

Calgary Builders' Plot.. Teacher Sentenced For Student Sex.. No Zero Policy Reversed

April 25, 2013
No More Horrible Bosses - Reinventing the Office Environment
Thankfully most of us will never experience being threatened with death or blackmailed by our bosses. However, many of us could relate to Kevin Spacey's one beady eye on the clock and another on a closed-circuit video revealing precisely when his employees arrived at work through the company parking garage. Spacey's David Harken was driven not only by his addictions -- to power, humiliation, $1,400 suits and early-morning highballs -- but also by a century-old workplace myth: you have to physically watch the people you lead to determine whether they're being productive. Continue reading...
The Dinosaurs of Outer-urbia
The current scandal surrounding the real estate developers in Calgary and their efforts to influence the October 2013 municipal elections is evidence of an industry feeling entitled to proceed with business as they see fit but unable or unwilling to innovate or think strategically or critically about their direction. Continue reading...
Communicating with Nature and Stubborn Old Man Winter (CARTOON)
Here's hoping we've seen the last of old man winter! Continue reading...
This Dad Was Charged a $22,000 Roaming Fee and Is Fighting Back
Matt Buie, a financial planner and father living in Burnaby, B.C., was recently stunned by a $22,000 roaming charge on his cell phone account incurred by his 11-year-old while on vacation. After Buie spoke out in the media and talked to other cell phone users he quickly realized that he was not alone in feeling price-gouged, and is now taking action. Continue reading...
96 Years Later, Vimy Still Inspires
Canada's achievements and sacrifices at Vimy Ridge 96 years ago have become a very meaningful touchstone for Canadians. The Vimy legacy has helped to build a bridge to a well-deserved national sense of pride and achievement. Let's all consider our unique history and Canada's place as a civil and open society. Continue reading...

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