inbox.

You get detailed instructions on how to place your trades...commentary on why we think the trades will post big profits...and instructions on how and when to close out each trade. Everything you need to prime your portfolio for big gains - in one easy-to-understand email.

All you have to do is review the email and place the trades online...or forward the instructions to your broker. It will only take about 7 minutes of your time. Then you have the rest of the evening to kick back.

And Weekend Trader Series really delivers. Just look at a few more recent winners:

Schaeffer's Investment Research
  • $1,350 in EXTRA CASH on Green Mountain Coffee Roasters calls. Buy 2 contracts for $1,350. Pocket $2,700 just 15 days later.
  • $1,883 in EXTRA CASH on VeriSign calls. Buy 3 contracts for $1,867. Pocket $3,750 just 38 days later.
  • $1,263 in EXTRA CASH on Goldman Sachs Group calls. Buy 1 contract for $1,260. Exit with $2,523 just 25 days later.
  • $1,670 in EXTRA CASH on Yahoo! calls. Buy 5 contracts for $1,780. Pocket $3,387 just 3 months later.
  • $1,410 in EXTRA CASH on Charles Schwab calls. Buy 12 contracts for $1,410. Bank $2,820 just 10 days later.
  • $1,815 in EXTRA CASH on Kimberly-Clark calls. Buy 3 contracts for $1,815. Bank $3,630 just 36 days later.
  • $2,018 in EXTRA CASH on SPDR Gold Trust puts. Buy 3 contracts for $2,017. Pocket $4,035 just 36 days later.

That's $11,409 in extra cash we've banked on just 7 recent trades.

And right now I'm reserving a spot for you at a special price. Because for the next few hours, you can try Weekend Trader at a big discount...


Save a whopping 57%...Get 3 Months of Hot Trades for Only $197...And Your First Trades Arrive at 7:00 p.m. ET this Sunday Night!

The regular price for a quarterly subscription to my Weekend Trader is $459 for 3 months of trades. And when you consider that you have the potential to double your money on 1 to 2 trades each week for the next 3 months, I think that's a very reasonable price.

But you don't have to pay $459! Not even close!

That's because until midnight tonight, you save $262 off the 3-month retail price when you become a Weekend Trader. You pay just $197! That's an amazing 57% SAVINGS!

I want this deal to be a no-brainer. That's why I'm offering this 3-month subscription at huge savings. After you sign up, every Sunday night you get 1 to 2 hot trades targeting +100% gains.

That's 12 to 24 potential money-doublers over the next 90 days. If you invest $1,000 in each trade and it hits its target...you'll have an extra $12,000 to $24,000 in your pocket!

No need to make a long-term commitment or big investment. Just 3 months of trades!

But you do have to act now. Because these prices are so low I can't keep this offer open for long. I'm shutting the door on it at midnight tonight.

We need to add you to our list of subscribers to make sure you're set up to receive your first potential money-doubling trades at 7:00 p.m. ET this Sunday night.

Schaeffer's Investment Research So click here now to get started.

The Smarter Way to Profit

The secret of the wealthy is not hard work...it's knowing what to work hard on. We all have our strengths. But we also know there is work that's smarter to delegate to someone else.

If your strength is doing research...analyzing charts and trends...choosing and interpreting indicators...and you have plenty of extra time to spare...

Then trading options on your own is probably pretty easy for you.

On the other hand, if these aren't your strengths, but you still want the chance to rake in as much as $24,000 (or more!) every 90 days...then you may be better off delegating these tasks.

You see, analyzing and researching are what my expert trading team and I do best. We really dig into the data and pick only the top trades we think will make you +100% gains fast.

So why do all the hard work yourself when you could delegate the task to us?

Every Sunday at 7:00 p.m. ET we send you an email with our best one to two option trades targeting +100% gains in short order. It'll take you only 7 minutes or so to review and place the trades.

That's how you work smarter. Then you have more time to work hard on other things. Or relax after a full week of hard work.

And if you act before midnight tonight, you can put my team to work for you for three full months at substantial savings.

Then starting this Sunday at 7:00 p.m. ET, you'll target big +100% gains. Like we pocketed on these Weekend Trader Series plays:

Schaeffer's Investment Research
  • $1,960 in EXTRA CASH on AOL, Inc. calls. Buy 4 contracts for $1,740. Pocket $3,700 just 21 days later. That's a 113% GAIN!
  • $1,825 in EXTRA CASH on Staples puts. Buy 10 contracts for $1,775. Pocket $3,600 just 24 days later. That's a 103% GAIN!
  • $1,960 in EXTRA CASH on Sherwin-Williams Company calls. Buy 2 contracts for $1,750. Pocket $3,560 just 8 days later. That's a 103% GAIN!
  • $1,425 in EXTRA CASH on Steel Dynamics puts. Buy 10 contracts for $1,425. Pocket $2,850 just 16 days later. That's a 100% GAIN!
  • $1,863 in EXTRA CASH on Dollar Tree calls. Buy 2 contracts for $1,857. Pocket $3,720 just 23 days later. That's a 100% GAIN!
  • $1,785 in EXTRA CASH on Newmont Mining puts. Buy 3 contracts for $1,785. Pocket $3,570 just 14 days later. That's a 100% GAIN!
  • $1,820 in EXTRA CASH on Travelers Group calls. Buy 4 contracts for $1,820. Pocket $3,640 just 23 days later. That's a 100% GAIN!
  • $2,150 in EXTRA CASH on LinkedIn Corp. calls. Buy 2 contracts for $1,075. Pocket $4,300 just 16 days later. That's a 100% GAIN!
  • $1,775 in EXTRA CASH on Potash puts. Buy 5 contracts for $1,775. Pocket $3,550 just 25 days later. That's a 100% GAIN!
  • $1,376 in EXTRA CASH on Hewlett-Packard puts. Buy 4 contracts for $1,364. Pocket $2,740 just 17 days later. That's a 101% GAIN!
  • $1,050 in EXTRA CASH on Ryland Group Inc. calls. Buy 2 contracts for $1,050. Pocket $2,100 just 38 days later. That's a 100% GAIN!
  • $1,445 in EXTRA CASH on Cliffs Natural Resources puts. Buy 2 contracts for $1,435. Pocket $2,880 just 43 days later. That's a 101% GAIN!
  • $1,880 in EXTRA CASH on Lululemon Athletica calls. Buy 2 contracts for $1,880. Pocket $3,760 just 11 days later. That's a 100% GAIN!
  • $1,330 in EXTRA CASH on Lowe's calls. Buy 4 contracts for $1,330. Pocket $2,660 less than 2 months later. That's a 100% GAIN!

That's an eye-popping $23,644 in cash from just 14 trades! And this is only a handful of winners.

Imagine targeting gains like these each and every Sunday. With only 7 minutes of "smart work!"

Only Until Midnight Tonight...SAVE 57%!

Save $262...Get 3 Months of Hot Trades for Only $197...

And Your First Batch of Trades Arrives at 7:00 p.m. ET This Sunday Night!

Schaeffer's Investment Research Don't miss a minute of Weekend Trader. Simply click here to get your first batch of recommendations at 7:00 p.m. ET on Sunday.

Extra Cash Has Never Been so Easy

Every week my team pores over literally hundreds of potential plays. We look at them from every angle.

Then at the end of the week, we put our heads together and decide which trades have the best potential for quick, big moves.

We eliminate all but the one or two most remarkable opportunities. And we make sure we have those trades in your inbox at 7:00 p.m. ET every Sunday.

All you have to do is review the recommendation. Then follow the instructions.

That's it. In just 7 minutes you're set up and aiming at BIG +100% gains.

If you hit $2,000 every week, that means you'll have $24,000 extra during your short 90 day subscription...and as much as $96,000 if you did it every week for a full year!

What's more, we position you to help keep from getting stopped out of a big winner.

If you've traded options for any amount of time, I'm sure you've had this happen.

You're confident a trade is going to go your way, but you're not exactly sure where to set your stops. A day later the price hits the limit, stops you out...and immediately ricochets the other way! So you miss out on a big winner simply because you set the wrong price limit on your trade.

Learning where to set limits is something that comes with careful study and plenty of experience. And that's another reason to take advantage of an expert team like the one behind Weekend Trader.

We give you everything you need to set up the trade and exit it based on time and price. So you never have to think about it or be stuck checking your email waiting for closeout instructions.

My team and I have decades of combined experience. And that can mean bigger winners for you.

Imagine the possibility of making up to $2,000 or more each and every week. And in only 7 minutes of "smart work."

But your reserved spot disappears at midnight tonight. So why wait?

Save $262! Become a Weekend Trader before midnight tonight and get 3 months of hot trades for only $197. You SAVE a whopping 57%.

The reason we say it should only take you 7 minutes - or less - to review your trades is because there's no fluff in our recommendation. We get right to the point.

You get the reasons behind why we think the recommendations will deliver +100% gains. Detailed analysis for your review. And the charts and graphs to fill in the gaps. Plus you get all the information needed to set it up and exit it. In one easy-to-read email.

It's everything you need to target +100% gains...aside from an online trading account or a broker.

Schaeffer's Investment Research Just click here now to get started.

You Can Even Profit on a Budget!

Now you may be thinking...my budget is tight...I'm not sure if I can afford to play options right now. Well, I think you'll be surprised just how little it costs...

How does less than $500 for one option contract sound?

Those Staples puts that pulled in 103% gains? Just $178 per contract. Or how about the Steel Dynamics puts that delivered 100% gains? Just $143 per contract. Or the AOL, Inc. calls that banked 113% gains? Just $435 per contract!

And sometimes a recommendation will cost a little more. But for those rare times that it does, it's simply because I would hate for you to miss out on a really hot profit opportunity...just because it is a little higher priced.

Of course, not every trade will make 100% gains. But you don't need to hit a home run every time you step up to the plate to be a winner. Our Weekend Trader Series racks up many solid double-digit hits as well. Just like:

Schaeffer's Investment Research
  • $1,420 in extra cash from Whole Foods Market calls. Buy 1 contract for $1,528 and pocket $2,948 just 63 days later. A 93% GAIN!
  • $1,240 in extra cash from Seagate Technology calls. Buy 4 contracts for $1,500 and pocket $2,740 in just 14 days. An 83% GAIN!
  • $1,237 in extra cash from Facebook, Inc calls. Buy 3 contracts for $1,530 and pocket $2,767 just 42 days later. An 81% GAIN!
  • $1,200 in extra cash from Union Pacific calls. Buy 2 contracts for $2,040 and pocket $3,240 just 15 days later. A 59% GAIN!
  • $846 in extra cash from JDS Uniphase puts. Buy 4 contracts for $1,294 and pocket $2,140 just 1 month later. A 65% GAIN!
  • $1,239 in extra cash from Sherwin-Williams Company calls. Buy 1 contract for $1,695 and pocket $2,934 just 49 days later. A 73% GAIN!

These are just a few of the double-digit winners that Weekend Trader Series subscribers pocketed.

You Must Act by Midnight Tonight!

Join my Weekend Trader before midnight tonight and get 3 months of hot trades for only $197.

You SAVE $262 off the regular $459 3-month price. And you'll get 1-2 trades each week for the next 90 days!

Plus, you can get started in just 2 days from today!

Because at 7:00 p.m. ET on Sunday evening, I'll send you 1 to 2 hot trades - each targeting gains of +100% in short order.

Schaeffer's Investment Research So click here now to become a Weekend Trader - and grab your first trades Sunday night - in just 2 days!

Of course, there will be losing trades too. That's to be expected in options trading. The truth is even if you've been trading options for 30+ years like I have, you still have losing trades.

But remember...the most you can lose on any single trade is the amount you invested, while your potential gains are unlimited. It only takes a few big winners to more than overpower any losing trades that you may have along the way...and that's why I love options trading so much.

The Most Profitable 7 Minutes of the Week!

Being a Weekend Trader is truly the easiest way to potentially make up to $24,000 or more in extra cash over the next 90 days.

Every week you aim for big +100% gains. With profits like $1,800 on Silver Wheaton puts...$1,490 on Caterpillar puts...or $1,883 on VeriSign calls I told you about earlier.

And all that could add up to big profits in just 3 months.

Look...I know that you work hard to build up your retirement savings, save for your kid's college fund, and try to provide a few little luxuries for your family.

But sometimes you just have to take a break and relax. That's why being a Weekend Trader is so great.

Because every Sunday, you get 1 to 2 hot trades - each targeting money-doubling gains in short order. And you don't have to break a sweat to do it. Or miss a minute of downtime.

It takes just 7 minutes to review our Weekend Trader recommendations. Place your trades online or read the instructions directly to your broker over the phone. It's that easy.

And you can trust that every single Weekend Trader recommendation I send you is hand-picked by my expert trading team and me. We spend hours selecting the right ones for you.

You can position yourself to target double-your-money gains with my Weekend Trader recommendations and finally relax a little.

And you can do it with no long-term commitment!

Sign up before midnight tonight and save a whopping $262 off the regular price of $459. That's a HUGE 57% savings. You pay only $197 for 3 months of trading!

And remember you could potentially double your money in just days. Your first trade alone could quickly pay for the cost of your subscription...or much more!

I know that once you see the kinds of gains you can make and how easy these trades are to execute...

...you'll want to keep my Weekend Trader recommendations coming month after month.

So right now you have three choices...

You can put in the hard work and countless hours of research to target 100% winners on your own.

You can work harder at your job. And hope that you get a raise or bonus that equals $24,000 over the next 90 days.

Or, you can take the easiest route and get up to 24 trades targeting +100% gains with my Weekend Trader over the next 3 months for $262 off the regular price!

So please hurry and take me up on this terrific offer.

Schaeffer's Investment Research Click here to get started right away. Because you only have until midnight tonight to get in for a discount...and grab your first trades at 7:00 p.m. ET on Sunday evening!

You can also call 1-800-448-2080 Ext. 1251 to speak to one of my helpful product specialists Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET.

Let my Weekend Trader give you the chance to make up to $2,000 in EXTRA CASH each week...up to $24,000 over the next 3 months...or up to $96,000 over the next year!

But you can't experience the gains for yourself if you don't give it a try!

So join today and get your first batch of 1 to 2 Weekend Trader recommendations at 7:00 p.m. ET this Sunday!


Bernie Schaeffer, Chairman & CEO

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman and CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
5151 Pfeiffer Road, Suite 250
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
International 1-513-589-3800

P.S. With my Weekend Trader, you could make up to $2,000 or more in extra cash every week. And your first batch of trades arrives at 7:00 p.m. ET this Sunday - in just 2 short days! So hurry! I MUST hear from you by midnight tonight!

Schaeffer's Investment Research There's no time to lose. Just click here to get started.

Schaeffer’s Investment Research

If you have any questions about SchaeffersResearch.com, Bernie Schaeffer or any of our products or services, send an e-mail message to service@sir-inc.com or please call us at 1-800-448-2080.

Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing the amount invested in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable.

If you wish to be excluded from future notices, do not reply to this message. Instead, please go to the following address:

Schaeffer's Investment Research does not give individualized market advice. Your subscription is guaranteed with a 30 day full refund policy, non-refundable thereafter.

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